Is 5x5 superior to 3x10?


if you don't mind looking like garbage

been doing 5x5 for bench, on a ABCx routine, been going up 5 lbs every third time i bench.

it's pretty great man. doing 225 lbs rn at 210 bodyweight

>if you don't mind looking like garbage

What do you mean?

Why do 5x5 over standard body building routines? What is the advantage?

I take best out of both and do 5x10


a 3 inch long 10 inch girth penis would just be weird

You're supposed to increase number of sets when training for muscle, not decrease. 5x5 works for strength, 3x10 is fuck all.

3x10 is superior if you're training for hypertrophy. 5x5 is superior if you're training for strength.
I train for hypertrophy and I personally prefer 4x10 for my compound movements. 3x10-12 for anything isolation.

Is 5x5 for compounds useless for hypertrophy?

No. Hypertrophy-wise it's pretty close to 3x8.

The main reason higher reps on the big lifts are preferred for hypertrophy is that they don't beat you up as much so you can do more total work over the whole session.

>Hypertrophy-wise it's pretty close to 3x8.
>more total reps
>more weight on the bar

3x8 is literally zero work compared to 5x5. If you can do 5 sets of 5 you can do 10 sets of 8-12 for that muscle group with the same frequency. You don't need to be fully recovered to get volume in.


3x10 is higher volume

5x10 is the true redpill


Set and rep ranges are a small part of the issue. The real thing you need to be focusing on is achieving maximum exertion in your set. Whether you do that in 10 reps or 5 means means very little.

You think 225 at 210 is a good advertisement for a routine ?

4 sets of 10 reps

How to win this award? Sounds hectic

There was a study on exactly this topic.
For strength goals yes.
For hypertrophy and size goals no.

Volume is most important for muscle gain.
5x5 rest times and itensity is way higher.
3x10 has slightly more volume AND you can do more volume afterwards way more effective for that musclegroup aswell, and all that in shorter time.

The 3x10 group could basically go to the gym the next day again and can do more overall accumilating way more volume.
5x5 guys gained more strength but also got hurt way more!

The study you're referencing was 3x10 vs 10x3, not 5x5. And it was 10x3@90% 1rm, which probably accounts for all the injury issues (and throws some doubt on the quality of the study because just about no-one with any lifting experience can actually do that in a session).

>Not doing 4x7,5 to get the best of both worlds
