Aslaug edn.

Whats your personal favourite flavour of whey and why? Birthday cake here

Other urls found in this thread:


why do you keep making these, who the fuck is this invested in a stupid questions thread

Optimum Coffee flavor. Not Mocha Cap, that just tastes like Nesquik to me. Havent bought it in years though cause fuck paying ON prices even on sale

What body percentage do I start seeing abs? Any good abdominal exercise

>hanging leg raises
>russian twists
>ab wheel

I've been eating grilled chicken breast every now and then, any tip on healthy recipes I could try out with them to make something different every once in a while?

can someone give me an extremely short intermittent fasting guide (8-16), i only keep seeing meme 1hr reads on google, i just want the details on the diet, not what it does.
What i need to know:
>How many times do I eat during the feeding period
>how many calories (ie: more than maintenance?)
>when do i lift weights
>can i drink coffee with milk during fast (can take milk off if necessary)

As many times as you need
As many calories as your goal is
Lift when u r comfortable. I used to lift fasted and it was OK when my gf hated it
You can drink coffee but without milk

Your gains should speak for themselves and you shouldn't go around bragging to people that you go to the gym, but at what stage do you think it's ok to say that you go to the gym, in terms of lifts? 1/2/3/4?

>bragging that you go to the gym
going to the gym other than to do cardio is seen as low class and meathead-y. You should never say you go to the gym unless someone specifically asks you, otherwise say you do sport often.

thanks senpai, some guide said i should lift before feeding but i can't even lift right after only breakfast.

Really depends on person. I got used to it after 3 days

Not sure about recipes but combos.

Like you could cut the chicken and mix with rice and add low calorie hot sauce.

Chicken sandwich with mayo

Etc etc
Use different sauces

Saxon detected

236lb-192lb then started lifting, SS now PPLPPLx.

I've maintained 194lb (+/- 2lb) for 4 months. Lifts have gone up. However the past week I seem to have made it to 198lb... My lifts are increasing, still on the lowest belt notch. Should I embrace the gain or fight to maintain 192lb until I am lean.

Is incline treadmill fast walking good cardio? If done for 40+ mins

Sauces are a good idea, thanks, will search for some healthy spices too

measure heart rate to be sure

Thanks, what about in terms of fat burn?

SS noob here

What do i do if i fail a rep on my first set?

I tried to squat 190x3x5. Failed first set, fifth rep. Should I do 2 more sets of 185 or do I keep it at 190 and do 2 more sets of 4?

Reposting from other QTDDTOT:

Thinking of abandoning all exercises except pullups, pushups, dips, and planks. Anyone have any experience of this? Good/bad idea?

You could just follow a regular calisthenics routine then. At least it'd be more balanced and stuff. I've heard that's always the better option vs making your own routine. Doing the tried and tested and proven etc

Yeah, if you season it well, you won't even need as much sauce for flavor. Can save calories.

Some recommendations based on cutting goals:

Light mayo
Peri peri sauce
Worcester sauce
If you can find light version of bbq sauce that would be awesome

if it's good cardio according to heartrate it's good for burning fat

Yeah I'm trying to trim off what I can for time reasons and those are the exercises I enjoy the most (especially pullups).

In that case yeah your selection of exercises is fine. Covers everything. I know you mentioned time is an issue but I deeply recommend something for your legs. Body weight squats and eventually pistol squats.

Thanks. I just figured I'd be better spending my time on an extra few sets of pullups rather than a few curls or something.

What foods are good for shooting powerful loads?

Is it just celery and enough water?

Why does Veeky Forums regularly declare its approval of pasta, but never mentions how it feels about noodles?

Thank you my dude

Is it okay if I buy my weekly groceries to meet my calorie and protein needs in a week and just eat it without a specific meal plan? Just "this all has to be gone by next grocery day and don't eat anything more"?

