Is the rice 600 calories?

I put in 1 cup raw rice and 1/4 cup is 150 calories so total is 600 calories but it does not look anywhere near 600 calories (PS NOT INCLUDING THE CHICKEN)

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Educate me on what exactly 600 calories is supposed to look like.

what does 600 calories look like then?

quit being a god damn pleb and start measuring mass, much more reliable.

so it is 600 calories? all im saying is it doesnet look like alot of food I mean but im guessing it is 600 caloreis?

weight it you twat

it weighs 423 g but how am i supposed to know how much that is cooked? since raw and cooked weigh different

That's a pretty big portion of rice

What do the nutrition facts of the box of rice say?


it's heavier after cooking because of the water it absorbs you fucking retard, obviously it's the raw weight

2nd post in thread read it

Why are you having trouble figuring this shit out then? Typically half a cup of uncooked rice expands to 1 cup cooked.

weigh it next time

200g dry is about 750cals

if 180g dry is 600 calories how 200g dry 750

The rice becomes activated

about 3/4 a cup of COOKED rice is a serving.

that almost looks like 2 cups (cooked)
might be around 6-something 7.

I can eyeball damn near any weight in my sleep

6-somthing 7? you mean around 600-700 calroies?

Why is this a thread?

>20 posts debating how to calculate rice calories

Veeky Forums truly is dead

This is like trying to explain the Who's on First bit to Rainman.