Are you going Sober for October?
What are you giving up? How confident are you that you will make it a whole month?
Are you going Sober for October?
What are you giving up? How confident are you that you will make it a whole month?
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I am giving up alcohol, weed, and nicotine.
In addition, I am going to exercise at least an hour a day, four days a week. The other three days, I am going to be doing yoga.
My third month of nofap, finally reaching that 90 day mark
Gonna try and give up breakfast cereal. Empty calories and so carb-heavy. It's the one thing I can't seem to shake on my Veeky Forums journey having totally given up soda, candy, and a few other vices.
The one thing is that my morning cereal is usually my main fiber source, what are some Veeky Forums approved sources of fiber?
That's a lot to go for all at once. I'm not saying you can't do it, but just bear in mind that failing with one of them shouldn't be a free pass to fail the rest of them.
This sounds destined to fail like all those fat people miracle diets.
It is really a lot, yea. I know it's going to be hard for me.
Originally, I was gonna do alcohol, weed, nicotine, as well as do no fap and coffee.
I figured that giving up my three most self-destructive vices would be a more beneficial, and realistic goal.
I am going to do this.
i stopped drinking because i had a weird semi gay experience with a man and a woman
like i got to a certain level of drunk and i dont remember what was going on
that's terrifying
I could give up opiates and benzos but they're not a problem so why would I?
i want to but i have no self control and a addictive personality
>said every addict ever
I have neither a psychological addiction nor a physical addiction to the drugs. I take them once a week or every other week if I want to relax a bit. I prefer it over alcohol. I go longer between benzos because the half life is way longer so a single pill needs about a week to clear.
I agree, it is easy to get ambitious and try to take on too much. You want to get where you are going over night but it takes time to become the person you see yourself as. Try too much at once and you are destined to fail and stay where you are slowing your progress to becoming who you want to be.
It took me 1 week to wean myself from six cups of coffee per day to just 1 in the morning. Similar case for booze. A week is a long time when you are consciously trying to make a change and your body is telling you to go the other way all the time.
I still masturbate, just to more tame pornography and I treat myself to it on Friday or Saturday. In a few weeks to a month I hope to stop looking at porn when I do it. Then it will be a shift to not doing it at all and getting the rush or high I seek from approaching women. One thing which is driving that for me is recognizing what I find attractive in porn is not what I find attractive in real life at all. And that made me recognize there was a weird disconnect with pornography mentally where I was training myself to associate sexual pleasure with something that doesn't do it for me in real life.
To workout consistently it took me going in and just hitting the gym for 30-45 minutes of light work after work 2-3 days a week to stick with it. Often I would start really strong when I had time off and fall off within a few weeks. To stay consistent in the times I was getting slammed with work or school it took just slowly maintaining that small consistency and thinking of it as a quick win that I got in and did something.
tl;dr it takes more time and consistency than you think to develop new habits. Don't think in 3 months I will be who I want to be, think next year at this time. I will be noticeably closer to who I want to be. By then your definition will have changed and you will see the next step in the journey another year out.
Replace cereal with oatmeal or yogurt. Combine that shit with some fresh fruit and plenty of water. Your gains will thank you
this is how i felt with pot
"yea i smoke weed every night, but i'm not addicted because i can stop whenever i want"
going a month without weed, or in your case downers, will be a real eye opener
Giving up alcohol, large amounts of sugar, and this is my second week on no fap.
I feel pretty great, but that sugar/alcohol thing is hell to get over, I fucking love sugar.
how much do you drink right now? do you get drunk often?
>tfw birthday in October
Giving up snorting high grade gasoline, I've promised myself for years id switch to e85 eth but that premium is so fucking nectar
Such a lame bet. A bunch of la heads give up drinking for a bit, and one smokes weed everyday, literally something many 14 year olds do casually. Then they have the audacity to build it up as though it's some badass thing
You're going to jizz pure chalk
>reverse image search
>0 results
Rogan i fucking knew you were an user iv been following your bread crumb trail for years this 100% confirms it
i think ari the jewish welch posted it on one of his social media accounts
story is rogan, ari, and segura wanted bert to quit alcohol for a month, and all agree to participate in the challenge
one of them propose to go completely sober for october and quit weed as well alcohol for the month
rogan says he doesn't want to quit weed, but continues to make fun of bert for being an alcoholic. completely ignoring the fact that he himself is a total pothead.
so ari, segura, and bert are all going sober for the month of october, but rogan refuses to give up weed because he is a fucking degenerate stoner
It'll slide out of his urethra like a big white rubbery cholesterol blockage.
The Jews most recent post.
haha sorry no one wanted to smoke with you back in high school little buddy
Don't do drugs, kids. You'll end up a whiny, philosophical faggot like this fuck up.
it was the opposite. all i did was smoke weed in high school .
my entire social life was centered around weed. i stopped being friends with those who didn't want to smoke, and started only hanging out with those who did.
i have spent the last 10 years of my life smoking weed everyday.
october is the month i take a stand. my life will no longer revolve around this fucking plant. october is the month i take back my life.
its a shame someone that people like rogan can't see how dependent they are on weed. weed addiction is real. the liberal cucks will try to convince you otherwise... but it is a real problem that needs to be discussed.
coke, it was starting to affect my gains
I am actually! and i forgot I even listened to this podcast and that sober october was a thing.
I happened into in accidentally because I'm an alcoholic and needed to stop anyways. I'm doing the 30 day sobriety challenge (audio)book and completing all the exercises and journaling and stuff. I mean, i've done extended sobriety before, but maybe this time will set me up differently. It feels like it.
yeah i'm sure joe rogan smoking weed every day is causing some real problems in his life
>21st birthday in October
Bunch of papers due also though, so I'm probably just gonna get wasted on my bday and that'll be it.
user...i might try and give up computer and internet for a month...
What day nigga me too
As of tomorrow, not only am I going sober for a month, I'm also quitting Veeky Forums and doing no fap (already got rid of porn).
Rogan is a terrible hypocrite
>I just can't trust anything somebody says if they say something incorrect about drugs or martial arts. It makes me doubt everything else they say.
>Dude I'm telling you kangaroos are a type of deer
id try quit porn but im way to addicted to quit
Only a few hours into October and I am already back on nicotine... not giving up on everything else though.
I think tackling everything at once might have been a little too optimistic.
Also going to swap smoking for nicotine gum.
And coffee only before midday (except when I'm on night shifts).
Of course
Beans, chickpeas and lentilles are my choice of fiber. They are also delicious and have a lot of protein.
Sure, why not? I've been working on budgeting and saving, and not drinking in October will save me $100.
time to take the reins back, there are nights im literally not in control of my actions, just going to the city geting laid and drunk as fuck. even if i tell myself i dont want to go, i still do its scary as fuck
I remember when I woke up scared because I didn't remember after a certain point/drink.
Shit.suxs. then again, I've had that happen for like 10 years. Its been getting better, but at times like last night (my bd) it happens. Here I am lying in bed with no recollection of how I got here, how I paid, how I said goodbye, how I got my gf home, etc. Fug.