Any advice for dealing with kidney stones?

Male, 25, Never had to pass one before... pissing blood for 5 days and finally went to doctor to get UA. Heard they suck pretty bad has anyone ever dealt with this?

Relax and focus on other things.

Reduced fluids to water and one cup of coffee a day. Heard lemon juice helps... Cut back on proteins too.

I had one a while back. It killed for one night, which sent me to the ER. After that, no pain. I pissed it out about 10 days later. Drink tons of water.

FUCK. Doc had mercy on me when she saw my face after she said Kidney stone lol. Gave me a shit ton of Norco. Also Flomax

they gave me percs,. didn't really need them, but I'm a degenerate, so I took them.

People laugh at that picture, me included. Then I realize I am simply joining in with people laughing at me, and I go lie down on the floor of my screen lit room again between bottles of which I tell myself people would just assume is apple juice so "it's ok" wondering why I ever bothered getting up.
I don't smoke though, so at least I have that going for me.

Right on with the feels bro... any tips on kidney stones? Pretty high on Norco right now but I still hurt like shit.

I usually go with the advice first post gave you, "relax and focus on something else". It is probably the fact that I confront every problem in my life with that attitude that I am in this position to start with. So don't follow that advice unless you want to be like me.
No seriously, I am staring at my two 2L piss bottles as we speak waiting for my roommate to leave so I can empty them. He hasn't seen me in 6 months and thinks I am abroad despite me living here all this time, but my room is locked and I only come out when nobody is around.
So again, unless you want to be me, don't "relax and ignore".

I don't even know why I post on this board, I think it some sort of nostalgia esque "what could have been" type of thing for me.

Just drink a lot of water and try to piss it out. I've also heard there's some method where they break it if its too big so it gets out easier but not sure about it.

That is hard to hear user.. Is it depression? I've been hermit like before but always end up just going to the beach or camping out with some friends and telling stories to feel better mentally.

Thanks user I feel that is the only real way to do this.. It is going to happen and it is going to hurt. Part of life is wishing you were dead because of pain and it just makes you enjoy the pain free moments haha. I just hope this doesn't happen when I'm at work.

If by "they" you mean medical professionals, then yes those methods exists. If however you meant broscience tier homeopaths, then too, he's those moods exist, but you will be in excruciating pain throughout and they will tell you it is the body's healthy response.

Just go see a doctor, get painkillers, piss em out. If too large let doctors sonic (not joking) the stones to bits. If too big for that (doubtful considering your age) have them surgically removed. If you like pain and potential prospects of renal failure go see a homeopath instead. Up to you ohpee.

Yeah by "they" I mean the docs.

Haha yessir user I wen't to the doc for sure. That new age shit is for the birds. I'm not an advocate of western meds unless absolutely necessary (hence 5 days of pissing blood before going) but this is def one of those cases. Also before I was diagnosed I pissed out some what I thought were solid bits of blood like a scab.. I guess it was part of the stone. Also worth mentioning that I have chronic back pain from an injury and I don't take pain meds for it... so the new pain wasn't as obvious.

No, not depressed at all. I just can't be around people, I break out in sweats, get itchy, breathing goes all over the place and my mind goes into overdrive trying to figure out the fastest way out.
Everytime my food starts running out I dread my trip to the shops, I plan it so I get there at its quietest hours and use self service, I also have to make sure my roommate isn't at home because the opening and closing of the front door would alert him of my presence. Since I do not know his schedule this also means I have to do ,y shopping as quick as possible to avoid him possibly coming home I. The time that I am in the store. It is all very stressful and exhausting, so I make sure I get enough in to last me about a month.
Once I am locked in my room I am usually quite happy though, it is only brief moments like OPs pic that make think "boy where did it all go so wrong".

I am OP by the way.. sounds like anxiety man. I feel ya, I dealt with it before... Sent me to the ER with a panic attack I thought was a Heart attack. I really only got over it by giving up one day. I changed my diet and cut out caffeine and extra sugar and started mild exercise which seemed to help. Good luck to you user!

For money I trade crypto and code monkey btw, fully support my frugal existence on that.

Damn, so where did it all go so wrong? How did you end up lying to your roommate that you're abroad and ended up locked in your room all the time.

Get that story time going if you're free.

