What addiction is holding you back from gains?
Porn. Not just for masturbating i’ll just watch it for hours examining it wasting time.
Veeky Forums.
Eating. Nothing specific, just everything. I fucking love food. I'm not fat, but I just want those abs to shine. But food is so fucking good
Energy drinks.
fucking league of legends... its not even a good game
my addiction to lie there and do nothing
except surf the internet
PUBG. 400+ hours later it's beginning to fuck my grades
Constant stress
Internet addiction
Allowing myself to believe after years of being a hard/tough guy that I had to learn how to be a normal person and be nice to others
Only to learn that once I changed to being the nice guy than you see people just end up using you and you cant change their opinion of you since they already know you are the nice guy and you wont do anything if they fuck with you
Now I'm fighting to be a bigot angry tough guy and going back to my roots
Political correctness ruins the truth and hides the nature we live in
are you me?
Nicotine lozenges, publix subs and coke zero.
Sabatoging myself
I feel you bro
>year and a half ago be depressed pothead druggo.
>Decide to make my life better, get alot of degenerate shit out of my life. start a degree at college.
>get new kickass hobbies that distract me from how shit the wold is.
>Now Im just busy and depressed. I dont think its ever going to go away.
>my life is the best its ever been and I feel just as numb.
I tried to be cool at my job by buying drugs. Now I'm a pothead alcoholic
nigger what
>chocolate milk
>more vydia
>pie. I really like pie.
>hatred of physical activity
>scared of girls
I’m not going to make it, feels bad.
Your depression is likely a chemical imbalance or deficiency - easily controlled with the right meds. Go to a doc.
It's all in your head.
If you want it, you can make it.
Similar situation, but I still have some degenerate habits I need to get rid of (smoking and fapping basically). Desperately hoping the emptiness doesn't carry over... :(
Porn and vidya.
Lifted for a month beginning in April, lost interest and just gave up.
youll be alright. fapping isnt that bad in moderation as long as you dont watch porn. like once a week or two is ideal. if you feel the need to abstain longer then do it.
Vydia is a motherfucker of a gains goblin. Like the king of gains goblins.
>get home from work
>hey I can get a second workout in some light cardio will feel good
>hey bro watcha doing we got an open slot for some R6. Come on bro we need a good Cav player
>fucking gains goblin
Porn and food. I really do hate porn; it fucks up your mind so much even if all you watch is vanilla stuff
At least with fapping you’re only busy for like 5 minutes. Vydia you’re locked in for hours.
Thanks man, hope so. But yeah I would fap to porn 1-2x a day everyday. So it's an issue for me and I'm cutting it out for a while. Harder than quitting cigs in some way.
>for like 5 minutes.
lmao those days are so long passed I can't remember ever doing such a thing. I fap almost every day, usually to porn, and for 1-2 hours straight. Quite a timesink, and with no outside application; at least video games can give you some creative influences/require some strenuous effort, porn is just decadence.
speak for yourself. i can edge for hours and usually that's what i end up doing. the worst part is that i fap out boredom not pleasure
Who the fuck does that???
Stress from being in grad school and trying to not flunk out is holding me back from gains.
I can understand this because I not only have a porn addiction, but I'm a porn hoarder too. So I'll hit up the usual sources that I save porn from and try to save the latest shit as soon as possible before it gets DMCA'd or something
getting rid of my 2tb+ of choice pornography I had hoarded since the 8th grade was tough. But I am glad that I did it. After not looking at pornography for so long my idea of true beauty and whats atractive has changed a lot. butts and boobs are nice but they arent everything.
>Veeky Forums
>eating like a fat hog even tho I've been "cutting" since march
>porn and fapping
>not getting enough sleep
I don't even watch my porn. I've downloaded like 100 gb in the last week and watched like 5 minutes of it
Stims and psychoactives
>5-10 cigarettes per day
>pint or two of beer per day
I have no idea how much gains I am cucking myself away from :(
>mfw it's gotten to the point for me where I will masturbate while watching a show/cartoon
I don't even have to edge. Being distracted while masturbating to something funny allows me to just last for several hours. I'll usually cut myself off at the 4 hour mark and force myself to cum.
