
Two sets of 4 episodes of rick and morty a day

Starting Greeks

0 sets of 0 reps of Veeky Forums

Read a book you moon cricket

Starting Scripture


I don’t understand how this comment is constructive, or encourages the reader to think more deeply about anything. It appears to me that this comment’s only purpose is to display the cleverness of the author. Unfortunately, despite the collective efforts of the commentariate, we do get infiltration from those who are apparently determined to give the impression that they are incapable of parsing an entire piece of writing and reading it as a whole.
As has been previously noted (regular readers will be aware) we (that’s the “Royal we” — fellow commenters, occasional contributors such as myself and the moderator team) are engaged in an ongoing attempt to keep the quality of comments at its former impeccably high standard. Sadly, this is more of an effort than it should be.
And as an intellectual, it is rather tiresome having to try to explain to the occasional numpty who happens across a post basic reading comprehension skills, how to follow an argument when it is constructed long-form and the ability to master data interpretation.
And I’ve just caught up on all the subsequent comments on this page. All the other commenters have managed to make coherent and intelligible contributions that furthered my understanding or gave me something to think about, because they took the trouble to type more than a single sentence. I don’t agree with everything that’s been said in other comments. Quite the opposite in a couple of cases. But at least I understand what was expressed and the intention behind it.

How To Read A Book by Mortimer J Adler


1. Get a melanin drain
2. Get your melanin glands burnt shut

IQ is a genetic disposition relative to brain mass so it cannot change.



the anime girls might be off putting, but its part of having a high iq so deal with it

Who gives a shit looks, confidence and money is all that matter in life and you have to be born with it. If you're lower class right now you'll get middle class at best by the end of your life then your dumbass children with your shitty genes will go right back to being fuck ups.

How does one study math? Do I just read it and try to commit it to memory?

no outline chapters and work through problems. understand it rather than memorize it

>not including IUTT

pleb tier list


None OP. It's like 80% genetic.

The rest is childhood nutrition.

Learn something new. Keep challenging yourself.

Mewing and Starting strength. If there's one thing that I've learned from this board, it's that these two things will solve all your problems.


What the fuck is this?

actuall guy with high IQ:

>coffee everyday will make you more energetic
>a healthy diet is very important, your brain is a part of your body, just eat healthy
>if you're a vegan start supplementing with creatine and B12 NOW, don't even read the rest of the post, creatine and B12 are needed for brain function and both lack in vegan diets
>exercise in a regular basis(aerobics included)
Again, remember that your brain is a part of your body, most things that are good for the body are also good for the brain.

Get b8d kiddo, of course the brainlet would fall for obvious pasta

Starting Greek