Routine r8 thread

Lets see your current routine fellas


A: Chest/triceps
>5x5 flat barbell bench
>4x8 weighted dips
>3x12 pec deck
>3x12 pushdowns

B: Back/biceps
>1x5 deadlift
>5x5 pulldowns
>4x8 dumbbell rows
>3x8 preacher curls
>2x8 hammer curls

C: Shoulders/legs
>5x5 ohp
>5x5 squats
>4x10 lateral raises
>4x10 calf raises

A: Chest/triceps
>4x8 flat dumbbell bench
>4x8 weighted dips
>3x12 pec dec
>3x12 pushdowns

B: Back/biceps
>5x5 barbell rows
>4x8 pulldowns
>4x8 dumbbell rows
>3x8 preacher curls
>2x8 hammer curls

C: Shoulders/legs
>4x8 dumbbell shoulder press
>5x5 squats
>4x10 lateral raises
>4x10 calf raises

>no leg

Good job. I hate legs too

Looks good to me.

Squat 3x5
Incline Bench 3x8
Seated Rows 3x8
Lateral Raises 3x10
Lat Pulldowns 3x10
Hammer Curls 3x10

Deadlift 1x5
OHP 3x5
Pullups 3x8
EZ Bar Curl 3x10
Skullcrushers 3x10
Calf Raises 3x10

Bench 3x5
Front Squat 3x8
Barbell Rows 3x8
Leg Curl 3x10
Tricep Pushdown 3x10
Shrugs 3x10

Heavy diddlys and a2g squats is unironically all you need for thicc legs, the calf raises are honestly just for fun

Nah man I didn't mean it in a bad way. I just didn't hroughly read your post and only saw chest back and shoulders. But yeah that's about all you need.

Started lifting with this about 3 weeks ago, added with 10 minutes of running to start. I think I'm seeing changes, but I'm not too sure

How do people do a chest/tri workout the day after hitting shoulders? How are your shoulders and tris not fatigued on your chest day if you hit a 5x5 on OHP the day before?

Beginner routine
SS means super set

Deadlift 1x5 / Pendaly Row 3x5
Lat Pulldown 3x10
Chest supported rows 3x12
Facepulls 3x20
Hammer Curls 3x12 SS
Dumbell Curls 3x12 SS
SS Power Shrug x10
Bench Press 3x5 / Overhead Press 3x5
Overhead 3x12 / Bench Press 3x12
Incline Dumbell Press 3x12
Tricep PushDown 3x10 SS
Tricep Extentions 3x10 SS
SS Lateral Raises x15
Squat 3x5
Calf Raises 3x15
Front Squat 3x5
pull through 3x15
Cable Leg Crunch 4x12
Ab Vaccums 3x
Pallof Press 3x12

This is my beginner routine for the last month. I going to switch to a new one in a few weeks but I want to double the times I do each one first. So do 6 days and then rest on Sunday

Squat 5 x 10
Stiff leg dead lift 5 x 10
Walking lunge 4 x 10
Leg curl 3 x 12
Leg Ext 3 x 12

Overhead Press 4 x 10
45 DB Press 4 x 10
Bench press 4 x 10
Chest Fly 4 x 10
Tricep Push 3 x 10
Tricep Pull 3 x 10

Lat Pulldown 4 x 10
Seated Row 4 x 10
DB Row 4 x 10
Upright Row 4 x 10
BB Bicept Curl 3 x 12
Hammer Curl 3 x12

You guys with your set "3 x 10" or "4 x 12" or whatever the shit.

Are you guys beginners?

Are you adding weight to the bar every time?

If not - how are you overloading? How are you making progress?

I never understood this. I just measure how much total poundage I do, while keeping the rep range in a reasonable 6 - 12 total per set, and every time I step foot in the gym I move more fucking weight than before. So even when I'm "sick" or "tired" I can make gains. Sure I'll be a bit weaker, so it will take a bit longer. But the overload principle in terms of volume is still there.

Why limit yourself to such a fixed rep range when you're probably not making linear strength progressions?

