Why are you into bodybuilding?

why are you into bodybuilding?

CrossFit actually tests physical capacity instead of being a retarded beauty contest with zero objective metrics and a completely opaque judging process. The grotesque retards on the stages nowadays are a fucking joke to the rest of society.

A lot of bodybuilders are excellent physical specimens who could at least be regional-level competitive if they spent six months learning CrossFit.

Why are you guys wasting your time being bored in the gym doing dumbbell curls?


do something useful with your body instead of dying of a heart attack before you hit 50


I do more volume in a day than you crossfit cucks do in a week, and I'm a recreational lifter...

Exceptional cross fitters look like mediocre bodybuilders at best. Simple weight training is much more efficient to build muscle and strength. Crossfit does give a person better endurance but how does that compare to bodybuilding? First off adding in sprints and changing rep range can train endurance but what the fuck do you even plan on doing with endurance? There aren't many uses for swinging a kettle bell around verses the strength that one gets from weights is actually used for other things. So the endurance is useless and doesn't compare to bodybuilding.

Sure you could argue that bodybuilding is vain pointless as you only really look good from it but the fuck is the point of cross fit then? Literally doing exercises to become "more fit" and have more "functional strength" that weights do a more efficient job at achieving. If your talking about sports learn mma fighting or something. And then performance still greatly depends on size/muscle. The stronger guy will always win (in a trained vs trained fight). Its why weight classes exist.

what are you going to "do" with lifting? pack extremely heavy boxes? endurance is actually useful just for having energy throughout the day

lol crossfit "athletes" are just weightlifters that couldn't make it to the olympics so they found a niche market being paid to pretend they learnt to lift with cross-shit, even though all they ever got from it is crippled

99% of crosshit gyms have completely retarded workouts that won't do shit for you

doing burpees with shitty form is not a sport, faggot. try doing actual weightlifting if you think you have what it takes, or play football.

You get strength. And you still get energy throughout the day, its not like crossfit does a better job at giving energy. I weight lift for 2 hours a day. My shirt will be drenched with sweat by the time I finish. Its not like cross requires more energy and therefore gives more energy.

I don't really know how to go through all the uses of strength throughout each day. You could argue that if you work a desk job you literally don't need it and I'd argue that you'd be a bitch, a lifestyle built around being inactive and mediocrity. But things like helping your friend move. The simple act of carrying things is easier the stronger you get. Any form of manual labor become easier the stronger you get.

I get comparing bodybuilding to actual sports but not to crossfit.

fair enough, I have no idea what crossfit is but energy in the day is mostly about your blood volume bringing nutrients to all your cells. I train cardio because I have no need for huge muscles and want to improve health, get more lean, etc.

Crossfit is a sport for people who are terrible at every real sport so they compensated by making training (you know, the thing you do to prepare for a real sport) into a sport itself.

Oh boy, you're the fastest at "doing high volume of exercise A and then jumping on an airdyne for 30 seconds". Watch out olympics, here come the crossfit gamez!

Why do they say volume? Is this a retarded meme or there is an actual relation with volume (as oppose to weight)?

crossfit is heavily based on absurd volume

A workout would be:

50 pullups
As many pushups in 3 minutes
1000 m on the rower
50 kettlebell swings
25 tire flips
2 minutes battleropes

Repeat 2 more times.

There's nothing wrong with the concept of doing fast reps or more reps. Or "functional" strength.

The problem comes with doing a bunch of reps within a time period to sacrifice safe technique for more reps. When the coaches tell you to hurry up your dangerous fucking lifting or make you do fucking speed snatches is a problem. Also the whole box jumping fad is dangerous as fuck too. And kipping pullups. And the price. And how you get qualified to become a coach.

If they just taught newbies olympic lifts correctly without pressure to do it faster, Crossfit would be a lot better. Even with kipping pullups.

But kipping pullups highlight the problems of it - getting the reps done no matter what.

I feel like a lot of people just don't get crossfit.

I was in the Marines, and functional fitness is everything. It's really fucking annoying to basically run all the time as your cardio, got into crossfit when some guys who were a bit smaller than me completely showed me up and were not only stronger but had way more endurance than I did.

Crossfit is fun as fuck, you basically compete with others in doing workouts. Alone it sucks, but if you got some others that are into it, you can basically turn your workout into something fun and competitive.

Yeah there's some shitty fucking crosfitters that just get into it and fuck themselves up by not having proper form and whatnot, but that's the same with everything.

