Is this how you calculate the "1.5+ grams per lb. bodyweight" in the sticky?
Is this how you calculate the "1.5+ grams per lb. bodyweight" in the sticky?
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That is indeed how you do multiplication
good thread
Yes it is, congratulations OP, now you learned basic multiplication
Next thing to learn is that so much protein doesn't increase gains for nattys, take 120 - 150g of protons and control other macros according to your goals.
That's to much protein for you sir
Nor does it harm it better over then under
God you are fucking retarded... Remember anons, this is a guy who's vote counts just as much as yours.
Isn't it 1.5x add 30? Obv if your bulking add more
168(0.8)=134g of protons daily now leave and don't return with another stupid question
Honestly, 1.5x the body weight "rule" is retarded and serious bioscience.
I don't get how you did that, can you explain, please?
Yea that's why I thought I was missing something. So the sticky is fake news? How do I figure out my macro?
I thought it was per lean mass.
Oh shit
sometimes i forget that there are people on this board who didn't go to college
>271g proton a day
That's absurd
1 gram of protein per gram of body weight
Holy shit dude. If you have to ask how to multiple a number by 1.5 how are you expecting to be able to function as a human let alone make it?
FUCKING LEAVE MAN. You're an idiot
lmao this board
Where did 0.8 come from?
Veeky Forums here, it's a correction term to account for atmospheric friction- you see, the value of 1.5 is a simplification for grams of protons in a vacuum. Hope that helps.
Fuck you for making me type this. He is calculating your proton needs based of 0.8 grams instead of 1.5.
You need more help than people are prepared to give you man.
I know, but why base it on 0.8 instead of 1.5? I know 1.5 is too much but why 0.8 instead?
You're retarded, go fuck yourself
Use Google next time you have a question. If it's not answered by Google, then post in Veeky Forums. If you're this lazy in every aspect of life, you're not gonna make it.