>This will never be you
How do you cope with this?
>This will never be you
How do you cope with this?
By picking up heavy objects and putting them back down
making out with some rave slut? how is that even an accomplishent? you guys have shit tier goals in life
i'm good thanks. the thought of being normie situations actually makes me uncomfortable. i might look okay now, but i'll never act okay.
I don't like grills though
I don't want that to be me.
I wouldn't mind a qt to cuddle up with at home though, at least to just try it out and see what it's like to not live without intimacy for a few days.
Who knows maybe it'll make me appreciate the life of isolation that I live and have always lived.
me on the left
>line pointing to guy in the back with shades
I mean...I can be him, I just gotta go to a rave with glasses and an American flag.
>he think making out with some EDM slut is hard
Me on the right
I like me. I like what I do for fun.
I'm not a huge fan of my wizardry, but I'm taking steps to change that.
jokes on you i bought a wonder woman costume last halloween bitch
you dont need to look like that to make out with a girl high on drugs and drunk
I recently gave away my pointy hat and staff, and to be honest I was probably just as happy, maybe even happier, as a wizard.
bet they dont make the same expression when they see his micron penor though
been there done that.
last week i was in Rio with my brazilian friends during the Rock in Rio week, the town was crowded with gorgeous girls, somehow, being on another country while being drunk 24/7 with some of my best friends killed my autism and i slayed pussy like i never did before, i rented an Airbnb and the 9 days i spent there i fucked 7 girls, kissed more than i can remember and had more fun than i've ever had.
try doing that fellow Veeky Forums bros, take one week of a 100% responsability free week, get drunk, hit on girls, party hard, do drugs, travel, it will change your mind, believe me
You have best friends, you never had autism
>goes out
>rents airbnb
Bro, you were a normie before you even fucked a single pussy.
Fuck off.
By all means Jeff has a good body but he only attracts 6s; maybe a 7 here and there. Kinda sad considering all he's put in. Is this the manlet limit?
I get up and go to work.
It has been me and I'm a massive autist
>you'll never be a rapist
Great advice dude! Now i just need to make friends, get a job to afford the air travel, stop being ridden with acne and im all good to go!
Why didnt i have this advice before?! Thanks bro! *bro fist*
I couldve raped a few times but always held myself back now as im getting older those are some my biggest regrets
This isn't /r9k/ you fuck off
Veeky Forums is /r9k/-lite.
Mouthbreathing incel shit back the fuck off to your hugbox. It's not normal to be a basement dwelling neet with no job, Brazil is cheap as fuck and for your acne to go a dermatologist. Holy autism, we aren't your parents, stop complaining, no one actually cares how you fucked up your life
Yeah because I manage to get a lot grills in a place like this dumbass
>t. 3rd worlder
This normie is butthurt as fuck, i just dont understand why you would pretend to have autism tho
Because 99% of you don't have actual autism, you're just spoiled cunts who are afraid to leave their comfort zone. It only take balls to book a flight and spend a week in a foreign country, nothing else.
Calm down there, Abdul.
>This will never be me
How can i cope with this?
Why will that never be me? Half of /fit is probably tallish and average looking. All that's left is to use steroids until aesthetic and then frequent concerts and take drugs. Seems attainable to me.
>stuck in near complete social isolation for
nearly 20 years
>completely unable to connect with peers, massively out of touch with normal people
>incapable of social interaction, literal social retard
lmao just make friends, take drugs and fuck sluts!
just be yourself bro!
"best friends" i knew those guys like, 5 years ago when they came to the US to live here for 6 months, we became good friends and shit, but still, i spent 5 years without seeing them
probably am, but i'm also pretty shy and closed person, but i realized its basically a "defense mecanism(?)", i realized how dumb i was when i didn't talked to someone or when i didn't went to a party because i would drink and fuck up my cut, yeah, let loose and become a normie too
bro, i'm a graphic designer, i don't have that much money too, just save for maybe 6 months, $1000,00 is probably enough to party hard in countries like Brazil, Argentina and Chile. Making friends is pretty easy actually,
just talk to people about things you like and when you find someone that like the same things as you, you'll realize how easy conversation will flow and how cool people are.
About the acne, go to a doctor, do cardio outside while shirtless with a weak sun block, wash your acne with anti acne soap.
trust me, girls in south america loves "gringos" pussy is so fucking easy when you talk english that it isn't even fair. Also, search for trendy places with lots of girls and you're fine.
Yeah and money you turbocunt.
Yeah, so...fuckin' do all that.
>abloo bloo bloo
I'm sure your shitty attitude has nothing to do with your inability to try new things and be happy.
>tfw acne scarred my shit up
feels pretty fucking bad when you're rocking an adonis like body
>Making friends is pretty easy actually,
>just talk to people about things you like and when you find someone that like the same things as you, you'll realize how easy conversation will flow and how cool people are.
talking to people about things you like? that works if you're a normie and like normie things, not if you're an autist and are into things like
>programming and linux stuff
>obscure autistic niche video games
>military history
even mentioning stuff like that to normies gets you a weird look at best, outright laughter at worst.
By starting an uprising
Literally my life outside of work.
thank god
or just keep posting frogs on a chinese cartoon imageboard, that surely will help!
i dont know what the fuck you expect honestly
get a job
take this from someone who has fuck all knowledge about the things you listed
I honestly think that your hobbies are interesting (except from the gun stuff, instant turn off for most girls) and would love to hear stories about it.
