
Read all of reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/ before asking your absolutely retarded questions. no exceptions.

If you must ask your absolutely retarded questions, include your age, height, weight, bodyfat percentage, and time spent training as a preface.

No, we cannot tell you how to dose your AI.

Oral only cycles are retarded and you're a retard for considering them.



Other urls found in this thread:


Wish me luck on my orgo exam lads

Good luck user you've got my blessing

Anyone ever got preloaded syringes instead of vials?

did you seriously buy preloaded syringes?


Good luck

He said the vials got contaminated so all the gear was saved by transferring it to syringes instead, I know medical grade syringes are sterile so I'm not worried about that I was just wondering if anyone had the same

That's cool. I'm not one for marketing. Anything I eventually sell I've tested thoroughly myself. Hence why I'm not selling now, not until it's perfect. But so far, my homebrew puts everyone else to shame. No PIP and 400 mg feels like 1.5 grams. I always got PIP with UGL shit. I really had no idea how bad the Tren side effects were until I injected my own shit.

So as I said, I'm convinced that UGLs only sell fake shit.

If I take my shirt of will three jb girls admire me like that?

So he transferred tainted gear to sterile vials, and it's not tainted anymore somehow? Sounds safe bro

I've sent you a mail as ralfie for information.

I also just bought one of pic related. My vials may have a little hole in the rubber but I am confident this is the most sanitary way rather than ever exposing the solution to the open air.


I'm confused, wheres all their muscle?

must've been fuckboy roids cause they more than fit the bill

They are pretty big tho

He said inject one per day which I took to mean syringes but he meant mls, turns out I've been on 200mg tren ace now which explains the sides

Any other raws you plan on brewing?

Maybe compared to you but I actually have eaten meat more than once in my life.

What's your excuse and explanation?

How many lady boys have you hate fucked, then killed in shame?

My metabolism is too fast, most food gets burned before its converted to muscle.

they are jacked and shredded, what are you on about?

oh come on, they probably just play soccer or lacrosse or some gay shit and maybe pushups and crunches.

Wheres the beefcake?

those are cardio abs

idk man they are bigger than me, so personally im impressed

Don't tell me you're on of those bigger = better guys.

This is the peak of looks. This is the biggest anyone should get.

>i can do that natty
No you can't get that huge.

Is this bruising or what? Never had this before on an injection.

If its not hot or painfull you'll be fine.

I've had a bigger bruise once and it recovered just fine.
Keep the needle steadier/go slower.

It happened literally the second I pulled out the needle so I don't think it's an infection. Hasn't been long enough for PIP to set in yet so I don't feel anything. Just weird that it happened. Was my biggest tren injection to date too

what type of back alley steroid dealer is this

are you a Ross b0$$ pls respond

Some blood behind the skin perhaps.

Just keep looking out for more redness, itching, swelling or general pain.

Lmao no

You're being ironic, right?

If they had to roid to look like that then there's a serious issue with their health.

They have a serious case of Tren look but hey I guess you're the expert.

For real dude, no way those dudes pull that much pussy natty

Stop deluding yourselves

I cant take it anymore

youre getting trolled nigga

maybe the image loaded wrong cause what I am seeing is much different, I see 3 teenage girls hanging out on a beach with what looks like 3 cardio-bodied probably soccer players with mild ab and pecs definition.

And the intention of my post was a joking remark anyway I don't give a shit about some high-schoolers physiques.

You're being trolled. Nano is a sack of shit.


>I see 3 teenage girls hanging out on a beach with what looks like 3 shredded as fuark probably slayer players with perfect ab and huge pecs definition.

And your point is? Its okay to be jealous.

THIS vvv
THIS ^^^

Thank you very much you don't even know me.

But yeah I'm bored and dicking around.
Its very obviously satire tho.

Well there goes half the threadspace due to a troll and a gullible dyel

>Its very obviously satire tho.

Yeah, that's true. We shouldn't have had to step in, but it went a little far.

To be fair,

>They have a serious case of Tren look

was pretty good.

Sup degenerates
Anyone ever use Kratom?

Yeah shame we can't ever make new threads

I get carried away from time to time.