I just get tired of reading all the hate on something that 99% of you have never tried and don't know how insanely hard most of the shit they do is. Crossfit is basically about turning a workout into something fun without having a set number of people to play a sport or some shit. It's basically competitive circuit training, if it weren't for crossfit I wouldn't have ever gotten into Olympic lifting or even really knew what it was.

And speaking from experience, you do get a lot fucking stronger doing the workouts while also gaining a fuckton of endurance. You might say you can do powerlifting and running to get the same result, but that's not as fun.

I'll be honest. Because I am vain. Because I want to be physically imposing. Because I want glory. I want that animal respect people get when they see someone who is jacked out o their mind. Did I mention it is physically pleasurable to be muscular? Because it is. I want to get fucking ripped. But I also do sprints and jumps. I want to be all-around superior, user. It FEELS GOOD.

I don't get it, why do crossfitters do all this meme shit if they just do it for endurance? Why not just do nonstop running or something? Seems alot simpler and more difficult to fail. As for building muscle, weight lifting seems to be the best way to go, so I don't see why you couldn't incorporate both endurance and lifting.

what's the meaning of volume in this context? 5 litres of pushups? 3 gallons of running?
An an engineer this makes no sense.

>you basically compete with others in doing workouts
This is essentially what's retarded about crossfit. There's no point if you're interested in actually developing physical fitness, in planning your workouts based around what someone else in your gym is doing. Do your own thing, there's always going to be someone stronger, faster and with more stamina than you. If you wanna compete, go compete in an actual sport.

different muscles groups retard
running works endurance on a specific muscles, not the entire body

just because you work endurance with the punching bag doesn't mean you become a good endurance runner

jesus why are you so retarded..

I don’t understand how this comment is constructive, or encourages the reader to think more deeply about anything. It appears to me that this comment’s only purpose is to display the cleverness of the author. Unfortunately, despite the collective efforts of the commentariate, we do get infiltration from those who are apparently determined to give the impression that they are incapable of parsing an entire piece of writing and reading it as a whole.
As has been previously noted (regular readers will be aware) we (that’s the “Royal we” — fellow commenters, occasional contributors such as myself and the moderator team) are engaged in an ongoing attempt to keep the quality of comments at its former impeccably high standard. Sadly, this is more of an effort than it should be.
And as a writer, it is rather tiresome having to try to explain to the occasional numpty who happens across a post basic reading comprehension skills, how to follow an argument when it is constructed long-form and the ability to master data interpretation.
And I’ve just caught up on all the subsequent comments on this page. All the other commenters have managed to make coherent and intelligible contributions that furthered my understanding or gave me something to think about, because they took the trouble to type more than a single sentence. I don’t agree with everything that’s been said in other comments. Quite the opposite in a couple of cases. But at least I understand what was expressed and the intention behind it.

If crossfit is so great, why do crossfitters feel the need to write a short essay in its defense?

Lol you mean as an autist


Its just not the same, not at all. I got into it for a few years, had a fun time, learned a lot, was humbled by it. I've played sports, but they just weren't my thing. Crossfit just basically turned circuit training into a sport, and that was my thing for a while. I fucking loved doing it and don't regret it. People like you are just naysayers "do x instead of y or z." y and z are not the same thing. Stop criticizing something you haven't done or experienced. How about you do your thing, and I'll do mine

Being beautiful will generally get you further in life than being a great athlete, excluding extreme circumstances such as sports careers.

Training isn't a sport. I've done circuit training for sports when I wrestled; it's fun, it's demanding, it's not a competitive activity in itself. So the competitive nature of crossfit is already retarded and out of the discussion, what's left? The quality of their workouts. I've seen them before, they're trash. Circuit workouts are meant to have a goal, not just to be exhausting.

I'm serious. I don't get it :p

Ok you are literally retarded at this point. Anything is competitive if you make it competitive. You know squats were just accessories for sports to get you into shape. So powerlifting isn't competitive?

What's the point of a run? To get fucking exhausted. You set a certain distance, you put your all into it. People do it and compete in it. You are calling something retarded without actually thinking your logic through.

>hey guys do CrossFit instead or ur dumb
CrossFit is dumb
>no u waa waa ur all dumb waa

Literally this thread

What are you competing in? If you lift more weight than another, you already won.

If you lift the same amount faster than another person for more reps that's retarded. Lifting weights is already sketchy enough without trying to ego lift something faster than another person. Ego lifting weight slowly is already dangerous as fuck. Now imagine trying to lift something against someone who very well could be stronger than you and sacrificing form just so you can beat them on something you would have trouble on with perfect form.

