How do you balance a semi physical job with lifting? I normally work 4 10 hour days a week...

How do you balance a semi physical job with lifting? I normally work 4 10 hour days a week, but I try to get overtime which can be another 12 hour day after that and maybe 5 the next. Amazon Fulfillment btw. Picker, 10-12 hours of twisting and bending and my back is usually a little rough after leaving work.

I was just starting on Stronglifts for about 3-4 months when I got the job and I've done very little since. I feel okay now, but I'm also coming off a six day week and I'm thinking I should probably go easy even though I really don't want to. The last thing I want to do is hurt myself and working comes first.

Can I safely condense a three day workout into two? Do I need a day of absolute rest?

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>Can I safely condense a three day workout into two?
Oh, and I'm not asking that as far as volume goes, I'm sure that wouldn't be possible without risk of injury. Like I said right now I'm doing Stronglifts which is really just two alternating workouts anyway. But I'm saying if I were to try something different like PPL if that would be doable.

How comfortable are you pushing a cart 10-15 miles a day. I've seen the amazon documentary so I have a good idea of your working conditions. Money is money, and job is a job. I would say fuck that shit, but I don't need the money, and I have done equally if not more shitty and physically demanding jobs in my time, which is why I say that (fitting ventilation 50-60hrs a week). (I think amazon warehouses are beautiful things, they just chew up staff and there's more ready to start the next day). That said there is no way I would be putting my back out for amazon.

You know your situation... You have a crap job that (although not terribly dangerous) it's gonna have you burning calories like nothing else. But the question is, are you going to be fired for not making a quota when your excuse is you...1. twisted your neck, 2. slipped a disk 3. tear your groin. 4. your too damn tired from deadlifts the night before. Because at least one of those things is going to happen.

The types of managers you have are going to give you shit, they are going to put you on warning, and they will terminate you after 3 strikes and where does that leave you...

The question here is you do a lot of light cardio for a living. You eat an extra 1000 calories a day as a result of the job. How much more punishment can I put my body through doing heavy lifting without severely injuring myself or getting fired?

I think your best bet is to do major lifts and stick to heavy sets. 3 x 5... Maybe just do your upper body for now and deadlifts and squats the day before your day off.

You should be thinking... How can I get a cushy little callcentre / office / retail job where i do minimal cardio all day so I can progress lifting. The truth is the last thing you should do is over do it if you need the money... There is no real need to put your body through that sort of punishment and risk injuring yourself for what hopefully will be a job that wont last longer than 1-2 years.

>But I'm saying if I were to try something different like PPL if that would be doable.

The point I'm making is anything is possible. Do PPLPPLX. Maybe go to /fraud... This might be a situation where roids can help. But kiss goodbye to your natural status. (I am not condoning, but I'm sure a good argument can be made by some bigboi rager whos got a criminal record but needs the cash) But no one is going to give you any brownie points for doing this on top of 14 miles of pushing a cart.

RIght now I'm not doing anything too physical. They have these machines called order pickers that go up 40 feet in the air and I drive down aisles and scan items out of bins and put them in the totes in my OP. But all that twisting and bending leaves my back sore after work. Right now, my one day off this week, I'm okay. But I just don't know where the limit is and I don't wanna cross it.

If standing up is hard for you then you should definitely see a doctor

>Right now, my one day off this week, I'm okay. But I just don't know where the limit is and I don't wanna cross it.

Well it doesn't sound too bad. But surely after 3-4 months you should be able to judge your ability. You could do one body part a day... You could alternate upper low. I would be tempted to do PPL because I think you want to focus one having time to rest muscles, but tone the weight down. The nice thing about it is if you feel tired, or like you've over done it, just take the next day of and continue where you left of, you might end up doing something like PPXLPXPLXPPXLX. If you over did it or feel like your legs need an extra day just build it up. We're not competing competitively here.

>Amazon Fulfillment btw. Picker, 10-12 hours of twisting and bending and my back is usually a little rough after leaving work.

This will get you started but then...

Learn basic yoga poses,

Get out the foam roller (not the plastic tubes, the swimming pool noodle type ones)

Stretch every day 20 minutes before workout and when you wake up. Work on your posture.

I'm gonna go be quiet now maybe check back later, hopefully this is some use. Man it feels good to be selling on ebay/webshops. My physical work commitment is dropping post in the post box on the way to the gym once a day.

Ironically lifting every day is the solution to all your problems but then things get a bit monotonous and you lose track of time.

Rest days just make me crash like withdrawal

Thanks. I'll definitely check out that video too.

I think that's got a lot to do with it too. I'm harnessed in and I can't describe it, but I feel like my posture is worse than normal while I'm in the machine.

It's not as bad as I'm making it sound, it is what it is but desu I enjoy some of it. The machines are pretty fun. I think I'd absolutely hate it if I had a job standing around like a lot of other people do. Which I might end up with anyway because they like to move people around based on need.

I'd recommend you switch to Starting Strength, basically 3 sets of 5 instead of 5 sets of 5.

And you can do one day heavy, one day light and one day medium. So basically first day of the week you go as hard as you can or as you normally do then you go one day really easy and one day medium. There are percentages on how to do that properly in the book Practical Programming which you can torrent.

That was something I was wondering about. I always hear stronglifts is heavy on volume so I was thinking about dropping to 3 sets on everything instead.

meant to reply to

>Lindy West
I really, really, really, really, really despise this person beyond typical fph hate.

She really is a disgusting individual both inside and out.

>Can I safely condense a three day workout into two?
Or you could do a two-day program.
Look up Karl's Method, it's a two day 5/3/1 template.

how to make the workplace more acceptable for people who

>eat as much as lifestock
>smell as bad as lifestock
>produce more methane than lifestock
>leave the facilities in the same condition as lifestock
>steal food like lifestock
>have the intellectual prowess of lifestock
>do not have the nutritional value lifestock

where at, user?

what state?

iirc Greyskull has a 2 day a week varient.


And risk outing myself as a degenerate?

Thanks. I'll look into it. The Karl's Method 531 looks pretty simple though and it's mostly stuff I already understand which is nice. I'm not looking to leave humanity behind, I just wanna get in better shape, both physically and a little aesthetically.

I only asked because I used to run a dock, anonington.

I build seats for cars now, though.

The best advice I can give you is to take it easy during the week, if you can. Progress will be slower, but you will avoid overtraining injuries. I remember the days when I walked 20 miles a day well. Now I just stretch and swing my arms all day.

I was a picker in a carpart warehouse for a while. I unironically did GOMAD plus they let me have snacks and shit on my trolly when I was on the mez. it worked out fine for me lifting 3x a week

Ah. Well, I'm in the St. Louis area.

I've talked to one guy who loves the dock. Everyone else seems like they hate it. Talked to a young guy who was on dock for one day and said he thought he hurt his back on "the wall," which I'm still not 100% sure what that is.

Like I said, I don't think I'm really in too bad a condition but I wanted some other opinions. I think I really need to focus on my posture. The lanyard connects to your harness in just the right position to either hit you in the head or feel like there's an odd, slightly moving 5lbs on your back all day.

The dock? From talking to everyone else, I don't think I'd even be asking this if I were working on the dock.

We're allowed water in a clear bottle and hard candy/mints. People seem to ignore it fairly constantly though. I don't. I couldn't imagine eating something while working. Especially with gloves on.

I never bothered wearing gloves. I never got told off for eating cereal bars, nuts and stuff like that, but maybe people are more uptight in a place like amazon compared to car parts where everyone was a lad and no one gave a shit