To be fair I tend to respond to serious questions I have some decent knowledge on.

this is literally the perfect male body. Big shoulders, defined chest, six-pack.

i think youre a good guy nano

To get some ontopic going
Is slin and metformin in the us OTC?
and would you prefer tamoxifen(nolva) or toremifen(fareston) for the sole purpose of preventing/reducing gyno. No pct required

i think long lasting slin is, metformin no. but berberine is.

Is it possible to do a cycle and still have normal functioning gnads?

You guys, I want some advice.

I'm 18, I'm not desperate for an amazing physique or anything but I'm just curious.

Where can I get more information about SARMs? I want to know of side effects as well as advantages, if they improve strength AND size or just size etc etc etc.
They interest me a lot because one does not pin them, of course.

They have health effects and are unsafe to a noticeable degree every time. There is no way to mitigate those effects. Odds are you don't know how to build muscle and strength naturally, so you would be wasting your money on top of that.

>Where can I get more information about SARMs?
What you wanna know mang
>I want to know of side effects as well as advantages, if they improve strength AND size or just size
Side effects are largely minimal compared to traditional steroids and yes you will gain both strength and size.

>I'm 18, I'm not desperate for an amazing physique or anything but I'm just curious.
We are not reddit you dont need to play the "just curiouse never do it" card. You want to be a sick cunt, face it and say it

>one does not pin them
You are a fucking pussy and afraid of needles. Just do 500test

I don't plan on buying them ever tbqh
I'm quite happy with the way I am, could be bigger but nothing eating more can't fix, I eat like a malnourished African these days.
I just really want to learn more about them, thanks for the info.

I really don't tho
Truthfully I would love to juice but I'm concerned about side effects and more than that an addiction to the mental state being on juice puts you in. If I ever stopped pinning I'd probably be very depressed so I see little to no point.
But damn if I was loaded I'd be juicing all day erryday boyo

Where can I get this information from tho?
Like how do you know more about SARMs famalam
I want to find the info on them so I can make my own judgements

also isn't 500 test way too much for a freaking kid...?

>Where can I get this information from tho?
Youtube. Tons of guys do sarm logs. Warning though they are often pussys about the dosages.

I hopped on at 19 (21 now). I'd wait til you're 20 dude.

Not only the side effect sides, but I mean, are you in fucking college? You live with your parents? You sure you want to be messing with those things in those situations

I joined a trade straight out of highschool and moved out at 18, so I was never in that situation

This is why I don't want to juice, not until I'm stable.
Thanks for the help user.

Got any recommendations user?

How does a winterbulk with the following sound:
1g test
1g eq
4iu hgh
4weeks on/off adrol, sdrol,tbol
Goal would be to ascend into the next plain of existence

>ascent into the plain of existence

>no tren

Hey guys I posted here once a long time ago asking for advice because my gym bro was feeding me cypro and estrogen. He is still my gym buddy although I've quit taking the cypro and estrogen. He wont give me any advice on actual steroids though???

anyways what I'm trying to say is that I only have one testicle and I'm pretty sure that I have a congenital heart defect and that the government healthcare system is lying to me and are trying to kill me.

I also think that my body is infested with toxic mold.

I was just wondering if anybody knew a good steroid or cycle for an autogynephilic homosexual whos trying to get swole!!! thanks in advance

>tfw haven't slept in 3 days and finally hitting the wall

Swap all of the orals with dbol to truly ascend to cloud mode.

I'm honestly starting to wonder if my Colorful Chinese animal test is bunk. I'm just so underwhelmed by all of this. Like I'm two vials deep and my libido has honestly gone DOWN. Every time I pop an Asin I feel fucking terrible. I've injected more than 500mg tren ace in the last 3 days and honestly haven't felt shit. No sweating, no insomnia, no night sweats, no crazy pumps, no crazy libido, nothing. Un fucking believable

You serious? The point of the picture is that it's funny how little muscle mass impresses normalfags. Those girls are impressed by some auschwitz mode teens just because they have low bodyfat.

>I've injected more than 500mg tren ace in the last 3 days and honestly haven't felt shit.
Sorry dude that shit is fake AF. My experience with tren ace, especially if shooting 100mg at once, is an immediate blood pressure spike, popping veins, increased heart rate and labored breathing lasting for around one hour after injection. Once you have had real tren you will never forget the feeling.

