Scott Herman is on juice, right?
Scott Herman is on juice, right?
Look at those capped delts, he's cruising for sure
It's been long established that he's the natty limit. At least when this picture was taken.
Look at his lil shoulders, he's roiding for sure.
you don't know what a capped delt is you fucking retard
Nah. Dude is fairly short and has been lifting forever.
Lifting forever is typical newbie meme. Once you get past your noob gains(6-12 months if you do it right), there are very small gains to be made unless you're willing to get fat or cruise. The hormonal balance you started out with is very much like the one you finish with.
Meaning, if you're born athletic, your gains will be much faster and better than if you were born not athletic.
Definition of Natty limit+good Genetics
wow so after 12 months i have reached my natty limit
really makes me think
Depends. But 12 months of optimal training and nutrition should lead to reaching at least 80% of your natty potential.
You have no idea what you are talking about
Do you really have to even ask that?
Not a ton by the looks of it, maybe low dose of test, possibly some tren.
hes full natty brah.
achievable with maybe 2 years of lifting and good diet
never doubt the power of hard work
That's just not true. Do you have any idea how much is involved in "reaching your potential"?
explosive power output
and the list goes on..
Sorry bro, I wish it wasn't like this. But it is.
>ITT natty fags still think they can achieve physiques like this with their low test levels
He might be. He's like 5'2" so there's not a lot of places his muscle can go
You could literally photoshop this picture with some random dudes face, and everyone would say it's obvious he's on gear. I think a lot of people in this thread are biased with the prenotion that he's natty.
All those are dependent on your hormonal levels, hormonal receptors in the muscles and muscle fibers.
just stop it. I can't take anymore.
Sorry man, but it's better to face the truth than live in delusion.