Don't squat! Your kneecaps will explode!

>don't squat! Your kneecaps will explode!
>the valsalva manuver will make you go blind!
>Islam is a religion of peace!
>dietary sodium has no negative consequences!
>you can't put on more than a pound of muscle mass a month, and this is hard capped for everyone from manlets to 6' 6 dudes!

Why do people listen to Scooby again?


>Tfw realize I've watched all those shows

Lol! My favorite part is how he's a wicked smart atheist like myself ;)

scooby gives advice from the pov of an oldfag (not to be confused with old faggot, which he also is) concerned not with optimal training, but with sustainable training

also see hodgetwins, old bbers, old plers, etc.

barbell training is the best way to build muscle and it's also the most disruptive and results in the most wear and tear, we need to be realistic about it and understand that we're probably not going to be squatting heavy and deadlifting heavy in our 50s and 60s unless we're genetic anomalies with extreme injury resistance


Europeans who haven't been slowly poisoned with flouride can do it.

Nothing wrong with top right bottom right and bottom left

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Starting Strength. The progressive overload is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of overhead press form, most of the barbells will go over a typical lifters head. There's also Rippetoes nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his number of sets - his personal philosophy draws heavily from Zyzz's routine, for instance. The lifters understand this stuff; they have the glute development to truly appreciate the depths of these squats, to realize that they're not just below parallel- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike starting strength truly ARE DYELs- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the rep range in Rippetoes day B of squats, which itself is a cryptic reference to Zyzz's initial workout method. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Rippetoes genius unfolds itself on their lowerbody. What fools... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have a lower back injury. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5kg of my own squat (preferably lower) beforehand.


tony stark is an archetype verysmart

I meant nothing is wrong with the media they come from. I think iron man/avengers movies have a lot of entertainment value with not much cringe

Even though the fanbase is full of retards I still enjoy Rick and Morty. Fuck the Veeky Forums police!

Epic cringe pasta

>Nothing wrong with MCU
Literal children's movies. DCEU is true kino for true patricians.

He shills for Islam? Not surprising since he's both a Jew and a homo so he just wants to watch the world burn, but I always thought he only talks about fitness on his channel.

depends if by bottom left you mean Robert Downey Jr. or Tony Stark the character. If Tony Stark then plenty wrong, he's one of the biggest cucks in comics and capeshit movies.
Friends was ok, and Jack Sparrow is cool.

Aaand there is new pasta

Kek at Islam. Catch me off guard.

Scooby never said that putting on mass is exactly like that. He says that beyond newbie gains, every pound of muscle is a grind that takes weeks to months

because he's old and jacked
our other two gods are dead and fat

brah if it didn't have the one scene where they beat up a skinhead Veeky Forums would still be suckin it's dick.

I tried watching it. The Get Schwifty episode with "show me what you got". It just wasn't funny.

>Ice - T literally becomes Ice Tea

It was kind of dumb my dude.

He's a goofy nice guy, that's why people find him endearing

His views on Islam are dumb though

Chandler would fucking dominate

>we're probably not going to be squatting heavy and deadlifting heavy in our 50s and 60s
If you'd have said 70s and 80s, I'd might believe you, but guys deadlifting over 500 in their 50s isn't even an uncommon sight.

I'm glad I saw this thread, if anything because of this pasta.

He's the only one from a decent show, they should replace him with John Oliver or Deadpool to make it maximum Reddit

who tf is top right
also sherlock is pretty bad as a character but I don't mind the cinematography of the series

He's from the sticom Friends

DId I miss something? Why is someone who used to talk about fitness share his view on some religion?
Stick to your trade Scooby.

>without a solid grasp of overhead press form, most of the barbells will go over a typical lifters head.
Fucking kek

I'M PICKLEEEEEEE RIIIIIIICKKKK. Haha you definitely have to be an intellect atheist to understand these jokes sorry dumb idiots. But I, like Rick am highly intelligent to live amongst the idiots in my society

Posting fresh OC

Yea well it would be if 2 of them weren't DEAD


I would even say that until and unless you have an experienced and trained guy coaching you, dont do squats and deadlifts

Its extremely easy to fuck up your lower back with these exercises.

Yes they are great. But without proper form, they WILL fuck you up. And no amount of reading Rippentits or watching manlets move 100kg on YouTube will save you

You absolutely need a guy standing next to you correcting your form if you want to go heavy

Does Scooby even argue? All he does is puss out and run away

The only person in that picture that could argue is rip, piana and zyzz are dead, blaha would lie too much and im not sure genova can form a sentence

I made an entire new one, is it reddit enough?

The Rock would kick all their asses.

The Rock is based, you fucking nigger.

This shitty thread has been saved. Be grateful OP you fucking faggot

Fuck off, he hasnt been good since he prioritised acting in shit movies over wwe

Lmao, unironically the best OC I've seen in a long ass time

Not bad at all, but who's the faggot with the red hair?

Also Kevin hart would just snatch Bernies mike, and Bernie would take it like a bitch

you forgot

>don't use steroids because insert momscience but its OK for me to do because insert excuse


A youtube letsplayer

Kek, I think scooby wears those gay hats because his head is small and oddly disproportionate to his body

Oh, so another cancerous parasite. aI don't understand letsplays. Why watch a nigga play a game when you can just do it yourself?

Top half false. Bottom half true or true enough.