I'm 5'5 and 103 pounds. Should I lose more weight? I still think I'm fat
I'm 5'5 and 103 pounds. Should I lose more weight? I still think I'm fat
useless picture, can't tell anything from this
you're probably not fat though
that's a man, baby
I'm a girl
If that's a man he 100% has kleinfelters
The only way you're gonna get away with a low effort attention seeking post like this on Veeky Forums is to prove you have a penis in order to entice these raging homos.
laying down is cheating senpai everyone looks thin when they do that
5"5' 103lbs is light. Especially for a tranny.
Too many faggots and trannies taking pictures like this has made every single man on Veeky Forums and across the net become instantly suspicious of pictues like this.
Actual women are caught in the crossfire,
>laying on your back
How the fuck are we supposed to tell from this meme pic that hides fat the most
I just don't want people to call me fat ;_;
You're underweight if anything. Start lifting you flabby fuck.
then go post on myproana or /r/proed don't bring this shit here, lady
What the fuck are you asking our opinions for if you won't give us all the information we need to make a proper assessment?. Go exercise you fucking dumbass.
You should gain muscle. The scale is not a good measure. Squats, hip thrusts, stiff legged deadlifts, barbell rows. Maybe front squats for posture.
You look miles better when the weight is made of muscle
Post a picture of yourself stood up you stupid cunt.
>lying on back
>fat gets pushed down by gravity
Nice try fattie.
Fuckoff to sock honey
Looks like you need to lift desu
naa you don't look fat at all. you do have one hell of a body tho. you SO is a very lucky person
It's obviously a girl, look at those child bearing hips
you are fat stop eating piggie
Man, it's really hard to tell, want to post more and we can give you some tips?
Shut the fuck up and stop ruining this for me. You'll scare OP off.
but u are fat, try cardio once in your fucking life. the lack of muscles makes 103lbs seem less fat in paper only.
It's too late, mean ol' Veeky Forums made her cry
Dammit... Ah well, it could have been a win thread, but dumb fucks and bitter betas gonna ruin it for everyone.
i love the gay homo men on Veeky Forums so much better than the thirsty betas everywhere else on Veeky Forums kek
Yeah, you're still pretty fat. I wouldn't smash, but there's probably a bunch of guys that would.
>wanting to fap to OP is now M'lady.
Did winter-break just start for college students or some shit? I've not had enough to drink for how faggy Veeky Forums is today.
I would make a game of filling that belly button with cum while fingerbanging that crotch into a froth that would put german beer to shame.
Or in other words, no, you aren't fat.
Recomp. Stay the same weight and add some muscle. Not even that much, you have a good foundation.
dumb fucking whore
>and here, ladies and gentleman, we see the White Knight orbiter in it's natural habitat. If it does a good enough job at sucking on her toes, the female of the species may one day use them as a walking wallet while fucking more aggressive and confident men on the side.
good god the things I would do
That wasn't me posting btw
I want to believe you aren't a trap. So I will.
Show boipussi
>lobs attention
Nice Misfits shirt.
Do you do any kind of exercise. You look like you've starved yourself thin.
You look alright 6/10
urge to rape and impregnate.....RISING
fuck its you larping girls again? and what, you gonna tell me not to get mad again? at least change those filenames you idiot
Full body pics would help to determine if you need to gain weight or not
Listen here little baby. You're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, but that ain't what I'm about. Let me just say, you are perfect the way you are. You hear me sugar? PERFECT. Don't ever change. You deserve anything and everything you want. Stay safe for me, baby girl. >mfw thinking of you hurting
Listen here little baby. You're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, but that ain't what I'm about. Let me just say, you are perfect the way you are. You hear me sugar? PERFECT. Don't ever change. You deserve anything and everything you want. Stay safe for me, baby girl.
>mfw thinking of you hurting
Post feet
post scratchnsniff.com link of pussy stench
Looking at that picture gave me goosebumps. How can the female body be so sexy? How can an untrained body be so perfect? No matter how many years we waste at the gym, we will never get the same response from someone looking at us. Why do we bother?
is this a hot new pasta?
You know the rules and so do I
You're fat as fuck
Aim for 0lb you attention seeking, vapid, narcissistic, basic, useless waste of space .
nice gyno fag
this is my fetish and I break nofap every time I see a woman swinging her wide, babymaking hips around
How am I seriously the first to post
I'll pump you so full of cum you could make a killing at the sperm bank. I'll put cum in your arse, cum in your pussy, cum in your mouth. You'll be so full of cum your eyes will water
no you're not fat, now show us some skin baby, also do lots of squats and deadlifts, eat slightly below maintenance and you'll be gold
me first daddy
Fuck, beat me to it
Ikr? The feminine form is proof of the divine. There is nothing more beautiful in nature than a healthy female body, not even a Veeky Forums one, just a healthy one. I don't know if I've got something wrong going up in my head, but I unironically want a feminine body while being a male(male). Does that make sense?
It makes perfect sense. The female body seems to have been perfectly designed to make us weak and take our breath away. I seriously couldn't design something more aesthetically pleasing if I tried. I've already masturbated twice to OP's underboob and I feel like going again
I know that OP is most likely larping or bait, but I can't stop staring.
Post tits dumb skank
Post butthole I'll tell you
eat shit im 5'5'' and 256lbs. i want to die. going to fast again. i did it for a week before quitting because i didn't know about potassium and magnesium and shit
>I still think I'm fat
don't you know how to measure bodyfat% ?
>no face because too many feels
on week 2 of fasting ive got to get me some magnesium...so fucking tired....
Lose anymore weight and you'll be a skelly in time for Halloween. Put on muscle ffs OP.
also im jealous of your height if you're a guy that's like perfect trap height
Question user - did you experience the fatigue and nauseua around day 5-7? That's why I gave up, though the symptoms were starting to recede. This time I'm getting the mag. and potassium like I said to hopefully counteract it. I read too that it might have to do with blood toxicity which makes sense considering my thiccness
Never thought anyone could be jealous of my height. Except 5'4'' and under. Truth is I don't want to be a twinky trap boi. I want to be a big strong man ;_; Besides I have too much underlying muscle, "overcompensating" or not, muscle feels gud
Stop eating bread, OP.
btw nice gyno faggot hawhaw
im still experiencing fatigue and nausea and from what I can tell if you are very thicc you will. your fat stores toxins and when used your body is filtering out those toxins, nausea.
I take multivitamins (DO THIS) and i double up my dose because 1 full dose only provides half of some things. i take potassium. none of this counters the fatigue and nausea.
In fact, fatigue is the most common part of fasting everyone has to deal with. No way around it. I was drinking soup broth everyday but somedays I can't even desire the 50 calories in it.
>I want to be a big strong man ;_;
im sorry but this is really cute, CUTE
If that is the price for cutting gains then so be it. Hopefully it at least levels out a bit as time goes on. Thank bb
Nice reference