Example: bouncing deadlifts with a catback against other catback bouncers

Of course it will get your body working hard, but it's also not fucking safe in the least. Just because you get away with it for a while doesn't mean it doesn't accumulate.

Even simple things like box jumps are dangerous when you add the element of competition. How many videos are there of exhausted people failing a boxjump and failing enormously?

Yes Crossfit can get you in some sort of arbitrary shape which is funner for people who can't find fun in normal lifting, but that doesn't mean the way they do it isn't dangerous, nor does it mean lifting weights is boring.

Everything is fun to someone. That doesn't mean it's better or safer than lifting weights/your choice of cardio. I'd rather do fucking zercher deadlifts and hit the boxing bag than learn how to do a snatch faster than the 165 pound soccer mom with pussy sweat on her bad choice of wearing grey yoga pants.

crossfitters are definitely not weightlifters

fuck yourself

the roidlet crossfitters you see on instagram make up like 1% of actual crossfitters. the rest of them are betas trying to get ripped and soccer mums trying to be edgy.

also the ones you see on instagram are always lifting fucking babyweight when you compare them to actual weightlifters in at their bodyweight

The whole thing with deadlift form is completely fucked from the get go anyway. I've snapped my back with perfect fucking form, never strayed from it, the moment my back would round I stop lifting. Never touched DL again after that, while there are a metric fuckton of videos of people with shit form doing 700+ DL maxing out. Form seems to mean absolutely nothing, it's just about whether your body has adapted to it.

Nothing is safe when you put your all into it. Every fucking sport has inherent risk. No sport is dumber than football or rugby, but we love it anyway. More people watch crossfit than other niche sports. That says something. It's accessible and easy to try and get into. If people have bad form on box jumps and miss a jump, that's on them. I've missed a box jump, many times, you get back up and keep going. Stop thinking like a pussy.

Alright brother. Good luck with your fitness journey.

>I've snapped my back with perfect fucking form
Could be your grip slipped or something. It was a form issue possibly but on the surface it doesn't seem so. Also high rep deadlifts is dumb.

I've reached a 4plate deadlift and I've stopped at that.


I'm have a Master's degree in electrical engineering. You're a fuckin retard if you cant figure out what they're talking about. You'll soon be an unemployed engineer assuming you aren't a first year uni student.

grip did not slip
was doing 3 rep range at 87% with reset (no bounce)
Pulled 2 inches off the ground on the first lift and just felt 3 or 4 snaps quickly making me drop the weight
>this can't be happening.jpg
I literally did everything perfectly, but my back just could not handle it. I have a feeling maybe a neutral spine is not optimal. Rounded structures are much more stable than flat ones. Or maybe I'm wrong and my back just couldn't handle it. Either way, snap city is real, and form was not the issue.

volume is the total amount of reps

you have to have a phd in an hard science or math to post here please pack your shit up and get the fuck out

Sounds like form was entirely the issue though.

Especially to someone defending crossfit

mmk friend believe what you like

I'm not the one with the broken back so I feel superior in this conversation.

Because bodybuilding is about building the most aesthetic body. For some people, being a huge monster on stage is their goal. We aren't really interested in competing for anything other than that. Bodybuilding isn't a lifting/endurance competition.

Me too, but go ahead and explain then Tesla

CF will never ever be taken seriously especially with fucking retards like this violating HIPAA. The CF corporate is just shooting themselves in the foot and I'm going to break out the popcorn and my lawn chair when they have a huge lawsuit on their hands and lose and see all those pretendo trainers with their Crosshit certs cry when it becomes nothing.

Back isn't broken, just stopped doing DL and started Olympic weightlifting. No idea what that snap was but it only hurt like hell for 2 weeks.

It's your decision not to believe me when I say my form was a perfectly neutral spine. I've heard others stories too that said their form was also good and they snapped their shit up but I was the same as you and thought they must've done something wrong. Now I believe them and know that it probably has more to do with your anatomy and/or adaptation to the lift, especially when you see some people ONLY deadlift with rounded backs all the goddamn time.

>3 reps at 87%
Literally retarded programming and a recipe for injury. All those huge dudes you see lifting 700lbs spend 3 months in the off season doing bodybuilding work, another 3-6 months doing strength training prepping for comp where the heaviest they lift is probably 85% doubles and maybe occasional almost max effort 85% triples or 90% doubles/singles, but most importantly just get a shit ton of reps in with heavy weight, then they taper and dissipate as much fatigue as they can before they attempt singles at 95%+.