When back squatting low bar/high bar, should I look down or in front of me? The power racks in my gym are in front of mirrors so I always keep my head straight to check my form while squatting

How do I engage my glutes more while squatting? Right now my spinal erectors are doing most of the work my ass should be, so my lower back gets pretty sore. I've tried squeezing my glutes but it doesn't help much, any other ways to correct this?

bought creatine from scitec, put a scoop of it in water and drank it, aldo ate a banana because apparently you need carbs

did i do right? should i just snort it

Strawberry Stevia

I love to mix it with plain yoghurt und freeze it for an hour. Tastes like ice cream for me.

and testosterone and being in the right mood and getting some days off before

whole-grain noodles ard good

you're gonna eat it all at once and then fuck with your hormones by starving or just binge

best look down so thag your spine is in neutral position. not that important though

kek you have flexibility problems and if you don't fix them you'll snap your shit up. use more weight, wear squat shoes, shove your knees out, don't go too deep, switch to highbar etc

what do carbs have to do with creatine?

i read you need to take them with carbs to better absorb
kinda like a lot of vitamins only work taken with fat

just take 5g/day for the rest of your life and the creatine question is answered. Wtf nobody cares about fucking carb intake along with creatine what kind of sick twisted pervert are you

Might try this thanks!

>you're gonna eat it all at once and then fuck with your hormones by starving or just binge
Not him, but as far as I'm aware outside of snacking the only real problem with eating all of your daily calories in one sitting is that if you're Veeky Forums it should simply be too much food for your stomach to handle.

I've heard that low fat, high card diets have been blamed for recent increases in diabetes, however Veeky Forums seems to recommend exactly these sorts of diets. What gives? Is there something that comes with being Veeky Forums that counteracts this?

Do you think stretches will help with my flexibility? I'll try all that other stuff too.

What do I do if I see no body gains or strength gains in my first month even though I'm pretty sure I'm doing everything right? Should I do a cycle of steroids to get me to respectable weights?

I wanna get strong bros. I hate being dyel.

Hey Veeky Forums can you keep your muscles if you only go to the gym twice a week?
I dont think i will have time to go during weekdays

If I have PE on monday with some jogging and punching, is it okay to do beginner routine lifting on Tuesday? Provided you don't have DOMS at least.

Is increasing in increments of say 10lbs for compound lifts per week good? Is this a goal I should aim for or is 5lbs more reasonable?

The lifts im talking about are Bench, Squat, DL, OHP

so the user who talked about having back problems from yesterday here. I think I have identified the problem, I used to do some planks and stuff a while back and I have gotten decent at them. eventually I cut it out because of being lazy, hating ab exercises and muh heavy DL and Squats are enough.

Long story short did some yoga, stretching and other stuff today and I think I found the problem. my abs are weak as fucking shit, I can only hold a plank for 40s before I collapse. That is awfull right ? I dont even know how I can DL 4pl8 with a core like this. but then again I have been only DL with a belt recently because my lower back was always sore/tired from sitting all day and driving a lot.

guess cutting out exercises that made me uncomfortable was the exact wrong thing to do. instead of cutting DL and going lighter on Squats I shouldve addressed the problem which apparently is a weak af core giving me anterior pelvic tilt.

Any input is appreciated but I mainly wanted to say thanks to you guys for pointing me in the right direction.

I got one question, what is the most effective way to build ab strength again ? planks are pretty good right ? also how often can I do them ? every day ?

Whats the best leg building exercise other then normal front/back squats? I need an alternative while I recover from an injury/bad form. Are box squats a good alternative?

Been having really bad pain in my centre lower back while doing front/back squats. I'm pretty sure my form is fine but I have had the pain for months now, and its only when I squat

I've been inconsistently going to the gym. About 6 months on and then 4 months off. Currently i try to go at least 4 time per week.

I want to loose weigth and then bulking up just above average.

I don't know how to eat properly but I want to try make me smoothies. I've been reading that the really good ones have watermelon, bananas, lemon, papaya and pineapple.

Is this true? What do you recommend?

Thanks a lot!

Body gains take some time to be noticeable, but no strength gains isn't good for a whole month. Are you sticking to your program and increasing weight when it says?

>I've been inconsistently going to the gym. About 6 months on and then 4 months off. Currently i try to go at least 4 time per week.

4 months off is quitting.

>I want to loose weigth and then bulking up just above average.

So eat 1500 calories a day. Hit goal weight... Then bulk, then cut, then bulk then cut.

Or just get strong while your overweight without over eating then cut it to your final above average goal weight... This is achievable faster but only if you can not eat over your TDEE as your TDEE rises faster with more muscle. Since you say you admit can't eat properly this probably isn't for you. So just eat 1500 calories a day.