This "one weird trick" I described above has literally let me break all my intermediate plateaus, common fitness dogma be damned.

I attempt to increase weights by at least 1-3kg every week or two. Initially I could only bench a 12.5kg bar, but now I can do 20kg after 4 weeks. I don't know if that's good progress?

like...just the bar no weights on it?...

I've added weights, its the bar which weighs 12.5kg. Honestly, 20kg still feels too light, I might move up to 24kg next week.

Also, I weigh 57.5kg if that is of any significance.

obviously nobody counts the bar idiot

i do

OK that's fine, so you're a beginner.

But everyone else, what is with this 4 x 12 nonsense every workout? I know y'all niggas ain't adding weight to the bar every workout.

Protip: stop following the advice of STEROID USING BODYBUILDERS who can literally sit on their ass and build more muscle than a natty following a decent routine.

Ironically, bodybuilding advice from bodybuilders tends to be the worst.

But there isn't a single solitary bit of lifting advice in the sticky that doesn't come from some heavily geared up lifter.
Who should people listen too?

>" Initially I could only bench a 12.5kg bar, but now I can do 20kg after 4 weeks"
Well explain what this means then faggot

Doing Hepburn method for last 2 weeks
Bench 8x2 (the one set goes up by one rep till you do 8x3 then you add 10 lbs)
Bench 3x6 same as above till 3x8
Squat 8x2
Squat 3x6
8x2 deadlift
3x6 deadlift
8x2 ohp
3x6 ohp

Repeat on Thu and Friday
It's starting to get harder however I wanna stick to it for 3-4 months minimum and if it works I won't leave it till I have a 3pl8 bench which is 10 kgs away

4x5 flat bench
4x8 incline
4x15 chest flies
4x12 (with 2 drop sets for each set) Overhead rope extensions
10x10 lightweight tricep pull downs
4x10 dips
4x10 close grip bench

4x5 deadlifts
3xf pull ups
4x12 good mornings
6x8 seated curls (with one drop set each set)
4x8 easy bar curls (with one drop set each set)
3xf light weight barbell curls

4x6 hacksquat (no nrml squats bc weird injury)
4x8 leg press
4x12 leg curls
4xf calve raises

>4x6 hacksquat (no nrml squats bc weird injury)
>4x8 leg press
>4x12 leg curls
>4xf calve raises

Seriously, you are wasting 2 days at the gym. Do squats on push day, and if your doing deads and good mornings you really don't need leg curls. Add calves twice a week if you want.

This is my PPxPPxx routine.
Day1: Deadlifts 4x5,
Day2: Barbell rows 4x5,
3x8-12 Pulldowns
3x8-12 T-bar rows
1x8, 1x20 Shrugs
3x15-20 face pulls
4x8-12 hammer curls/Preacher curls
3x20 Calf raises

Day1: Bench press 4x5,
Day2: Overhead press 4x5,
Day1: Overhead press 3x8-12
Day2: Bench press 3x8-12
3x8-12 incline dumbbell press
3x8-12 Skullcrushers SS 3x15-20 lateral raises
3x8-12 triceps pushdowns SS 3x15-20 lateral raises
Day1: Squats 3x5

Phillipicoan Deadlift program.

Smolov Jr bench.

Lateral raises and Leg raises for slots.

I did something similar in the past.

I would pick an exercise and a weight and set a time limit. If I succeeded in getting a certain number of reps in that time limit, I added weight next time.

Barbell press for 40 reps- 8,8,5,4,5,7,3. Next session add weight.


