Posion ivy spreading throughout my torso

>posion ivy spreading throughout my torso
>can't stop itching
>OTC shit isn't working
>decide to go to the doctor and get the shot to get it done with
>doctor is a semi attractive gril
>ok user take off your shirt and show me where it is
>this is my time to shine
>looks at it for all of ten seconds
>no mention of my physique
>literally no change in her in her demeanor
fucking bullshit. That was the first time i've been alone with a girl in a room with my shirt off and she acts like it was nothing out of the usual and going by the demographics probably 90% of the people she sees are either fat, average, or skinny.

Doctors tend to be professionals its not like in porn scenes..

She's supposed to be professional you fucking idiot.

looks like you made the 90% user

1) you've likely been lifting for under a year and think you look significantly different from your skinnyfat self when you started
2) even if you did look like you lift (which there's a 95% chance you don't) chances are she still wouldn't say anything. she's probably seen a few guys this past week who were on gear considering how common it is

Maybe your gross fucking poison ivy rashes kept her from immediately demanding anal.

Weird, she should have started having sex with you immediately. She was probably a lesbian

It's happened with male doctors and there's 0 doubt in my mind that the older married man is a closeted homosexual hitting on me. He just complemented the fact that I clearly work. no

Yeah it is weird she didn't say anything. You look like shit.

Nice ceps, train your core and chest

>flattering lighting
>still looks mediocre

delusional it is

Please remove the necklaces. I'm getting second-hand embarrassment

My man... those chains... please tell me you had those on when you had the shot.

those are some fine arms and shoulders

Bro, I don't know what you've been doing but you need to do more curls & lat raises and stop fucking around in the gym.

>posting neigh-nudes on a Venezuelan currency making website

You core gave me aids, train it you desperate nigress. Can't fault your meme muscles though.

i did

Fuck me...

Wait, are you really surprised that a doctor didn't react to your fucking body during an examination? That's like someone working at a burger place freaking out because they just saw meat.

Life ain't a porno, kid

Case closed.

>I clearly work.

do grils not like that? It's not like they're fake. I know some faggy little necklace with a cross you got for your communion isn't going to help but tons of rappers and athletes wear big gold chains

Ok so you're actually autistic , all it does is make you look like some desperate Eminem faggot who wants to be a 'gangster' make your skin black and wear red clothes then you can pull it off retard.

>some faggy little necklace with a cross you got for your communion isn't going to help but
Naw chicks eat that shit up.

Big gold chains make you look like a douche. Athletes and rappers get away with it because they're rich and famous enough to be a douche and still get pussy.

AHAHAHA you should be grateful the doctor didn't fucking call the security and get you thrown out you fucking weak-ass DYEL wigger faggot

>no body hair
>thin, bird lips
>moles everywhere
disgusting, no wonder she didnt say a word

>that reaction face
Oman I have an occasional version of that some where kek

What a dick you are.

Love it.

Sexy. I'd fuck you bareback and blow a load in your ass ,then I would donkey punch you in the back of the head and knock you out for being a fag.

Jesus you are a very delusional, autistic faggot, aren't you?

>lat raises