How do you look more masculine and manlier? I'm sick of looking like a numale no matter what I do

How do you look more masculine and manlier? I'm sick of looking like a numale no matter what I do

Mew nigger

accept yourself for who you are and what you're potential is and be okay with it
the worst thing you can be is a poser

I'm a masculine person with masculine tendencies I just don't look extremely masculine

Bleach your hair

Genetics fucked you over. Don't bother with plastic surgery.

Eat my doo doo

Change your mentality

How do you look now?
post pix

Guy on the picture is so handsome.
Really good genetics.


That's Chad. I wonder if he knows his pic is being posted all over a Kazakh speed chess enthusiast's bulletin board

Photo looks old.
He is probably in his 40s now if not dead

Not so bad. How is your hairline? Eat and lift more, grow your hair out shoulder length, ditch the hat. Trim or shave beard

>when your jaw is bad so you can't shave

mew, lift, buzzcut, stubble (minoxidil if u cant grow a beard)

Train your neck

r8 masculinity

already looks like a sister fucking redneck if this makes you feel better

Train neck and forearms cunt
Don't be a bald skinny faggot with a shit beard

My hairline isn't bad I just decided to wear a hat today. I do need to lift more and eat better. I just transferred unis and I've been getting my asskicked by the coursework here and it's hurting my self esteem and motivation bad



Also, I did grow my hair out in high school and it looked pretty dumb on me..

Terrible advice, your hairline shows good genes and youth.

Personally I think baseball hats that aren't New Era / don't have ridged front panels always look like shit.

Even the beanie looks way better IMO.

But that's just me.

you might just be fucked.



Honestly it's not that bad as long as you keep that beard. If you train your neck and somehow make yourself and your beard look more ragged, you could aim for that Big Boss look

More like Nu-Boss

Juice up nigga that hair line is going and you got nothing to lose now

I'm serious dude, take gear from this point on, you will change everything

You've convinced me, /fraud/ing it is!

Lose weight, Mobility MOD, and LIFT fucker


you look like a nice dude

I am, thank you!

R8, what could i work on bros? Have lost ~5lbs since the pic, will be starting a calisthenic routine soon

Probably best just to make the transition best of luck I hear there are great doc rates in Thailand

Get a less gay haircut faggot

Traumatic events.

You have potential
Cut slightly
Clean bulk

You seem to have good face genetics overall. No deformities, square face, potentially good jawline.

Hard to tell what you should work on with your shirt on but I would say on everything, but specially on that v taper (traps, shoulders, lats).

Ditch the baseball cap. Unless you're fucking ripped, anyone that wears caps look like children. If you want to keep the beard, try a paddy cap. If you don't like that look, you absolutely need to ditch the full beard. I'm a fan of the classic skinny sideburns look, myself. Plain goatee might also work for you.

Pretty sure someone found him a while back, and yeah, he was overweight and looking his age.

you look like a cop


also someone tell me wtf mew is

you would honestly look fine if you weren't so fuckin fat

Do you sell propane and propane accessories?

true answer

Stop breathing with your mouth

h-hank is that you?
Seriously though, start using cleanser and moisturizer every day. Your face still has teenage acne. Get a more fashionable haircut, cut the alcohol (you have a beer belly), and start to lift. Also bu new clothes, your belt is ugly, the cut of your shirt is lower-middle class-tier, and I'm guessing your pants aren't much better.

Generally just put 5% effort into taking care of yourself and you'll look better, you pathetic normie.

Thanks man, getting a new job soon which is a stones throw away from a gym... will take up lifting asap
Unfortunately I have wide hips, so I'll hit those hard for sure. Thankfully my shoulders are wider otherwise id be fucked. Thanks man
I get that a lot actually, especially at the shooting range. "are you a cop" "were you in the military" etc etc
lol, hank hill ain't bad i guess, could be worse. A-at least I have nicer buns...

