I can only grow a half assed moustache and a shitty spotted goatee, anyone here have had success with minoxodil or other shit? Some hair grows in my cheeks, which makes me think not everything is hopeless.
Picture related is not me, but mine is even smaller and thinner.
Aiden Baker
yea I'll take a chicken burrito extra sour cream and dont skimp on the cheese jose
Matthew Ross
Dude, stop. Stop posting right the fuck now. Go fucking shave that ass hair off your face.
Thomas Long
Jesus Christ u look like that scrawny Mexican kid that smells like a fucking chimichurro in class.
Jaxson Carter
Caleb Bailey
Jason Campbell
wow can you fucking read, it clearly says it's not me. Mine looks similar with a bigger chin beard but without a moustache.
Camden Roberts
shut the fuck up and take your L newfag
Angel Russell
>me >newfag
I'd post that comic where tiny deadlift his dead parents but I don't have it.
Nicholas Perry
what the fuck are you talking about,sage this shit thread
Liam Baker
>don't know who is tiny >don't know about skateboard skates
>calls other newfags
Joshua Hall
Go back to normiebook nigger
Tyler Wood
Adam Foster
Holy shit Veeky Forums really is full of shitskins.
Adam Roberts
>Pic related is not me
Brandon Adams
>guys i promise im not a newfag haha >im op btw >i love the bbc wew lad
Connor Roberts
Foreign International Transients
Colton Phillips
Seriously though being a beardlet is pain, fix plz
Tyler Stewart
you're a shame to our kind
Parker Hill
:farts in burrrito:
Come back any day Tyrone :^)
Levi Anderson
Half the people on Veeky Forums are mexicans, newfag.
Kevin Jenkins
for grooming sake, you mustache should never surpass your lips. Always trim down the corners of your stache to the tips of your mouth
Camden Brooks
Liam Reyes
>take your L >still using outdated memes cringe
Colton Gutierrez
Shave that shit right now, you are resembling a anthropomorphic goat made of shit and virginity instead of a human being.
Colton Morales
You call that a moustache?
Nolan Moore
I would wait 2-3 years and try again.
Shave it all user.
Cooper Fisher
If you use it, it will still look like shit. Sorry but it's the truth, if you don't have a full beard you never will
Henry Hall
Started growing facial hair at eleven.
Samuel Phillips
epic dude
Xavier Ortiz
Thanks man, you too.
Ryan Young
Elijah Clark
I've been using minoxidil and it seems to have at least some effect. It's no miracle or anything. But I'm growing hair on my cheeks for the first time ever and I'm 28.
I'm fairly sure injecting testosterone would help too.
Julian Nelson
>Contemplating steroids to grow facial hair >Being this insecure
Jeremiah Evans
>anyone here have had success with minoxodil.
The key to success is using low doses. Not kidding.
If you go with the amount recommended for stopping baldness, you are going to look like chewbacca in three months.
I spread 0,3 ml of minox 5% once a day on my face for 7 months. People have complemented my even beard, I also had very little unwanted hair growth in other parts of the body.
Grayson Ross
So much autism in that image. Diggin' it.
Ian Taylor
Jacob Sanchez
>tfw can't even grow half the beard op can at least I still shave it
Justin Young
Once you finish puberty you’ll be good to go.
Henry Hill
I don't know where these pictures come from but the one on the right looks exactly like Jeffrey "Sjow" Brusi to me.
Benjamin Harris
Post face
Considering doing this for the bald patch
Brayden Diaz
>Mustache can't connect to beard >Patch of skin in between is still baby smooth >I'm 24
Julian Sullivan
Remembering Veeky Forums bullying Tiny or even recalling the member Trucrypt is suffice to say you're old as fuck and been her too long...
why have we all not reached freak beast mode by now its been seven years!!
Adrian Howard
>big full bear >full mustache >gf will sit on my lap and rub my facial hair, saying how sexy it is >balding
fuck me up forever senpai
Connor Young
Beard, not bear.
Jeremiah Young
I am a beardlet, and I possibly have low test but at least I have a somewhat okay jawline so I don't need beards.
Jose Hughes
Daily fucking reminder that if you can't grow a thick full beard by the time you're 21, you're not 100% Caucasian.
Jayden Roberts
thats right cumskin bitch
Julian Bennett
>no connection only on one side
Jace Jackson
Don't you have to go get stoned to death for showing your wrist?
Jayden Phillips
Wow, why? So you can look like a filthy perverted spicy?
Keep your face clean shaven honey.
Lucas Torres
one of my best friends is builtfat, full beard and straight bald and he slays all the time dude
Blake Wood
>italy bigger dino than Japan >the country that lost to fucking ethiopia
Easton Turner
THIS. my goatee looks like the letter c
Dylan Evans
Beards are a meme for chinlets and ugly people. Chicks might like rubbing beards like they do bald heads but no one wants to kiss a beard.
Brandon Flores
Angel Ortiz
>tfw can only grow pedostache at 21 >tfw younger brother has more facial hair than me >tfw all men in my bloodline had good facial hair a-any time now, right?