Have about 8 kidney stones in each of my kidneys. Nothing you can do really, except realize that the pain is temporary and isn't threatening. Unless it gets stuck and blocks the pathway completely, but you'll be able to tell when that happens. Just pop painkillers, drink tons of water, wait it out. Make sure you don't go anywhere without the painkillers too, stone fuckers will get you when you're not expecting it.

I am no medfag, but from what I understand people with anxieties want to be around people, but can't. They crave human companionship, but fear rejection and so will only engage in relationships that are guaranteed to be 110% positive.

I don't crave human companionship at all, this what I am doing right now is more than enough for me, talking to people through a screen.the thought of anything more has me shuddering. When I have to meet up with someone IRL (my landlord went I moved in for instance) I plan it as vigorously as most people would plan an entire holiday or so. No, I have no desire for human interaction face to face.

Thanks. Good luck with the 16 stones. JESUS. You'll be Clint Eastwood when you get done with that!

We're all wired differently. Hey as long as you are happy or at least content more power to you. Just don't go unibomber... or if you do get soros or someone haha.

By the way... what is the rule on liquor with kidney stones? Would a couple shots be okay? still pounding the water and lemon.

When I first moved in it was just one other guy (I say roommate, but I guess it is more of a flatmate btw), this other guy was in the international shipping business, so he would be away for months on end at sea. Then when he moved out about 8 months ago this new guy moved in, who was never away and is basically home doing the fuck if I knew. After approx 2 months I couldn't deal with it anymore so I told him I would be abroad for several months. Considering our interactions were minimal to start with he didn't seem to give a flying fuck, nor did I. 6 months later and here we are.

How I ended up being a recluse to start with I can't really pin point. My parents moved around A LOT and were rarely at home, so I spent most of my time on entertainment systems and computers. All the schools board me to tears and I avoided attending as often as I could without it causing trouble to me. Taught myself some languages and how to code and then after highschool via people I knew/know from online I got work as a code monkey. Since my "lifestyle" is as inexpensive as they get I decided to use my excess money on cryptotrading. Now I sustain myself mainly on crypto with the odd code job on the side.

I spend the time I am not trading or coding on (I guess unsurprisingly) on anime, browsing and vidya.

Why are you on Veeky Forums faggot

Hey fuck off. Wellness includes the mind as well as the body.

Nice learning languages and self taught coding man. Your driven enough to meet your needs at least. I see no problem here. Most people are fucking shit anyway.

Your kidneys do nothing with alcohol, it is the liver that processes alcohol. I guess acute hefty amounts of alcohol would even help with kidney stones(?) ethanol binding water and by extension causing you to piss more along with its pain numbing effects would seem like great ways to pass kidney stones. But then I am no doctor and this is just science coming from a bro.

Doesn't alcohol dehydrate though which may lead to further build up? I really have no idea..

I honestly don't know, I haven't really self reflected enough to know a proper answer. The thing I said in my previous post is sort of accurate, I read the stories of people here and sort of think to myself "gee, that is what could have been if I were "normal"". I also enjoy the humor threads here a lot, pic related had me in stitches last night.

Ehh, the coding came by itself as all I did in my spare time was spend time with computers. As for the languages it started with learning German because of all the German coders and computer enthusiasts I got to know online. Then after watching/reading my Nth anime/manga I decided I might as well embrace the weeb and learn Japanese in my sparetime, not that I do anything with this other than browse the nip text/imageboards.

>took them
>not snorting them
fake degen

It dehydrates in the sense that it causes your body to piss out more liquids. It doesn't dehydrate by making water magically disappear. All the water in your body either gets pissed out, shat out, or stored in bloodstream/extracellulair matrix. Drinking alcohol causes more to be pissed out and less to be stored in bloodstream/extracellulair. Your kidneys however will see an increased flow. Also the dehydration, or increase in pissing, can be counteracted by drinking more.
I guess taking diuretics would have a similar effect? But then you would be taking diuretics rather than alcohol which is infinitely less fun.

Still though, this is all broscience thought up on the fly by some guy who once upon a time followed biology.

The humor pic


>the bonbon est fin
The subtlety of using the English article when writing in French after using the French article in the meme English sentences. Pure genius. I haven't laughed IRL at a 4ch lost in quite some time.

Ah science confirmed. Haha thanks I can't believe I didn't know that.. dumbfag here ig.
I had to know German to talk to my grandfather, Forgot a lot of it now. How long did it take to get it for you?

Is hydrocodone codeine based or something? I took 20mg in an hour and a halfish... Feel relaxed but that's it.

