Pretty comfy right now

Monero is the future. You can buy drugs with it on the darkweb. Everyone likes drugs. You can keep your forked shitcoins, I'm stacking XMR. Have fun being poor

There are 5 monero threads active right now, do we really need another? come on, I own monero but, damn.

but monero forks every 6 months user...

Bought 20 XMR this morning

Monero and anonymous cryptocurrency that can be hacked to tell the senders IP address. Hmmmm not so anonymous.

the wallet has a command to show connected peers, it's how the internet works

Vergen detected

>Monero and anonymous cryptocurrency that can be hacked to tell the senders IP address. Hmmmm not so anonymous.
yeah monero is also compromised by shoving a hot soldering iron in your asshole so you'll tell wallet password
absolutely not secure


>he doesnt use zcash
sure i trust fluffypony more than a university professor for cryptography

Biggest piece of shit in crypto

you dont need to trust fluffypony, thats the beauty if a decentralized trustless currency.
You do however need to trust your university professor to not create infinite coins that cant be detected.

Keep coping vergen

Wallets closed on Bittrex


>newfag detected
not even devs that worked on zcash trust it

woops, i'm sorry.


XMR is great tech but it is flawed.

Zencash offers a superior platform for privacy due to being both having a unit of value and having the ability to communicate over it. XMR was like Namecoin back in the day. A great test coin but one that was ultimately improved upon and made pointless.

we don't fucking care about the tech. What we care if it has a pair with USDT. If it has it will pump hard. look at bcc, btc

oh shit mine too wtf

>trusted setup like the other Z* coins
>not even a ceremony for that trusted setup
>99% chance that the dev still holds the keys from the trusted setup
>99% chance he will print undetectable coins with that
>"superior platform"

>A great test coin but one that was ultimately improved upon and made pointless.
literally nothing stops monero from further improvement
thats why they hard fork all the time
thats why they have testbeds like aeon
they might even add your ability to communicate after korvi

Get the fuck out of the thread, Andrew.

Still waiting for my XMR payout. 0.853 XMR to go...

Monero quietly mooning?

It hit 0.289 on Binance. Unfortunatelly my XMR did not go through in time to dump on them :(