Just split my pants squatting, d-d-did I make it bros?

Just split my pants squatting, d-d-did I make it bros?

You've finally gone full brap

how embarrassing hehe

guy or girl

I have a feeling there is thousands of gigabytes worth of spongebob ripping his pants fetish porn on deviantart

You shouldn't be on the internet. You're like 12.

Does the hairy arse give u any clues?
(No homo)

I did that too once
But that was because i put undies on backwards

did you really have to ask

Fair complexion looks féminine...closer look saw hair an ya its a dude.
Can see why traps are mainly white an asian. Tyrone n pajeets cant do it hell some of their women cant

Ethan is that you?


Cute :)

Can't tell yet, take a pic with the pants off.

Congratulations. You've made it!

Now you must graduate to better underwear that won't split on you. Get thee some briefs.


yo i tore my boxers twice while squatting and when it happened the first time, it happened on the first rep fo the set of 5 and then i just finished my set and it kept tearing more each squat and was loud as hell

What sort of underpants are they? Do you think a girl would be impressed if she came home with you and you revealed them?

Thank the gods they are ripped and can finally succumb to their fate

Be true to yourself don't do SS and you won't end up like user

On the way

Buy some compression underpants so that you don't keep splitting them


Blacks have the most transsexuals per capita. Stop applying your racism to sexuality, bigot

i started splitting boxers a few years ago, had to transition to briefs

Dang ol bunch o murders' transexuals man I tell you what

Thousands of gigabytes can also be called terabytes.

Hmmm, but they're still masculine. Not the same thing

I've never met a black tranny, kek I've never met a black.

It's a good feel


Hold on a fucking second, how many ripped pants pictures do you have?

Don't worry about it

Answer the fucking question