Masculinity theory

Do your facial proportions really matter? What makes you masculine? Do you have to be a chad or do you have to fit into an archetype?

Other urls found in this thread:

Thick eye brows
Square jaw
Deep set piercing sniper eyes
Thin lips. Dick sucking lips are for women
Wide face
Thick short fingers
Thick short neck
Wide feet
Wide shoulders
Narrow waist
V taper
Naturally very strong. Steroids are for the inferior
Deep voice

So basically, a fat, 50-year old Asian is your pinnacle of masculinity.


t. nu-male

Cry about it mongoloid. I'm 6'2". Perfect.

go away jocko

Choose one.

Pic shows archetypes that fit your definition. But there are others that don't fit and still are considered as attractive.

Unconventional "male" archetypes. Considered as exceptionally attractive and tend to be more popular.

>Thin eyebrows
>Round jaw
>Bulging eyes
>Big juicy lips
>Narrow face
>Long alien fingers
>Thin long neck
>Small feet
>Small shoulders
>Large waist
>Round stomach
>Naturally very weak
>High pitched voice

I didn’t say a name but you thought of him right?

I think this chart is outdated.

>little boy smoking a pipe
>exceptionally attractive

You've kinda proven that absolute femininity does not quite fit to a male figure.

haha nice spooks faggots

fuck off to /soc/ insecure faggot

It's an archetype dude. This guy is an example of the lunar archetype.

It's for broscience.

>a boy, a tranny and repressed tranny

The "tranny archetypes" are considered as most attractive in males. Pic shows example of Leonine ("tranny") archetype.

"Repressed tranny" or Masculine Hermes

you're just reinventing subraces, plus a whole lot of "muh lunar archetype" astrology-tier bullshit

>Thin lips. Dick sucking lips are for women

bitches love thick lips.

I feel like this is a handy check art to identify people you hate

DrStud24 is that you??

This is the masculine face. If your face looks nothing like this then you're a woman or a subhuman.

>only white is attractive


oh shit me on the left

All the faces look very similar. North Atlantid male and Gracile Mediterranid could be swapped and no one would notice. Same goes with a majority of faces.

nah, the ideal skin color is reddish. A fair skin tone is considered as innocent looking and fits to female figures. Men should have a yellowish or reddish glow, yellow looks kingly, red gives a predator vibe.

Astrological archetypes work, racial differentiation doesn't.

Subraces are similar, because they are European. In the end it doesn't even matter.

A male figure should have a healthy body composition, a good skin, a strong bone frame, he should not look too threatening, but his appeal should command respect. Pic shows ideal proportions in a male face.