Take PH3 for example, a program notorious for injuring people and probably the program that Injured Layne himself multiple times. The final phase after 2+ months of building up to the heavy lifting, 4 weeks out from tapering. features 4 sets of 2 with 87.5% for deadlifts and the last set is an AMRAP. You got away with a minor strain, Layne gave himself a hernia and couldn't compete for like 2 years or some shit. I can't imagine doing multiple triples with 87% on deadlift as part of every day off season training and expecting to stay healthy.

Thanks user. Is total amount of reps alone a representative figure in any way to measure the results of a workout?
I mean, 100 reps with 100 grams weights won't do much I reckon compared to 10 reps at 50kg.

Sorry for the stupid question. I'm a team sports guy that starting to get into gym workouts for lack of time. Just trying to understand this "unit" of workout I keep reading around here in /fit.

Transcending humanity

Don't be a dummy m8
Volume = sets x reps x weight

Total reps * 8. But for the purpose of lifting, it's better to manipulate training volume in terms of number of sets, because a maximal set of 10 has a similar effect on recovery to a maximal set of 3, but getting 500kg volume with 90% of your 1rm is way harder than getting 500kg total volume with sets of 10. Therefore, you increase sets to add volume when working towards a specific goal (I.E. to drive 1rm progress, add sets of 1-3 with 80-90% of your 1rm, to drive muscle gain progress, add sets of 8+ reps with 60-75% of your 1rm).

Thanks user. This makes complete sense now.

>total reps * 8

What the fuck I meant total reps * weight

>I was in the Marines
So you don't know what you're talking about

Great explanation. Thank you!

man shut the fuck up

The fuck does that mean

He did like two hours ago you retard.

Dude, you're on Veeky Forums, a Veeky Forums board. You really think this is the place that's going to suck your dick for choosing to be a welfare queen just because that's the norm in reality?

I like the idea behind CrossFit, but the random WoD shit execution really kills it for me.

Are you really that dumb to not understand the context? I'm literally talking about functional fitness and how its important in that field. You're projecting your own beta thoughts and assumed that.

Based on your original post, you stated that some smaller guys were stronger and had more endurance than you. Speaking on functional strength, you noted that you wouldn't have gotten into oly lifting had you not been introduced into crossfit, so one can only assume that you didn't lift to begin with and were left with military "fitness" standards. I understand that being in the Marines you have a lot of running as your pt, but you should now consider that there are many forms of cardio available to you like stationary bikes and stair climbers to name a couple.

I'm no fan of CrossFit, but it helps him reach his fitness goals as well as function optimally for his career in a way he enjoys. No need to get autismal about it.

and as I said it's way more fun than all that other shit for cardio

>A patient died? Awesome, I can shill my shit on Instagram.
What a cunt

>functional fitness
Lmao get over yourself you trained for the wrong goals because you didn't want to put effort into training intelligently and you blamed the training system. If you wanted to be strong and conditioned your GPP should have been barbell work in the first place, you shouldn't need crossfit to tell you to do it. If smaller guys are stronger than you it means you should have done more reps above 80%. If smaller guys have more endurance than you, it means you weighed too much or didn't do enough cardio with proper progressive overload. Doing randomly picked crossfit workouts is always going to be better than doing randomly picked bodybuilding workouts because it was originally better suited for your goals, but that doesn't mean having a training system is worse. The fact of the matter is that you're shitting on the way strongman athletes train, the way powerlifters train, the way olympic weightlifters train and even the way real high level crossfit athletes train simply because you were too lazy to properly structure your training. I'd expect someone in the military to have a bit more respect for people who have achieved great things in strength sports. Controlled training systems with specific variables will always be better than random WODs.

If you wanted to be able to sprint across a field carrying 100lbs you should have bought yourself a nice, sturdy weight vest, and used it to weigh you down while you sprinted up a nice small hill 3 times a week adding an extra 10lbs every time you hit 5 laps within X minutes, or you should have been doing farmers' carries and prowler pushes. If you wanted to deadlift 600lbs you should have been doing 20-30 reps a week of singles, doubles and triples with at least 80% of your 1 rep max, dropping the weight and increasing variation/volume/reps when you stall because you need to put on more muscle, then training for maximal strength adaptations again afterwards.