Chinups > bicep curls

chinups > bicep curls

>uses more musculature
>uses more weight
>great test of relative strength
>looks alpha
>most normies cant do more than one, while you can do 10 with lmao1pl8 hanging from your dick, you sexy beast

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3" > your dick

idk why iso workouts get so much hate
during your workout you'll get to a point where you cant do any more pullups, squats, bench. why not do some iso shit then to keep it going?

I can do them one armed but I still do bicep curls. So what are you getting at?

im not saying forget curls completely. I'm saying there's a better exercise for your arms and back than curls. Do both, but prioritize chinups and pullups

Chinups or Pullups?

i prefer chinups because of the greater ROM and they use the same muscles as a pullup plus the bicep, so more musculature is utilized

bullshit lol. if you do then you hold your other arm which is cheating

I can do 10 with 2 plates

oh yeah I do lots of curls too

i do curls and chinups at the same time with 2x45's hanging on my dick like big black balls for your mouth dyel

No, I usually grab my shorts leg with my free hand just so I can tense that side and keep my body from twisting throughout the move.

I've only ever trained calisthenics and work on things like front lever planche ect. A lot easier to achieve it when you actually work for it.

I still lift weights but just for legs and accessories like bicep curls.

What version of one-armed, not the pussy one that's really a one-handed chin-up right? I've been working on that for like six months now what do you weight
how a real man does chinups

>not the pussy one that's really a one-handed chin-up right?
Are you meant to levitate?

I'm stronger in pull ups than I am chin ups, mainly because that's what I trained when I started lifting. I just started neutral pull ups and they're my favorite of the three

can't get a good bicep pump from chinups and that's when your bis really grow, your forearms and lats are what's really getting worked and will give out before your biceps get properly worked.

this isn't broscience, not every bodybuilder does pull ups, all of them curl. anyway, if you don't want maximum peek-age that's your decision m8.

The one where you put one arm on the bar and then pull yourself up.

Best method to train is negatives with lock offs at the top 45 degrees and the bottom positions. At first you probably wont be able to negative so tie a rope around a weight and toss it over the bar grab the end without the weight and use it for assistance. If you can't do it with 20lbs assistance you need to work weighted chins more for strength.

Progressively use less weight on the rope until you can do it with none when you are able to do it with none it does not mean you will be able to one arm chin. So you will have to start adding weight to your negatives. Add about 2 and a half lbs at a time and continue to do lock offs until you can one arm chin.

As for reps, sets, and frequency thats something youll have to figure out on your own.

No you use your dick obv

It's not cheating, it's the progression to one armed pull ups.

I stared with a hand around my wrist and slowly worked it up to the shoulder before I could do a pull up from one arm.

I can do 10 with an extra 1pl8 and I'm dyel af.

Danke bro, I was trying to use bands for assistance but the rope idea sounds much better.
I can almost do one rep if I start from 90 degrees. Can't budge from bottom position though.

Ive never tried with a pl8 but I'm in same dyel boat and have no problem knocking out 15+ in a set. Im always shocked at built fags that have trouble doing only a couple

>10 chin-ups with an added 225lbs

Bullshit. Post a video of you doing it.

nobody does chin ups with a bar, silly—how would that even work?
a plate means 45lbs attached to a dip belt; 2 plates, 90lbs

don't count the bar bro, it's 180lbs

Its cause you don't weight much.

if you want big biceps, you're better off doing curls than chin-ups. there's more room in chins for lats/momentum to take over, whereas a curl is strict bicep isolation (assuming you're not swinging the fuck out of them).


They do not. Pull up utilize lower back while chin-up as you correctly stated uses biceps, but not lower back

do you have down's or just pretending?

Nah, for big biceps chinups>curls
More weight, more activation, and shit.
the benefit of curls is that they are not compounds
so you should do chinups and curls
but if it comes to one or the other then chinups win

>t. I have a 16 inch right biceps and a 15 inch left biceps

>but if it comes to one or the other then chinups win
But it literally never does. There is no situation where you'd have to make that kind of choice.