>I don't know how to eat properly but I want to try make me smoothies. I've been reading that the really good ones have watermelon, bananas, lemon, papaya and pineapple.

Eat 1500 calories a day

>Is this true? What do you recommend?

Eating 1500 calories a day. The more protein you cram in your 1500 calories the less hungry you will be. Sugar is worse than carbs, sugar mixed with protein can be bad.

Just try eating 1500 calories of fruit smoothie a day. You'll crave sugar all day and give up. You also destroy the fibre content.

Then try eating 1500 calories with 300 calories oats and water/half milk for breakfast, fresh chicken breast with giant plate of vegetables, egg omelette with veggies/meat and small amount of hard cheese if you REALLY need it. Eat apples/oranges etc for fruit... not grapes, pineapple.

Do what is above and try to cram 100g of protein in a day while losing weight.

If you want to go to the gym (lifting obv since you want to be bigger than average, average these days is fat at least here in the UK) while doing the 1500 calories thing, stick 2 x 2 scoop protein shakes (no milk) on top of your 1500 calories diet bringing it to 2100 calories with a guaranteed 80-90g protein boost taking you to 180g of protein a day

The hard part is eating 1500 calories. Learn to do this. I dropped 40lb doing this. One day I wasn't hungry in the morning. Walked 3 miles to city centre and back, so I could go over 1500 calories a little bit. I ate nothing until 5pm and ate a 500calorie microwave pizza followed by a 1000calorie tub of hagen daz ice cream.

Still came in at about 1500 calories.

Next day... eggs, chicken etc...

This was like 1 day over a 4 month weight loss period. The year before I could eat a 1500 calories pizza in the evening followed by 1000 calorie tub of ice cream, and still have breakfast and lunch while snacking on crisp packets during the day

Right forearm bigger than left.
What do i do to single out my left forearm?

I've been going at least 4 times a week and do splits chest/triceps, back/biceps/shoulders, legs.

I try to lift heavier but my muscles seem to give up suddenly. Like I have a good rhythm going and they just die out at like the 5th or 6th rep. Sometimes to just continue on I finish the set with embarrassingly low weight but I rarely if ever feel a pump after working out.

Can a Dutchbro please help? Google translate isn't very clear. Can I open the package to wear the shoe to see if it fits, and if it doesn't, I send it back? Or do I have to not open it at all to be able to return?

Here's a dumb question
Would doing a pushup for a total of 100 pounds be the same as doing a benchpress of 100 pounds? after factoring in that you aren't doing your whole body weight when you do a pushup of course, that 100 pounds is your total.

What do you mean "would it be the same"
It would be harder if that's what you mean because you have to brace your torso too during pushups

As in if I lift 100 pounds during a pushup, how well would it transfer over to 100 pounds on a deadlift?

what's the point of these fitness philosophical questions?

I'm curious as to the difference

>As in if I lift 100 pounds during a pushup
If you can pushup "100 pounds", you can definitely bench 100 pounds
If you can bench 100 pounds, there's no guarantee you can pushup "100 pounds"
Neither has the tiniest carryover to deadlifts


Trying to make a workout program for my newbie clients. Most are laymen that lack the coordination to do power cleans for SS, and GSLP seems too demoralizing to deload after only one failure. Threw in back extensions to help with clients with lower back weakness and leg raises for the "muh abs" clients.

I don't get it. Saxon?

Oops, didn't finish a sentence on warm-ups.

5 to 6 reps should be enough to build some strength, especially if you're going to exhaustion. Maybe you should shoot for more sets instead of more reps for each set. For example greyskull LP has you doing two sets of 5 and the third is as many reps as possible, and stronglifts usually does 5 sets of 5 at a pretty decent weight.

What is the word that keeps getting filtered on here as three astericks

That's probably some parental control, which means you're probably unferage

try to finish 190x5 for your remaining sets, deload next time. maybe you just had a shitty set, y'know


I'm a skinnyfat blob. Gain i still gain muscle through noob gains by eating under my TDEE but still getting enough protein??

Can i*

Freudian slip.

Aren't planks bad for the spine?

Please help, fit
>Squat 210lb for 3 hard reps
>Put on belt
>Pause squat 210lb for 6 reps.

Wtf? I can easily squat 225+ with the belt. I assume core is the issue but I have tried all the cues and have the Chris Duffin video memorized by now.