> a client asks how I know they ain't cops.
> have multiple complaints of cops seeking gear

Shit. That's why I brew drunk primarily. First of all, a cops not going to make you wait. If he does, you should back off immediately. I'm entering stage 2 testing and I alerted suppliers they have to wait.

I'm taking care of the shit you inject. I always do. If you encounter a problem with my brew then please alert me, I'll fully investigate and refund you for issues

Sup dude? You brewing now?

I literally took a nap after injecting.

It's AWA here but I'd rather lift


Maybe I'd be a drug dealer thanks to the climate but I'd shoot myself before selling bad drugs to someone.

Someone has to do it. Might as well be someone who has your safety at top priority.

Yep. And my shit is so good I've got a few guys trying to enter into contract. Never going back to that UGL shit. 400 mg of my shit is stronger than 1.5 G of their shit , my traps blew up in one week, even after a month of their shit.

So anyone interested in gains, I'll take the highest bidder as my supply is currently limited. If you don't believe me and subscribe to the asshouses then by all means but leave me out of it.

I'll give you two bits

Starting my clen/dnp/EC cut in a couple days. Should be losing 4lb a week. Thank fucking god for AAS. 8% here I come.
Running 500/600/200/25 deca/EQ/test/drol 6w followed by 1g/600/200/50 npp/EQ/test/drol for 12w.
Should I do 4on/4off for drol?

Whats your mg/cc? I'm interested.

If I'm just on 500-600mg test E weekly, is Proviron anti-estrogenic enough that I don't need an AI?

I'm looking to buy my first tren cycle. I was going to order from shitty Chinese animal once thier us domestic re opened but honestly I feel more safe buying from you after lurking here for the last two years. Looking to buy ace and mast p but can do without mast.

this is how our threads get deleted and permablacklisted you apes

Delete your post and post your email

That's what's up dude. Are you testing your raws? You have always been cool and I am glad to help with testing.

LOL what is that pic
I would skip the clen and add T3 instead for your cut.
As for the orals why not take a less toxic SARM everyday instead?

what's the etiquette in this situation?

>16 year old girl
>she's obscenely hot
>wears this see through cotton tank bra thingy
>goes in the cable cross right in front of me

I mean I don't want to be a creep but wtf? am I gonna close my eyes?

what is the issue? just look omg youre not a creep, just a massive phaggot for resisting to watch a hot girl almost flashing her tits in front of you fucking cuck

If you can score with her, don't be a creep.

If you can't, who cares?

I eyefuycked her really bad this gilrl im banging at my gym saw and i dont think she liked it

oh well idgaf

Jayde Cinelli actually hates my exgf because Jayde is bestfriends with her ex, a guy before me she dated when she was 14-16. So Jayde hates her because exgf broke his heart.

What a slut

Exgf likes her because she loves her body

how can i make suicide look like an accident?

>what is the issue? just look omg youre not a creep, just a massive phaggot for resisting to watch a hot girl almost flashing her tits in front of you fucking cuck
This honestly.
At my gym the pull up machine is about 20ft in front of the good girl and bad girl machines and you best believe if a hot chick gets on those machines it's suddenly pullup time.
>Jayde Cinelli
Is that the girl in the pic? I am not into social media at all and I don't know who most of the girls are that I post.

Crusader you forgot something

>how can i make suicide look like an accident?
Or you could not be a faggot and take out the people who drove you too suicide and then an hero...

but how do I an hero in a country without guns

Never get acne during a test cycle but get bad back, shoulder, and chest acne for a few months afterwards. Why? How to prevent?

>some indian girl from another department keeps staring at me in the break room
Fucking disgusting what the fuck

Why would I want my suicide to look like an accident?

>but how do I an hero in a country without guns
Move to America. It's pretty dope here. Might even be so much fun you don't want to suicide?..
>Never get acne during a test cycle but get bad back, shoulder, and chest acne for a few months afterwards. Why?
The hormonal rollercoaster of going on and off fucks with all the other systems in your body and causes your body to do weird things and attack itself and create acne and inflammation and problems.
>How to prevent?
Blast and cruise. BTW a cruise is 100-200/week of test and no more. I personally like 150/week.


I think I overdid it with the tren

I can't sleep. What should I do?