The glory of this is you KNOW he wasn't trolling

He's just actually that stupid. Congrats sweetie, you're even a loser on Veeky Forums

>not doing both
Yeah, you're a liftlet

Chinups do use lower back. Not as much as pullups, but the lower isn't completely left out of the movement

lmao @ this brainlet

lmafuckingo. capped


I'm pretty much stuck between 17-20kg depending on the day. Are heavy singles any good for chinup strength? I've been doing 5x5 but I can't get past the 1pl8 mark.

I unironically recommend Texas method for chinups
5x5 on Monday
Light rows on Wednesday
1x5 heavy on Friday + some backoff sets (be chins or rows)
I guarantee that your 1x5 is around 35 kg (±5 depending on your bw) if you do 5x5 at +20.
Just be patient, chinup progression is slower than OHP


>>most normies cant do more than one, while you can do 10 with lmao1pl8 hanging from your dick, you sexy beast
This can't be true, can it? I'm not the most athletic person, my BMI is just okay at 24, but I can do 5 chin-ups or 4 pull-ups with excellent form, easily. After that things get shaky, but are people really so weak and/or fat most can barely do 1? Madness.

The average person does literally no physical activity and hasn't in a decade or more. Unless they're scrawny they aren't doing pullups and even then it might not be happening.

I've been working out for 2 years and can only do like 5 chinups. I forgot to train my back for like the first year and a half


>wasting time on bicep curls when you could be doing lateral raises instead


Can anybody tell me what I'm fucking up when I get extremely tender around my teres major from pull-up variations?

Also, any tips on preventing elbow pain from high volume pull-ups?

doesnt matter as long as you do one

Are your shoulders going higher than your ears?

It's a meme exercise for lightweight manlets.

Why is the guy in the picture doing a pullup???

t. fat nigga

Spotted they DYEL

Because he's not

I'm not fat. I'm 6'4 @ 214 lbs.

lmao enjoy your nolats you fat fuck

I'm 6'3" and weighted pullups are one my best feats, along with barbell rows and curls.

Let me guess, your squat is shit because of your "long legs" too?

What is best for lats? Chinups or pullups?

If you trust EMG studies, chin-ups. Realistically it's not a big difference. Chins have a slightly longer ROM and are slightly easier to progress on but they can tend to give people elbow issues when done with high volume/intensity.

In the bottom, probably. I don't keep my scapuale depressed throughout the set.

They're just variations of eachother. Do one for a while, and switch when it goes stale.

thought elbow stuff was only caused by pressing/skullcrushers etc

I get serious elbow problems whenever I hit pull-ups hard for an extended period of time. Can't quite figure out if it's my shitty shoulder mobility or the grip intensive nature of the exercise (usually do fat bar pull-ups or towel pull-ups), or maybe a combination of both.

To follow this user, most people tend to have problems if their forearms are slightly tilted inwards, putting their wrist and elbow in a weird spot which causes a lot of bad shearing.

If the forearms are kept vertical, and wide enough apart to be vertical (like with ohp) you can focus on pulling your sternum to the bar and really engaging your back. The ROM from a proper chinup as compared to a pullup is crazy, chinups are much better for developing backstrength, and if you want dank forearm gains, do neutral grip or do heavy db rows.

maybe neutral grip is the safest? Like doing them on rings

I find that doing them on rings is the least stressful. A fat grip, neutral or semi-supinated grip helps as well. But it never eliminates the issue entirely.

a couple months ago i went with some buddies to a park. we found a little bodyweight type setup.

i was the only one who could do even a single pullup out of a group of ~15 people in their 20s.

Also, I forgot some things.
Close grip chinups, where the sides of your hands are touching eachother are great for chest if you can mentally use them to squeeze your arms down like in a pullover, but should not be done weighted for the same reason that awkward non vertical forearm chins shouldn't be done. If you don't have girl shoulders, you are putting your elbows at too awkward of an angle for them to produce force well.
t.115lb chinup & 135lb dip @ 173bw

Neutral grip is good.

I think - but can't even remotely prove - a lot of the forearm and elbow pain from chin-ups comes from people who are tight as fuck and don't entirely have the mobility to get their hands fully turned over through the whole ROM. Tends to be the same people who get elbow/forearm pain from straight bar curls but not ezbar or hammer curls.