>he wears this to the gym
He wears this to the gym
Why do you care what other people wear? Are you a faggot? You know only women and faggots care what other people wear.
Why are you so easily triggered, dyel? Do you wear this bullshit? You
Autism: The Shoe
No I don't wear. You just have weak mentality. I like to call people like you out.
They may look weird but they vastly improve your running form
nah there are studies that show they actually fuck your feet up. complete meme
not surprised that faggot VG guy wears them
Didn't they settle for $40 million because of bullshit claims like that?
>improves your running form
>forces your toes in to boxes
seems legit
>nah there are studies that show they actually fuck your feet up.
>doesn't post any studies to confirm that
Yeah you should run barefoot like those african marathoners bro
no you should run in normal shoes with open toe boxes bro
If you had actualy intelligence to read the complete study you would understand that it isn't the shoes fault.
>This study supports the idea that, while running in barely there shoes can strengthen lower leg and feet muscles, the lack of cushioning can increase risk of bone injury.
So, what you're getting is that other shoes are better for running?
Jokes on you my gym is in my moms basement
That is not what I'm getting. I'm telling you it isn't the shoes fault that the 10/19 participants had sustained some degree of injury in the bone. It was the lack of cushion. So we can compare it to bare feet running and you would sustain same degree of ailment, but I don't have any studies to back this claim.
I train barefoot.
But shit threads like these only exist because there exist faggots that don't know about how comfy these shoes are. Stay a sheep, leave all the orgasmic feels for me.
So, what you're getting is that other shoes are better for running?
First you talk about wearing them in the gym. Now you are talking about running. You change the subject so you could tranfser the argument in the direction where you feel that you are "right". From experience I can tell there is no point trying to converse with people like you. You never learn.
People fuck up their natural running gait with other shoes and when they try using their shity atrocious gait in minimalist they fuck their ship up.
The human has perfectly working shock absorber but people choose to use cushy cushy shit shoes instead of those, and when they try to rely on those they fuck their shit up because they never trained the ma single day in their lives
This. Successful and happy people focus on their own path and dont stare and watch other people.
OP is a spectator/fan and refuses to be the star of his own movie LOL what a faggot
I always laugh at people that talk about orthodics or having flat feet. If they would just let their feet and the muscles in their feet do their thing naturally, all their problems would be solved.
Wearing cushy fag shoes is like wearing a cast on your wrist for months then taking it off. Of course your wrist is going to be weak from non use, you havent used the muscle in months.
In conclusion, the feet shoes are amazing, and comfortable. They feel like you are not wearing shoes at all but still protect your feet.
If you are so self conscious and afraid of people making fun of you, then I am sorry but you have bigger problems, and should probably work those issues out first.
They're called sandals, faggot
The Roman legions had no foot injuries
FiveFingers are awesome. They wierd out normies.
I've actually been debating buying some shoes like this, without the retarded toe sleeves. I have extremely flat feet, and I've never found a pair of shoes that are comfortable for me to run/walk in for a long period of time. I have to do all my running barefoot on a treadmill if I want to actually get some decent distance.
I've tried a lot of shoes that are specifically made for flat feet, and none of them work for me. I'm about to just give up on shoes altogether.