Okay Veeky Forums, I need some feedback on a situation that just happened.
>tinder date with girl, pretty qt, okay body >end up going back to my place >sex was good, her hygiene not so much, but whatever >we get on really well, not sure I really want to date her after this, but going with the flow >two days later she comes over for a booty call >condom comes off when I cum, so it gets stuck inside her. Awkward as fuck >she has to take the morning after pill. I offer to pay for it, doctors consultation, whatever she needs, she says its cool >get a terrible sleep, so exhausted the next day, also still quick panicked from the risk of having got a girl pregnant, as she wasn't on anything. >realise I don't really want a gf at all, and I need to get my own shit together before I can commit to anything, feel bad for kind of looking for a hookup initially >today we talk, she took the pill etc so all good >be honest with her that I thought she was nice but I'm not looking for a relationship atm, so I felt it was best to end it sooner rather than later >she calls me a douchebag, says it's a big dick move to do this while she's feeling shitty with the pill (apparently it brings on really bad periods), and that she's seen this before with guys who freak out after the condom breaks or whatever >tried to do the right thing by ending it before we got attached, ended up feeling like a piece of shit
I'm pretty sleep-deprived still, and the panic of having potentially impregnated her might have impaired my decision-making, but did I make a bad call here?
My reasoning was that if I waited a few weeks until she felt better, it'd be the same result but we'd have spent a lot more time together, so it'd be worse breaking up with her- this way we broke up before anything serious started, so minimal damage to both parties.
Now I feel like I may have panicked and done it too soon. I knew I didn't want to date her, but should I have held on for a better time?
Jayden Ortiz
OP is a faggot, but didn't do nothing wrong.
Now go fuck yourself.
Jordan Myers
>she's seen this before
Positive reinforcement of your behaviour right there - you are successfully being Chad.
Justin Ramirez
No you didn't do anything wrong. Not sure why you were entertaining the idea of a relationship with a Tinder girl anyway.
Dominic Ortiz
all of these
Austin King
This. Tinder girls are fucking trash. Being on it is so disheartening. No potential at all and it's all just "I'm here for your dog".
Joshua Reed
Tinder has some gf material, but I didn't really have any expectations going into this, kind of hoped to get some fucc but tbqh I just wanted to go for drinks with a girl and have a good time.
Had one other one recently where the girl came back. Cute Japanese grill, was on her period so we couldn't fuck but we fooled around a bit. Really liked her, but she stopped replying after a few days, made me feel shitty. Guess I was just hesitant to do the same thing to a girl
Carson Brown
To be fai,r she could ride the dick like nobody's business, the sex was actually great
Still though, that alone didn't make me want to date her.
Bad thing is she lives super-close too, definitely going to bump into her on the street, but fuck it
Ethan Campbell
Funny how you took the broken condom as your own fault. What was her choice anyway, not take the pill and ruin two lives? You did nothing wrong. Boohoo my lady feelings, fuck that.
Michael Smith
>today we talk, she took the pill etc so all good
shall we tell him lads?
Michael Diaz
murder-suicide Tbh
Elijah Turner
>didn't fuck because period
ask me how I know you're gay
Daniel Peterson
Think her issue was more that I ended it literally the next day after it happened
She told me earlier on in the day that she'd taken it, before she had any idea I was going to do that. I'm wise to the baby trap, my dude.
If you want to go ahead and tug on a gril's tampon all over your sheets be my guest my man
Gabriel Reyes
what can i say except you're welcome
Anthony Jenkins
Old man here. You did the right thing. Were the tables turned, she would not even be a tenth considerate. Women are voracious opportunists and seek to emotionally blackmail or injure you for any perceived slight against their value or ego.
She will never put in the same amount of hard work you do.
Mason Butler
What a pencil dick. Buy smaller condoms next time.
Ayden Sullivan
You're asking for advice. That's an entirely different board. How did you fuck up posing this bad?
David Rodriguez
>implying /adv/ or /r9k/ have ever seen a 3D woman before >implying /soc/'s women aren't batshit >implying /pol/ wouldn't judge the whole thing on whether or not she was huwite
Veeky Forums is the closest thing to a chad board we have tbqh
Old screencap related
Carter Williams
Remember these exact words and tell them to her: "Nobody worth dating seriously is on Tinder. You even fuck on the first date. Get over yourself, missy."
Chase Gray
Post tinder profile, its obvious you didnt have sex with any girl you deluded fuck
Ethan Anderson
>You even fuck on the first date.
Finally seeing this for the big red flag that it is.
Used to bring girls for coffee for first date to avoid exactly this, but got nowhere with it.
The real test of a woman is if you can go out for drinks, she can take all your chatting her up while filling her full of wine or cocktails, and then still make you wait until date 2 or 3 for the goods.
It's counter-intuitive, but tbqh i'd prefer it at this point
Owen Robinson
Despite the meme that all women are sluts, most actually can't help but get attached after sex. If want omlettes you'll have to break eggs, and if you want tinder pussy on demand, you'll have to hurt some feelings.
And since you already missed your last chance to bag a clean honest relationship with a monogamous non slut qt (that ship starts sailing the moment you leave school, and is pretty much completely gone by the time you hit late 20s), you might as well get used to the Chad / Stacey lifestyle of casual cucking
Angel King
Your mistake was not being a gay. This is Veeky Forums, not /adv/ so go there.
