Do rack pull actually work?

well, Veeky Forums?

waste of time + good way to fuck up your back by overloading

good way for a one way ticket to Snap City

They just hurt my hands and really really make me tired and not wanting to lift at all. Literally like deadlifting, but worse.

Jesus Christ he looks like shit for being 5'3

No, it is actually a floor cleaning hidden technique

Heavy partials seem to work really well for everything else so I don't see why not

Yes. But they are not worth it because other stuff works aswell.
Risk of injury too big.
Racking takes years.
If you are in a commercial gym everyone will be mad when you hog all the plates.
Normies will see through you and recognize your inner autist...


Yes, it does

thanks alex

Yes it works. Started doing them a while ago and my traps are bigger. Not sure what everyone else is saying about injury, it's pretty safe. Just wedge "under" the bar before you pull and maintain a vertical torso, it's pretty stress-free.

Don't do it if your gym doesn't have bars that can handle it though.

please ignore those literal braindead imeciles who think somehow a lift with a far shorter moment arm than dl is somehow more likely to cause an injury.
and yes, not just for size but they're tremendous assistance exercise for deadlift especially if youre struggling at the top. i brought my pull from 550 to 650 within 11 months and i attribute it to heavy ass rackpulls. also eliminated my unconsious tendency to hitch at the top

rack pulls are good but some big pimply roid faggot used to do them with lmao7pl8 and drop them back onto the pins and bent multiple barbells this way.

rack pulls are great fuck you
just rack pulled 210kg from the knee, above the knee i can lockout like 260kg or more

shit makes your traps, lats and gltues on fire if yo udo it properly
especially sntch grip

>They just hurt my hands and really really make me tired
Why do you even go into the gym m8

>takes a long sip of my ice cold lemonade

They're okay.

Yes, but rack pulls above the knee are like the leg press of the upper body. There are much better exercises you can do to build the traps and upper back without hogging all of the plates in your gym and bending the shit out of their barbells.

There is no reason why shrugs, power cleans, yates rows, T bar rows, rackpulls below the knee for volume, and farmer walks wont provide plenty of work and development for your traps/upper back just because you aren't pulling them 500 kg a 4 cm ROM.

Also ignore these two. Deadlift off the floor are way more dangerous for your lower back then rack pulls ever will be.

i'm sure they work but I started thinking about the spine compression that happens when you hold that much weight before your body has the muscle and is ready. I'm a 6foot 175 pound twig but can rack pull 5 plates but i'm weak af. That can't be good right?

Deficit DL > rack pull

The bar is always aligned with your spine since you dont hinge like a deadlift or block pull. The chance of injury (if you progress slowly over time to adapt) is non existent.