switch to coke zero and have one a day

Replace it with lemonade and/or sweet tea

Stop being à faggot and believe in yourself pussy

Tbh doctor pepper is better you fucking loser.

Because your brain is addicted to the sugar now. Try drinking less and less each day and replace it with water.

I stopped drinking soda 4 years ago, and now whenever I do taste it, it's too sweet for me

You stop drinking it and only drink water. I stopped cold turkey 8 months ago and haven't had a sip since then. I drank at least a 2l bottle everyday prior to stopping.

Mind if I ask your weight before cutting soda out? And current?

I don't know how anyone can both workout and consistently drink sodas or other caffeinated beverages. I used to love Coke but I dropped it because I realized that it just decreases my overall energy. I'll get a boost that lasts a few minutes, then I'll feel completely worn out. Best just sticking to water and fruit juice.

Drink Pepsi instead, drinking Coke is corrupting your soul

>2l bottle everyday
holy shit that's discusting
that's 220g of sugar??

No clue dude. I've been drinking diet for like 10 years now and I'm addicted as hell. I don't have the sugar but I'm gonna get raped by it in the long run

Not that bad desu. I was like 90kg / 185cm and I'm ~85kg now (I started going to gym at the same time)

I lived off coke and smoking. I barely ate food except some kind of dinner.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure my body was made of sugar and water for a while there.

Is it really that hard to quit the black jew? Our family wasn't poor but I never got to drink soft drinks. They were a no-no here.
Was it difficult to quit a 220 g of sugar habit a day? What was it like after? Physical symptoms or just cravings?

aspartame bro, aspartame.
genetically modified ecoli feces.

realize that it's fucking SUGAR WATER.

Stop buying it, idiot.

I haven't drunk soda since I was a teenager. I've always drunk tea with everything, so whenever I had a bottle of coke I'd usually be drinking a tea alongside it. So to this day, if I ever really feel like a coke, I can just make a cup of tea instead and it's honestly every bit as satisfying. Dat pavlovian conditioning.

Replace it with water and coffee, with as little sweetener as possible.

Just drink water and milk nerd. The liquid jew is not more important than your gains

this, except use honey+apple cider vinegar instead

it tastes like apple lemonade

1 lb honey to 1 qt ACV

dilute 5-10% in water

tfw soda tastes like syrup

>quit drinking soda for a few months.
>decide a sodi pop once or twice a week wont kill me.
>cant even drink more than 2/3 bottle before it makes me feel sick.

he fell for the diet cola meme

says it

>fell for the "sugar kills gains" meme

i feel sorry for you, the jews got to you.

look at the ingredients.

its like a chemical list for a science experiment

Coca Cola is ruining the water supply for millions of people in the third world. It is responsible for the higher poverty and mortality rate in these countries. Think about your environmental and moral impact whenever you think about drinking it.
That would help.

>quit drinking soda for a few months.
>drink 1/4 of glass of cocacola
>teeths feel like chewing paint

disgusting af

Genuinely makes me feel disgusted, I don't understand how people can just gulp can after can. The feeling on your teeth is awful too.
Only carbonated drinks I can stomach are sparkling water and ginger beer.


Never was a fan.

Water is all I need.

Every time you want one, drink a bottle of water first. If you still want it, take off your shirt, look in the mirror and ask yourself if your body is worth sacrificing for soft drinks. If you STILL want it, then you drink it and never make it.

If you've seen where and how they live, raising their mortality rate is doing them a service

Anyone else /unabletostomachmostshitexceptwateranymore/?

not sure when the switch happened but carbonated drinks started tasting like shit to me and I started drinking a lot less alcohol

I will never understand soda addiction. Its like literally drinking bubbly syrup.

Grapefruit flavored Perrier got me off soda instantly

show me ONE (1) legitimate, evidence based study that shows that asphertame can do ANY damage to a person or make them gain ANY weight and i will take you seriously.

>i-it increases your blood sugar levels/creates insulin spikes because your body thinks its eaten sugar
What so it can create insulin out of fucking nowhere without actually containing any sugar or calories? Woah dudes, you've just solved world hunger and simeltaniously broken the laws of thermodynamics!

Oh wait, it doesnt at all

>its unnatural! nothing can be that sweet and have ZERO calories!
Except it isnt zero calories. Think of asphertame as a kind of sugar, with equal calories in it etc, except 100x sweeter. So for every granule you're eating you're getting 100x sweetness of every granule of sugar. Then dissolve a little bit in water and lar dee fucking darr, you've got your self an artificially sweetened drink with minimal calories. Not zero calories. Just a very small amount. And about it being unatural. Caramel made from refined sugar is also pretty fucking unnatural, as is whey protein powder, but people seem to lap them up with ease.

So shut the fuck up until you know what you're talking about in the meantime.

>Every time you want one, drink a bottle of water first. If you still want it, take off your shirt, look in the mirror and ask yourself if your body is worth sacrificing for soft drinks. If you STILL want it, then you drink it and never make it.

not how it works buddeh