Is it safe to use creatine and mk677 at the same time in regards to water retention/bloat ?

How dated is pic related? Is it legit?

Unless the human body has changed in the last 40ish years...then its still legit.
Just ignore a lot of the stupid dieting advice.
They're all on heavy amounts of gear and cocaine.

Wish there was a new bodybuilding encyclopedia for naturals.
But the powers that be need to push body dysmorphia and quasi homosexuality for their own wallet and male whore harem gains.

Why do I always feel like something is leaking from my cock and I'm gonna piss my pants when doing pic related? Even after I've just been to the toilet and thoroughly emptied my bladder.

New lifter here, how do I utilize recovery time to preserve new gains/strength the best? I've just been eating protein + fish oil so far but I'm wondering if I could be doing a lot more on rest days

I also heard that with protein drinks only a certain amount gets absorbed or something. I don't really understand what this means. Am I wasting my whey by drinking two scoops all at once?

Might be a UTI or prostate inflammation.
Do you feel a tingle or coldness?


Is there any meme protein powder I should avoid? My inner fag wants to go for the one with the famous sportsmen on the cover

How many grams of protein should i be getting if im bulking?

Has anyone tried German Volume Training? If yes, what's the best programme?

SS or SL?

Newfag here. Is it normal to get DOMS the day after you increase the weight in your lifts?

How do I use a power rack correctly?

Are they really putting estrogen in the water? I stopped drinking water a couple weeks ago so I'm thirsty af but my facial hair seems to be growing quicker and fuller than usual.

Obese in recovery here. Trying to lift.
People at work tell me to use machines because I'll hurt myself if I try to do Free Weights without any experience.

Rip says that machines are dumb and you're more likely to hurt yourself training on machines, as it doesn't translate to realistic movement.

What do I do?

Rip is a cripple that can barely walk nowadays and everything he has or every will say is to push his idea of what it means to be strong and stuck in the 70's idea of lifting to people who're too stupid to know any better.

His advice

He's right.

Just read a fucking book about proper form, nigger.

I am currently in the second week of StrongLifts, but a lot of people like Starting Strength. Should I switch routines?

yeah belts help you lift more weight, they allow you to flex your abs into something there is a reason why everyone uses them in competition

Does fapping kill pain? I've heard it mentioned a few times, but for some reason it never comes up in the NoFap threads. I often find that if I'm hurting from an exercise, particularly if it's at the point that I wake up the next day and I'm still in a bit of pain, busting a nut or two totally fixes it. Does anyone know anything about this?

What's my posture like Veeky Forumsizens?
yeah I know

From day to day, why do I find MASSIVE variation in the difficulty of my kegels?

Do what you enjoy more. Theyre similar routines anyway, both good choices for beginner programs

Ejaculation gives endorphins which is a painkiller. But I doubt it has a profound effect.
Yes there's micro-plastic in your water that mimics estrogen and also excrement from birth control pills. You could always drive to the country and fill up a giant tank with well water.
Machines are more like supports to your weight lifting, they isolate muscles more and don't engage as many muscles as free weight. Do free weight and get yourself killed, you're already fat and have nothing to lose.
Don't get protein powder that is mass gainer (lots of calories and/or lots of carbs), just get the protein supplement alone. You can always add in fruits, whole milk, and whatever actual food into the blender if you need more calories in your protein shake. I just buy the cheap GNC brand protein powder from GNC.
>>I also heard that with protein drinks only a certain amount gets absorbed or something.
It means that if you drink 5 daily doses of protein, your body won't take all that protein, it will only digest some of it. Take only 1/2 of the dose that is detailed on the protein powder after the workout, drink 1/2 at another time like morning.
>how do I utilize recovery time to preserve new gains/strength the best?
There's some bro science like strength or endurance training can depend on resting time. Search online.
You can workout everyday as long as it's not the same muscles. But your body must adapt first.
You can only see it if you got the Veeky Forums gold pass.
It is not the same because you engage your core during push-ups. Also, you can fuck up more from bad form in push-ups where you don't target your pectorals as well.
Focus on only barbell exercises and avoid dumbbell?
Video yourself and see if you got bad form. Ask a buddy to put a broomstick on your back and see if the center of your back is touching (curcling out).
Dead lifts activate hamstrings, etc.