Chad is a 5'6 jew? Huh who knew

I exfoliate twice a week, and I avoid using moisturizer in the summer/ warmer months because it seems to make my problem worse. Any products or routine you recommend? Have since cut daily drinking, have dropped at least 5 pounds of fat since that pic. Also some loose skin from being 220lbs in high school (173 now, 6'0"). Those were just shitty work clothes i had on at the moment, will keep workin on my wardrobe tho. THanks m8


Mew and don't look girly, that's it.

What the fuck is mewing
Do any of you nerds actually do this shit?

Well, what do you have to lose by doing that? If it works, it works, if it doesn't, you stay the same.


Rate pls, how do I get rid of eternal Babyface

You have a narrow fwhr, just grow out your beard more and get a good haircut.

> goateee
what. thats some cucked shit.

haircut looks good

.>gay haircut

looks like a chad haircut to me.

What about me? I just went swimming so my skin looks paler

You need to wear sunblock man hahahah you're a literal shitskin. Oh; about the face? Yeah that's run of the mill.

All you guys look fine. Like, you're all not ugly. I've seen other guys that look sorta like you that have pretty gfs. If you ever wanna improve just mew and chew. If you really got BD hit up a surgeon for some implants. If you wanna see if you can get more definition just lose some weight. Women can be shallow and fickle but eventually they settle. Just hold on strong until then.

Am i big boy?
waiting to settle is dumb we want to slay on the reg ya feel me

>How do you look more masculine and manlier?

get on tren

side view with horribly drawn sharigan


still better looking then you
also paki

Don't feel bad about not slaying, 90% don't have sex regularly at all. Unless you're a godlike chad it isn't gonna happen. Even dudes I know who look like fucking models have issues with women using them and blowing them off.

You seem to have dirt smudged all over your face, should probably wash that first and then we can see for sure how good looking you are.

Neck + lifting

>perks of being a hapa
I'm in my mid 20s kill me

That's your fuckin' job man, not ours.

will i ever make it

Can I be saved, mein niggers?

He looks even better now. Made the transition from football jock to fortune 500 CEO and still a total slayer.

>inb4 500 neckbeards say "That's not the same guy!"
It's the same guy, Jay Gould. Read his blog, Guy's a self made decamillionaire several times over. An injury kept him out of the NFL, so he focused on business instead of sports and became a software entrepreneur and angel investor. Made tens of millions in his late 20s. Chad incarnate.

You all look fine skeletal structure-wise, hit your neck a few times a week and you'll live. Your rampant self-image issues will have to be fixed another way.

>Photo looks old.
>He is probably in his 40s now if not dead
>Pretty sure someone found him a while back, and yeah, he was overweight and looking his age.

Wrong. He's 37 now and his pic in the post above is fairly recent: Stay jelly.

Not if you're calling other people mein niggers, manlet.

Train heavy with compounds. Don't forget arms. Hit neck 2x a week. Take vitamin D, eat healthy fats, veggies and meat. Get enough sleep and fap less.

>tfw already doing all but neck
what are some good neck exercises to try out?

I wonder how the likes of JJ Watt lift like

Can i get a r8


bretty decent, no homo

>Lift weights
>Don't do the weird numale "please be nice to me" face smile thing
>Stand up straight
>Wear plane t-shirts and jeans
>More importantly, don't base your opinions on whatever is trendy at the time or try to get along with absolutely everybody


I'll throw u a couole bucks for a blowie but no more

>When you had fuckarounditis for almost a year but your face at least partially makes up for your average body

Don't do the raised eyebrow thing, kinda looks like your pouting , a neutral relaxed expression would look better, you look young but not too babyfaced

B8 but if it's real.
Shitskin/10, take that iron cross off of your body subhuman.

>gay glasses
>gay haircut
keep a beard and keep it small


but if ur actually just dumb and looking for help, train your chest and shoulders. wider=better. also cheap one is chewing gum, it gives you masculine jaw. try eating 2-3 pieces at time. Otherwise it is just about getting big.

r8 pls?

Not bad looking but crippling social anxiety will hold you back.
Ask a real human for validation.

Holy shit
H-how do you know that user? lol

Shave until you grow a beard that wont have you looking like a mongoloid, holy fuck how can someone be so oblivious.

But that's only a stubble, it sucks but it's not too bad when it grows