I know that feel, after abstaining for a while sometimes I'll just get floored hard by a girl's beauty. And not in some crazy horny/lusty way. Kinda weird how fapping so often dulls you, like when fapping I'll see a girl and know she's killer pretty but I don't get that feeling in my gut.
>pint or two of beer per day
A lot, to say the least.
>being online! got rid of computer now im on phine all day
>depression, anxiety , but i got on meds a couple of months ago and slowly making progress
>being NEET
Question for those addicted to piotn/fapping. I fap twice or once a day usually in the morning and at night while watching porn. Is that considered an addiction? that is the only time i look at porn or fap.
Same here man. The funny part is that I already gave up all the shit, now I just eat to many calories on fruit.
Try to go a week without fapping. If you can't then you're addicted.
hmm interesting, will try
>examining it
What did he mean by this
After playing since late season 2, I finally put it down. I kind of burnt out on it. I peaked in mid diamond season 5. High platinum every season before and after, barring the season I started since I was still learning the game.
It got to the point where I got mad at my friends because they didnt take it as seriously as me and thus couldnt keep up. I also realized that I beat very few single player games since I started playing League. I started focusing on clearing my steam library, and now I've lost all desire to play in the last 3 months.
Lately just been binging on video games... addicted to being a shut in most definitely. I'm turning 23 this month
I'm pretty sure my laziness is a medical problem though.
Too much lifting
I don't know about hours, but more and more I find myself browsing through porn and then getting too tired or frustrated to find something to jack to and then just give up.
polysubstance abuse, mostly the meth tho. i dont like to lift on it cause i feel like my heart's about to explode.
Alcohol. Specifically binge drinking. I didn't have my first drink until college, at my frat - so the only kind of drinking I know is binge drinking.
Alcohol is the only thing that helps me fee at ease. And while it's not an addiction (I've stopped for months at a time) it seriously hampens my gains. I'll have a stressful week at work and down a bottle of wine and half a handle of Jameson.
It fully prevents me from achieving my desired body and I can just see the empty calories in my love handles. I've given up almost everything else but alcohol is my vice. I've even tried and given up harder drugs but alcohol stays
Clash royale
Pc and phone, which is fucking up my posture immensely, which is fucking up my shoulders and back, which is fucking up my lifts and therefore my gains.
I did quit drinking and cigs tho, almost at one year
Gluttony and sloth
>Veeky Forums, Youtube, watching Sports, watching TV Shows
basically the biggest time wasters I have in my life. I got rid of vidya for the most part. most of my problems just come from wasting too much time on my PC and not wanting to do anything productive.
I would love to train hard but ever since I got my new job and spend a lot of time in the car I have back problems which make lifting a lot less fun so I really gotta figure that shit out before I can go balls deep again.
literally food
Addiction in general. Right now it's vidya and i'll be up playing till 3am even though i have to get up at 6. When i do manage to kick that habit, it'll inevitably be replaced by something equally cancerous.
>Physical Gains
Staying up fucking around on the internet instead of sleeping usually only get around 4-5 hours a night because of it, fucks with my workouts.
>Social gains
Lying. Grew up with an emotionally, mentally and at times physically abusive mother. Forced myself to become good at lying to try to minimize some of it (would see dad from time to time which she didn't like, had to get good at lying about it for example) took to lying about random stuff that didnt matter to improve ability to keep straight face only now I can't stop lying about shit that doesnt matter. Nfi why, fucks up any serious relationship I have tried to have.
>Mental Gains
Procrastination, same reason as the sleep, cant stop fucking around on the internet.
>When i do manage to kick that habit, it'll inevitably be replaced by something equally cancerous.
That hits closer to home than I'd like to admit. I managed to stay clear off video games this week end and although I spent some of that time cleaning up and studying, I spent way too much time on fucking Veeky Forums instead ...
