An ethical question for Veeky Forums

an ethical question for Veeky Forums

if you see someone in the gym doing something dangerous that could potentially get them injured, are you morally obligated to inform them of their error?

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d-did he die?


guillotine squats result in kill

>not going face to grass on squats

I never give out unsolicited advice in the gym.
Most people in my gym lift horribly and could injury themselves at any time.
If people want to be retarded in the gym then that's not my fault or problem.

Nope, I tried being friendly to a few people and it never works. The minority will take your advice and thank you. The majority will give you an awkward glare and say things like, "uh yeah leave me alone" before never ever returning to my lifting domain again.

No, stupid people killing themselves by doing stupid things is nature taking its course. Stop trying to play God by saving people that nature is choosing to kill, there are enough fucking idiots already.

Do you work in the gym? No? Then stfu.
Nobody cares about unsolicited advice especially since it's usually some dyel trying to give some stupid advice..
If person is legit doing something dangerous that cause damage to the gym then speak to management.

The only time I've ever gone up to someone is on a failed bench

no, but I did save couple of them in random occasions, when a skelly almost decapitated himself benching

Depends on how dangerous. Bad form and risking shoulder improvement? No. Full on snap city or kys-mode? Yes.

People do it at my gym all the time and everyone usually helps each other. But I lift at a powerlifting/strongman gym not normie gym.

If someone doesn't know how to do something they'll ask someone who does.

if they're going to harm themselves, probably not

if they're going to harm someone else, yes



No, let them learn from experience.
I think a lot of people who feel the need to do this are experiencing the dunning-kruger effect. My fat ass friend went to the gym for maybe a month (new year's resolution) and thinks he has to comment on everyone's form.

Pretty much, had a guy once tell me that I will destroy my shoulders since I did lmao2.5pl8 bench for reps followed by 1.5pl8 ohp for reps.
Had the usual don't do low bar sub 3pl8 squatters.
Had an old man tell me that lifting heavy is not worth it (I was doing 1pl8 bench)
Thankfully going to a non commercial gym has prevented a lot of this dyel advice giving.

>Someone compliments me on my form
>Feel extremely self conscious for the rest of the workout

no, youre not. you arent morally copable for other bad decisions and poor judgement. should you help them to prevent serious injury? absolutely, unless you see it more as natural selection


>an accident waiting to happen any moment
If you feel like it.

>something that will have effect on the long term
Probably not worth it.

One time I saw a guy benching with one side being way lower than the other. When he racked I told him, and he said that he knew and he was doing it on purpose for his chest, but thanked me


you're so butthurt that someone hurt your feelings you'd let someone get hurt?

grow up.

I feel like I will never understand the minds of some people

I take plates from the smith machine when I need them at the squat rack for the safety of gymgoers

No, people will just get annoyed about a random giving unwanted advice.

If this were the case 99% of my critiques would be for people to stop doing half/quarter squats or they'll fuck up their knees. But they think the exact opposite and would be completely oblivious to their ignorance. There's no convincing these types of people, they will go by what some bro told them than look up a video demonstrating it.

fuck no let them learn thier lesson the hard way. that's the best way

No, because if I try to give advice the person will think I'm nasty, pretentious and arrogant. Besides, my gym got multiple PTs for that. Leave it to them to take care of that one late-30's-woman who tried squatting while holding a 20lb kettlebell without being able to keep her back straight, or those young wannabe-chads swinging the dumbbells around because they can't stand some chick training and minding her own business being stronger than them etc.

As a rule of thumb I only comment when they might hurt someone else, like their weights are slipping off because they don’t have clips, or they just throw their dumbbells around. Generally don’t care about people being stupid but I care about others and myself.

>caring about clips
I hate you
There's no need for clips on almost any lift except deadlifts where the weight constantly shifts

Hate is a strong word user, but yeah I agree with you clips are fucking more dangerous for both bench and squat (unless you sqwat a lyot) and are only actually useful for deads. I've never had to do the roll of shame, but not having clips on could legitimately save your life on the bench if you get pinned w/o spotter.

I was being extreme, obviously I don't hate the guy. But yeah those points as well. I've been lifting for about 10 years now and I've never, ever, seen anyone or had my own weights fall off unless they were on purpose.

Maybe he had Poland Syndrome?

I saw a guy incline pressing 60's with a spot, instead of tucking his elbows in screwdriver style he was doing the opposite. The guys elbows were going behind his head in total chicken wing style.

The guy looked to be mid 20's or so, not out of dyel mode. How long can a person sustain shit form like before seriously snapping their shit up ?

It blows my mind, I feel off my game if I take a couple weeks off stretching even and I'm young.

I switched to a full normie gym and i see people doing quarter squats all the time, with the usual not let knees go over toes, pointing foward thing.

I didnt get it at first but then i realized thats how the pt there teaches to squat.

And she had the balls to try to correct my form, i said i do low bar (she didn't even know there was such a thing as low bar) and proceeded to squat 3.5 plate. She said i'm gonna fuck up my back and knees if i go too low.

It's fucked up but what can you do?

Fuck. Phone corrected impingement to improvement. You get the idea though.

Obligated? No.

But if I saw someone about to completely wreck their shit then I would probably step in anyway

>if you see someone in the gym doing something dangerous that could potentially get them injured, are you morally obligated to inform them of their error?

i sincerely believe people can do whatever they want to their bodies. When this belief is tested by some fuccboi putting so much weight on the bar his good morning squat turns into a good night I remain true to my beliefs every time.

If they might actually kill themselves then I'll say something
If they're just being stupid and probably won't die, then I won't say anything

Nah. Cleaning the gene pool and natural selection at work.

They have every opportunity to learn and do it right like we do.

I just leave people to do their own thing no matter how fucked it is, so long as they're only putting themselves in danger.

Based on my experience people are never receptive to criticism, no matter how constructive or polite it is. People are so married to their routines and way of doing things that they take any criticism as a personal attack.

Just leave them be and hopefully when they get injured it's enough to scare them into perfecting their form and not enough to cripple them for life.