Both replies are me, I can't believe I got the science right if true. And it took me about a year to get German down pat, although I have no idea if my spoken is up to scratch as I obviously never speak it, so I reckon not. After a year though I could take part in the German forum without too much difficulty barring the occasional excusrion to a dictionary. I myself am a britcuck if it is of any interest.

guess you dont wanna know how i got rid of mine completely pain-free then, at home without doctor shekelstein

How'd you manage that?
So maybe 6 months for me to re learn it?

Not knocking all home methods by the way... just the crystals on chakra bull shit haha.

BY THE WAY I THINK I'M ABOUT TO PISS OUT SOMETHING... GOT MAJOR FUCKIN PAIN. God I hope flomax or whatever they gave me helps... The pills are okay but not as good as oxycodone it seems. Lol I'll pic the chunk if there is one.

Ya, the various clauses can be a pain if you haven't been schooled in anything but Anglo, but even then all Germans will understand you even with faulty use of the clauses, they'll just know you are foreign. Considering their past they are quite tolerant to foreigners thoug :^).

added alcohol and filtered out fuckin tylenol in em by the way.

I had previously performed Harry's 'Cold Water World' APAP extraction on 10 pills of generic Vicodin (5 mg Hydrocodone, 500 mg APAP). I did three filtration passes, all with the same filter: a closely woven cotton cloth (a pair of Old Navy boxer shorts, to be exact). I do not have a proper way to measure small volumes, so I was using a 300g*.1g digital scale. Since the final liquid weighed only 48.6 grams, I decided to dilute it with enough water such that the final weight was 100 grams, to make dosing easier and decrease my percent error per dose to 0.001% (=0.1 gram scale resolution / 10 gram dose). The mixed drink that I was drinking was one part 80-proof vodka, four parts soda, carefully measured. (Yes, I'm that anal.) Thus, the final drink had a strength of 8% alcohol.

Morphine helps if they'll presribe it, just complain about the pain being unbearable and that you feel like you are about to die..

They have to be as residents of Germanistan. (i'll save that for pol tho) Haha Americunt here btw. I'm about to try and hopefully piss out some stone.

Nevermind, you are already on Vicodin.

should have said norco. So used to saying vic (shows how little I ever take these things). Script of course. In bathroom now lol... and yes I added vodka to my potion just to calm the nerves.

That being said I had a harder time learning German than Japanese. Japanese, after learning their relatively simple grammar and relatively repetitive and small vocab for daily use, is simply memorizing kanji, which is really only important if you want to read/write it. German however is buttfucked with exceptions and implied meaning. I.e. if you say X to Y then it comes across thusly, but if you say X to Z then it comes across completely the fuck differently. Fuck off Germans, at least the nips have very clear rules as to what to use in what situation.

I have never had kidney stones mind you,, my mother has though and it was a case of taking painkillers and sitting it out. She said it was worse than giving birth, so at least when you have a wife in labor you will be able to tell her you have endured worse, which is more than most husbands can say.

Small chunk, Lots of old looking blood... scratched dick tube probably? Not a ton of pain but it seemed to be a chip off the block lol.. Kidney still fucking hurts but the opiate potion I made seems to help.

thanks for the input here by the way bros.

I'll look into it, btw I watched one punch man (jap version) and it was refreshingly hilarious. I'm not into anime but that was funny I'll admit.

I just hope I don't get more! fuck this noise! .. yeh see they are designed for kids our shit is made for liquids and not rocks lol. Stands to reason it'd hurt worse.

Night guys. Hope none of you get the stones if You haven't already.. gonna change my diet after this.

>living with a fucking kidney stone
>pissing blood for 5 days

This sounds like bullshit.
First thing that'll happen is you vomit FUCKING EVERYTHING out of your stomach, including a bit of stomach acid. Then the pain literally feels like a knife is being continuously twisted in your lower back, and the pain doesn't stop. If you can even Move after that, you're not human.

I didn't piss blood, but it has to be a pretty big fucking stone to cause a UTI. If you don't have bodge kidneys from parents with shitty genetics than you must have been eating fucking Kilos of salt to have those kinds of deposits in your body.

I refuse to believe ANYONE is so much of a fucking NEET they would endure the pain of a KIDNEY STONE AND A POSSIBLE UTI just so they don't talk to people.

This isn't real, light yourself on fire.

T. Guy who passed 11 kidney stones since the age of 6

11mm, the fucking pain man.

lots of water

lots of painkillers