Is Veeky Forums pro-weed or anti-weed? what about alcohol?

Is Veeky Forums pro-weed or anti-weed? what about alcohol?

What do you do at night for that slow time 1-2 hours before bed?

draw, stretch, read. would smoke weed and do exact same thing if i didnt have a job that drug tests

I'm high again, amazing few days now

It will be my last time getting high for a few more months

>looking forward to it

im pretty okay with psychadelics but weed kill motivation, ruin cardiovascular health and make me crave junk food. I heard edibles are better but smoking is no bueno

weed and alcohol are for losers who can't feel good naturally. a truly happy and healthy mind must be free of addiction. find some hobbies if you need to pass the 1-2 hours before bed user.

I'm pro whatever gets you to squat and deadlift more.

joe rogan gtfo my board

i like to smoke weed after workout, diet can be awesome.

NEVER SMOKE before working out, makes you feel waaay too lazy.

Both are fine in moderation. If you're drinking or smoking every day then you're never going to make it.
I lift.

Alcohol tanks your testosterone levels. Marijuana makes you hungry, easy to ruin your diet.

Weed is shit
>kills motivation
>makes you eat shit
>only kids/manchildren use it

Weed helps me sleep proper and hit my macros, especially when eating at maintenance or above while also running intermittent fasting. Loosens me up for mobility work and yoga too. Zero calories, as opposed to alcohol's bottomless carbs and bloat. I would argue marijuana ought to be the preferred recreational drug for the practical lifter. If it kills your motivation, you lack discipline. It's about building dedicated habits that triumph once motivation inevitably fades.

Anti both

Weed dudes are worse though

Fuck all drugs and alcohol man. It's just a waste of time, money and health. I do drugs once or twice a year and drink once a month but I hate the fact that I'm friends with people who are into it. It's bad for your mental health, gains and wallet. I don't even believe I moderation. Don't do it if you can control yourself.

Anti-weed, alcohol is alright if done occasionally in moderation,although it is even better to not have it either.
Weed makes you a helpless under the delusion that it isn't addictive, or it makes you more "productive". The mark of a subhuman

this, it's a fucking nigger-tier drug

weed is good for introspection from time to time.

For me weed helps with
>bulking (im only 160lbs)
>better mood
>literally get better gains when i smoke more regurarly
>everyone says it should be the opposite

You can even get a vaporizer if you are concerned about your lungs

Pretty much.
Weed fucks so badly with aspirations.

Pro muthafucka
Shit it awesome for recovery

Kys nigger, drugs are shit

Weed only kills your motivation if you start laying or sitting down. I start cleaning from the beginning and end up zoning out being productive. I'll also smoke a bowl after gym as a 'reward', it enhances my dopamine high.

Weed is cool in moderation to open up your thought or just disengage fron reality a little bit. Getting high as fuck is dumb, a couple hits 1-2 times a week is cool. You can avoid munchies if you stay aware of yourself to a degree.
Anyone on Veeky Forums who doesn't go out for drinks with his friends at least once a week is missing out on life. Drinking daily is kinda bad, and there is no point to it alone, but damn man, i'd rather be chubby than give up on a good friday night (luckily you don't have to choose).

In my opinion you should avoid taking mind altering substances.

Just read a paper book with a dim reading light.

Pro alchohol when going to the pub with mate and going out, pro weed if it doesnt make you unproductive

>costs money
>fucks up reaction time


Pro weed, anti alcohol - no drink in six years. Pro cactus, pro mushrooms

Good to get max food when intermittent fasting on hard mode.


I much prefer one or two hits as opposed to heavy smoking, much more enjoyable the first way.