But its worth a shot, user! "Just" tell youself no the next time you want to fire up some vidya.
I feel you. I spend way more time casually browsing and occasionally saving something than actually jerking off.
If you want to quit, sell your GPU. There is literally no reason not to sell your GPU unless you're deluding yourself. Quit being a pussy.
School and Rainbow Six Siege.. I barely have time to work out if I want to play ranked
My "social life" I only have 2 friends but they aren't much for lifting and I can no longer squat my feels away.
>4 hours of the same fucking motion
do you catch yourself moving your hands in a masturbatory fashion while doing other shit?
I'm a severe workaholic. To the point of working 10+ hours a day. I get shit pay and too many days off, so I try to earn more. Plus I work in food so I automatically want to die.
Dad get off my board
fucking liquor. worst thing is that i've turned it into a reward for lifting hard. so while i'm working out i just look forward to numbing myself to sleep. i'm afraid that if i stop i will also lose motivation. vicious cycle and all man. at least i'm making progress but it's much slower than it could be. 'only' drink like 3 times a week. but lift around 5-6.
>all these people saying vidya
>tfw I only wish I could play more vidya
I'm a mindless information junkie I just browse websites like this one over and over again because it's easy. I want to play vidya but I procrastinate even that.
No, but my hand hurts afterwards.
Veeky Forums/internet
quitting smoking and eating like shit was easy compared to above
This. Lexapro has turned me around big time. I wake up so much happier and I'm starting to get my motivation to lift back after a month. It also knocks my ass out when I take it at night so that's a plus to support my daily schedules. I used to be afraid of meds until I said fuck it because the worst that'll happen is I just jump off the shit.
Starving/the control from not eating
I just can't bring myself to eat anything sometimes, and I know I need to eat at least 2k a day for any muscle growth at all. But that seems like an infinite amount for me, and anyway controlling my intake helps me manage my stress. And if I don't cook the boyfriend makes something awful (today he made me burnt tortillas with burnt eggs and a slice of cheese) and that makes me feel even worse for not eating it. So instead I just sit around until dinner, not eating anything and being a miserable fuck.
It's just a first world problem, and at least I'm a grill so no one expects or even wants me to have muscle anyway except myself I guess. I have a good job, I will have kids, the SO at least tries to cook for me, and I just want to kill myself. depression/eating disorders are weird.
sadly I am actually only 24 and my back hurts from sitting all day. not even doing DL or anything that heavy anymore. but fuck man sitting in an office all day and driving hundreds of kilometers a week REALLY fucks your back up good.
>go to a doc
>easily controlled with the right meds
I dont believe in doctors and meds user. I am of the strong belief that food and exercise can heal 99% of diseases on their own. and the other 1% a doctor wouldnt be able to help you anyway.
doctors are only good for broken bones or accidents the rest is just money making.
>doctors are only good for broken bones or accidents the rest is just money making
this user gets it
Caffine. More specifically soda because coffee gives me too much heartburn. I want to cut it out of my diet but caffine pills aren't as satisfying.
Surprisingly Veeky Forums. While I do play games and watch porn i do it when i want to but I get all giddy when I'm not "connected" for some time.
Unironically meth
Yup. I have 12,000+ favorites on sankaku cause I get anxiety if I don't save something that I somewhat like. I never even look at half of it, I just feel better knowing I have it.
Fucking sugar
Mongolian Weight Elevation imageboard posting website.
this so much
I think weed might be fucking me up, but idc its super fun.
It's the sugar retard
This so much. Get me out of it.
All of them
Porn, and the internet. Leads to plenty of procrastination.
Politics is my worst edition. I'm a Canadian, but know US politics better than most in the govt probably. I'm an addict, I must know every fact at every time.
Wew lad. I get where you’re coming from but if you body isn’t producing the right quantity of neurotransmitters it doesn’t matter how healthy you eat and are, you’re going to be deficient.
There is a lot of illnesses out there that can be cured with diet and exercise, but this isn’t necessarily one of them.
day one not bad! seems easy so far
ayyy pubsub lyfe