cbt thread
8% bf
Cbt thread
Gay picture senpai
>red basketball shorts
8% lel
i dont get whats wrong with them, nice to work out in or just chill in
at most 10% and ik thats a huge difference but my trainer said im 8%
>my trainer
Oh OP..
208 Ibs
Lmao. Your not 8%, your not 10%. Your trainer? Bro....dyel? Fucking srs question.
too flashy of colors. Id recommend neutral colors, red is ghetto
oh i see your point then, i like to change it up a bit so maybe ill wear more neutral clothing.
>garbage cuts and no vascularity
lol just wear whatever you want, no one cares
post pic faggot who are you to call me out
Sorry brah my trainer hasn’t taken my weekly nudies yet
anyone else cringe when ppl put "mirin" in their own pics when nobody mirin at all
Anyone else cringe when the people criticizing look worse than the person they are criticizing or are too pussy to post a pic of themselves in a CBT?
no bully pls
seconded fuck all fags who cant even post a pic
you look underage so ill cut some slack, chest is underdeveloped so hit the dumbbell press. do some tri extensions they should be 2/3 your arm. and also hit your delts
5'11" 195lbs
Pls tell me I'm beautiful
arms and back lookin breddy thicc, trim core and taper up youll look very nice
>ab wheel x fail
Cut like 10 pounds and grow chest hair out more and girls love the bear.
mandatory grainy '''''ab''''' picture
Thanks anons made my day less shit working on the bf% abs and taper we're all gunna make it
6'4 220lbs ~25% bf
Bf% prob a bit higher but keep at it for now no sense in cutting till you've got some more mass at least in your shoulders
145 5'7"
Body fat not sure of. All I know is I could use more.
What do I need to work on?
Delts and chest is all I see lacking, looking good brother
Ya just hit your core and you will be a beast. Girls love some sweet abs. Maybe 10-20 min of cardio after lifting to tighten up for a little while.
Your height little guy. No, i'm just kidding you'd look great with a little cutting, good work user
Hahaha that's why I lift user. Also wrestled in the past because I had a Chihuahua complex. Shit helped my self image and made me less of a manlet to girls.
Will saying you have beautiful potential suffice man?
I'll take it and would kiss you on the mouth
You're like 12-13%
Fat to still fat,