Hey guys do u want2 partake in sober octobert like joe rogan fitness guru??

hey guys do u want2 partake in sober octobert like joe rogan fitness guru??

I will no fap and b sober 4 october 2 prove how disciplined I am eh?

Would be pretty easy for me.

Burnt Chrysler?

Burt is such an athlete. I bet he could run a marathon easy.

fuck it ill do it.

Can I do it November instead?
Not trying to be a queer at the Halloween party. I'll do no fap no porn no booze no shave November.
God help me.

That episode was fucking hilarious I love those guys

I turn twentyone this October but no-degeneracy-vember sounds good to me

count me in.

>no more weed
>no more tobacco

what about no shirt november

>tfw only get drunk or high on rare occasions

I'll be salt water fasting for the entire month. I've gone 14 days earlier this year, but I expect this to be hard.


Details? Does the salt water fight hunger? I've only ever done a 3 day fast. I think I could manage if I were just sitting around but it's hard trying to work and being fasted. Little bit of the brain fog.

Nigga said he was gonna smoke everyday cuz ari is a jew and he got dragged into it

The salt water gives you electrolytes and helps the body hold onto water. If you've ever done longer fasts you'll notice around the 7 day mark your body has a hard time holding water and you piss almost all of it out. You'll also start getting headaches and feeling shitty if you don't keep your lytes up.

>1 tsp Pink Himalayan Rock Salt (sodium)
>1 tsp NoSalt (potassium)
>1 Liter of Water

This is basically what is it an IV fluid bag. Only drink one liter a day, if you overload on the NoSalt (potassium) you could kill yourself. Sip this throughout the day or you'll shit your pants. If you need more water drink it clear.

Thanks senpai. That makes sense. Might try for another fast next week.

goodbye muscle mass?

Also, lifts don't start to become harder until around the second week. My first week of fasting always produces gains because your body ramps up its production of HGH and Epinephrine (adrenaline). Second week I fail maintenance lifts though. You'll still want to hit the gym to avoid doms, but you won't be hitting any PRs after the first week.

Fasting preserves muscle mass better than cutting on low carb or keto. Look it up.

Popular myth, and makes no sense from evolutionary standpoint.
>caveman starve
>body cannibalizes its own muscle
>caveman can't hunt or gather
>caveman died

Your body conserves lean mass while fasting, and uses fat... it's how all mammals work (think bear hybernation, etc...)

What mass you DO lose is due to autophagy where damaged cells that are not healthy are cleared away and recycled for energy... but these cells are not randomly chosen, and you'll see the net effect of your musculature becoming more dense and higher performing by weight.

>le tee totaler
I was on h, now I'm off (1yr). Doesn't really count
I'm in for the yoga part though because I'm lame and don't want to feel left out. And aim for full blown ab def by halloween to make it hard, I don't train abs whatsoever