>3x5 ohp
>3x5 bench
>6x5 cable chest flies (alternating angle, hi mid low)
>5x5 decline shoulder press
>5x5 dips
>5x5 lateral raises
>5x5 skullcrushers
>5k run, slow pace

>3x5 diddly
>3x5 bent over row / seated cable row
>3x10 weighted situps on 45 degree decline
>3x10 weighted hyper extensions 45 degree incline
>5x5 pullups
>5x5 vertical ez rows closed grip high shoulders
>5x8-10 shrugs
>5x5 bar curl
>2k row

>3x5 squats
>light power cleans (oly beginner/learning)
>3x5 hack squat machine
>3x5 45 degree leg press machine
no alternates
>3x5 quad extensions
>3x5 hamstring curls
>3x5 inny adductors
>3x5 outy adductors
>4x5 minute rounds w/ 2 minute break

Still adjusting to this from some bastardisation of SS, my legs are very tired with skipping, 5k so I skip the cardio depending on how my legs feel. I'll slip in an extra rest day if I feel I need it.

New to set routines
Day 1:
Incline barbell bench 3x8
Flat barbell bench 3x8
Weighted chest dip 3x5
Seated tricep press 3x8-10
Standing calf raise 3x10
Sitting calf raise 3x10

Day 2:
Deadlift 3x8
Barbell row 3x8
Wide-grip Chin-up 3x7
Bicep curl 3x10
Weight, declined sit-up x10, captain chair til failure, bicycle kicks till failure, all three x3

Day 3:
Incline barbell bench 3x8
Military press 3x8
Side lateral raise 3x10
Bent over rear delt raise 3x10
Calf press 3x10
Sitting calf raise 3x10

Day 4:
Squats 3x8
Leg press 3x10
Romanian deadlift 3x8
Weight, declined sit-up x10, captain chair til failure, bicycle kicks till failure, all three x3

Fellas help whats the best quick workout plan for a new probanly fuel who can only fit a half hour slot to go to the gym ?
I also have kettlebells I use at home so I'm not onky going 2.5 hours/week
It makes me wanna die so much

Upper (2x week):

Kettlebell Farmers Walk 3xF
Cable Press / Dumbbell press 3x10
Incline Cable Press / Incline Dumbbell press
Dumbbell Rows 3x10
Lat Raises 3x10
Curls 3x1p

Lower (1x week):
Squats 3x5
Sumo Deadlift 3x5
Cable Crunch/Ab machine 3x10

Forgot to add I'm probably going to add pullups

You're a fucking autistic retard if you actually follow lists like this.
Just eat well and keeping lifting until you can lift something heavier, that's literally all you need to do. FFS.

ABAB ad infinitum.
HHLL ad infinitum

>Rack Pulls
>Pendlay Rows
>Power Cleans
>Calf Raises
>Weighted decline sit ups.

>Flat Bench
>Decline Bench
>Bent Over Rows
>Weighted Chin Ups
>Weighted Dips
>Preacher Curls

H = Heavy
5 * 3

L = Light
5 * 5

5k row

Lmao are you a 12 year old girl? 12kg bench are you fucking for real?
My 50kg gf benched once and she can bench 20kg

I can't squat I damaged my elbow in a really weird way awhile ago. Now whenever I grip the barbell behind my head i get a searing pain.

Just started this routine two weeks ago, my main problem with it is I can't do chins ups since Im pretty heavy(215 lbs) and I got weak back muslces. I've been doing lat pull downs but is there anything else I should sub in for chin ups until I can do them?



ThePress 3x5
Bench 3x10
Dip 3x to failure

Pendlay row 3x5
Curls 3x10
Chinups 3x to failure

Deadlift 1x5
Squat 3x5
Planks 3x to failure


that's pretty low senpai. doing 30 kg (20 kg bar) as a beginner myself. I weigh 67.5 kg here.
are you a woman?


Here's what I do now:

Lat pull down 3x6-10
Horizontal row 3x6-10
DB shrug 3x6-10
Reverse fly 3x8-12
Biceps curls 3x8-12
Back hyperextension 3x20-25
Ab machine 3x20-25

Squat 3x6-10
Leg extensions 3x8-12
Leg curls 3x8-12
Bench press 3x6-10
Military press 3x6-10
DB fly 3x8-12
DB lateral raise 3x8-12
Triceps extensions 3x8-12

Exercises are in no particular order since benches and machines are constantly occupied and I don't want to spend a half day in the gym. I start with heavy 3x6-10 lifts first and then move to lighter 3x8-12 lifts.