Be happy that your interests aren't as blant as the average normie like "haha netflix"
By not giving a shit
These arent even niche interests. Fucking video games and guns. Its not like youre interested in advanced math or whatever and you cant talk about it to the average person because they dont understand
Your problem is that you recognized you have autism and instead of fixing it you make some weird fucking war against you and "normies"
grow out of this special snowflake mindset or kill yourself
I have one. There's a huge list of shit I need the money for before I consider dropping over a grand for a vacation.
i (and plenty of dudes in similar positions) cant be helped, its over for us
all we want is an end to the passive-aggressive ridicule dressed up as "advice" that normies throw at us wherever they see us
>just b urself, trust me it works
>just keep trying, u'll find someone eventually
>just be confident bro
>just get friends and go party, u'll get laid in no time
you know that it's all useless bullshit to us, so why do you keep endlessly repeating it? just to fuck with us a little more?
>I honestly think that your hobbies are interesting
not uncommon to hear that - from autists on an anime imageboard lmao
>except from the gun stuff, instant turn off for most girls
the rest is even more of an instant turnoff for girls IRL. you're FAR more likely to get a girl to go shooting with you than to get her into linux sysadmin shit lmao.
>These arent even niche interests
if you seriously believe this then you are even more out of touch with normal people than i am
you dont need to fly to a different contitent to travel and go on a festival
then fuck off from this board? its not like we are inviting you just to bomb with advices. youre being annoying and people want you to fuck off
>it's over for us
Oh fuck you. Your life is so goddamn hard because you make it hard.
This has been me almost every weekend either at frat parties or clubs. It's not as fulfilling as it seems. But I guess it'll do until I get another qt gf.
True but wasn't the argument over flying to Brazil?
Just go to wizardchan. Youre constantly baiting people with your autism and get mad when people want you to shut up already
>it's your attitude bro
>just be more positive bro
>making out with some random slut in some random crowded place.
Ugh, no thanks.
we dont look like that
>Tips fedora
most of the virgins on this site are ugly fucks like that
its the exact same incel redditors who create these threads every day
like half the threads on this board are made by the same 10 people
I cope with this by stealing his wallet while he's swapping spit with some hoe
money > stds
me in the luigi suit
>TFW last year at Freakfest (Halloween event in Madison) some random girl literally walked up and asked me to kiss her and I didn't even need to be drunk
This was also back before I got in solid shape. An attractive face works wonders.
user, you and people like you have been saying this over and over and over again.
Every single man on this board knows that an attractive face will get you positive attention from women.
We're here trying build up ourselves to make up for what we lack and build on the things we have.
What's the matter? Terrified that a 5/10 guy with a natty athletic body will steal your girl so you're hoping that you can dumbfuck people into thinking that it's all about the face and the face only?
No, I'm merely trying to make myself feel better about not having a social life by reminding myself of times where things felt they were going at least a little bit better.
crab-bucket mentality larping. look at every single thread and post on this board with the mindset of some miserable guy trying to drag everyone else down and suddenly the whole board makes sense.
after you realise this browsing the board is more annoying than harmful. you cant even win because if you point out how miserable they are, they just reply with "triggered" and "cope".
best would be to ignore these redditors but most of them are neets and have so much free time and lack of ambition that they dedicate their entire life into shitting up boards.
>unironic "afraid i might steal your girl?" post
if you're older than 15 and never kissed a girl, kill yourself.
If you're older than 17 and never had sex, also kill yourself.
most of the people on this board dont even lift and are in the 15-20 range
First kiss at 16, lost my virginity at 18. And they were both meh experiences.
There's more to life than vapid girls who don't care about you.
That girl's not even bad wtf jeff
Fuck that shit man. Maybe i'm cleshay but I just want to take a girl out in my car and drive to a hill somewhere and just stare up in the stars wordless where we both understand each other. Too bad I have crippling social anxiety!
it's about being a man you repulsive numale.
If you haven't achieved these things by a certain age, you're a certified loser. Anyone who thinks otherwise falls in that category.
Fit should inspire to be a normie, not shame them.
no self respecting man cares about anonymous opinions on Veeky Forums
no self respecting man is a virgin after the age of 17.
we know that you dont have any self respect incel-kun
are u saying I will never make out with a girl when going clubbing or to a festival? Because that's just not true
What does being a virgin have to do with not respecting yourself?
Unless you live in a society where you're expected to get married at 15 being a virgin at 17 means nothing.
>That girl's not even bad wtf jeff
There's your problem.
I couldve lost it as early as 13 because there was a huge slut a year older me who was down but I choosed to not because I did not really felt any attraction towads her. Same happened when I was 15.
Self-respect is literally about respecting your own choices, even if they go against what society says you should do.
anyways i wanna thanks for being a betaboy. clears the way for people who have actual goals in life
I try not to compare myself to heavily to others. Of course we all have role-models and there's nothing wrong with that.
Typically I see two scenarios playing out:
1. You're conceivably superior to the other in a way, in which case why bother comparing yourself to them? To feel some sense of superiority? There's no point in that, I don't need someone worse than me to support my ego.
2. You're conceivably inferior to them in a way, in which case why care? You only feed that inferiority with bitterness. They don't think about you most likely, why bother wasting your life thinking about them?
Just be as excellent at what you do as you truly can (not just I tried my best cop-out excuses) and you'll find you're more happy.
Self-serving defeatism is no way to live.
lol fucking COPE BOI
You must be a virgin if you can't even bang a club slut and think being fit is a requirement.
That's a rare Zyzz