Luis Powell
Okay so real talk
You know the way half the girls on Tinder have 'No Hookup' on it, to signal that they're not sluts?
So what's supposed to happen here, you just end up fucking girls and they get pissed off because you don't want more than one night?
Is there any way to tell a girl you just want to hook up without her turning you down?
Oliver Peterson
tldr: >woman fucks a guy on the first date off a hookup app >then gets upset when he doesn't want a committed relationship truly god made a mistake when he created the roastie
Elijah Gutierrez
Don't give a shit about her or her feelings. Sounds harsh, but I just mean it in this situation. Women will always try to make you feel like shit and give you hell if you do something they don't like, don't worry. Objectively, you did the absolutely right thing, it's just that her subjective impression is that she was somehow wronged. Just disregard that. I mean, honestly, what did she expect? To find her future husband on Tinder? She has noone to blame but herself from having some lofty expectations and then getting angry at someone else for not meeting them.
Jaxon Jones
That's ice coldness there.
Christian Jenkins
She’s a massive thot who kills babies and talks about her periods You did good OP
Adrian Reyes
Cheers for the advice, dudes. Made me feel a bit better about this.
Guess with Tinder shit you can't really avoid trampling feelings if you just want to fuck someone
Jackson Robinson
yeah op you did the right thing
no need to feel bad, you didn't intentionally lead her on you just fucked a couple times, nbd, she'll get over it trust me lol
you sound pretty young, and naive, im assuming high school or college, and dude, literally all college girls just want some dick, they have new hookups all the time, she probably has been fucking with other guys at the same time as you, or at the very least has been talking to the next in line.
idc what they say their body count is, they're full of shit 90% of the time. the thing is I think a lot of them truly believe it, but it's because cognitive dissonance, and they subconsciously rationalize that they're not a slut by conveniently forgetting certain guys that don't count and shit
like that's who I am, I'm the guy that doesn't count. I'm like a gay friend that fucks them, and they don't count it toward their lay count, Im just a fun friend, like when she made out with another girl just for fun, but she's not actually bi! (lol)
Josiah Kelly
>>she calls me a douchebag, says it's a big dick move to do this while she's feeling shitty with the pill (apparently it brings on really bad periods), and that she's seen this before with guys who freak out after the condom breaks or whatever
Says the girl not on the pill,
My ex got all high and mighty about me forcing her to have an abortion. My words were, I'll support your decision either way, but what I said/did tended to change 2 weeks after the fact. 6 months later I dump her, basically for trying to manipulate me this way. Pretty much for making me feel like i dragged her to the clinic when the only pressure I put on her was to make her decision sooner rather than later so they weren't pulling a little humanoid out of her should she not keep it. She really took her fucking time btw, especially for someone who never wanted kids, and was on the pill. She told me she got pregnant 3 days after I broke up with her, dumb move by me... whether she was or wasn't. I drove her to the hospital, likely she had an appointment with the doctor for something else, but being in the waiting year old with a bunch of 14-16 year olds with their mothers was quite funny and enough proof for me at the time.
Turns out she was cheating on me. Found out after I dumped her. Turns out it probably wasn't even my kid I was feeling guilty about. No wonder she wouldn't speak to my parents after refusing to tell hers. Yet still me forcing her to have an abortion.
This was my first experience with how the person I was closest to couldn't be honest with me. Here's the situation the above lead me to. Get a vasectomy and freeze sperm. If she ever gets pregnant let her keep it. I always wish my ex had the kid and it turned out to be the person she cheated on me with. That would have been the greatest revenge/lucky escape of all time.
The only time you will have a kid is when you give the woman access to your sperm, and you can do that with the right woman.
Caleb Gonzalez
Is there some special place where plebs buy there slipping/breaking condoms at? Didn't ever hear of someone with proper brains happening something like this to him. These things just don't happen, even if you use one 'a little to big'.
Blake Brooks
You did panic, which probably rushed you to Define The Relationship sooner than you needed to.
That said, you didn't really do anything "wrong," but you should learn from this experience: 1) Avoid doing things that imply a committed relationship until you're comfortable doing them. (Sex does not imply a committed relationship unless she says it does to her or you decide it does for you.) Romantic things do imply a committed relationship. 2) Don't assume there is any commitment until you've talked about it with her specifically. You can reasonably expect her to do the same, and if she assumes more without having talked, it's her fault, not yours. 3) Be more comfortable with uncertainty in uncommitted relationships. You do this by just appreciating things that happen and not worrying about things that haven't happened or might not happen. 4) Be more careful with sex/your cum.
You didn't do anything "wrong" this time but you could have handled it better by not assuming she wanted to commit to anything. You insulted her by telling her you didn't want to commit even though you'd assumed she did (it's just unnecessarily rude, like going up to a stranger and saying "hey I know you wanted to shake hands but I'm not going to shake hands with you" even if they didn't want to in the first place). Next time, acknowledge your feeling that >we get on really well, not sure I really want to date her after this, but going with the flow and just go with the flow without committing either way until you feel it.
Camden Jones
If a whore is on Tinder she is human garbage and should be treated as a fuck toy
It doesn't matter what she wants or thinks
Christian Morgan
>don't give me that babe in the woods routine karen.
She's a slag who let's random tinder guys dump loads in her and now she's pulling the emotional blackmail card because for what is probably the 20th time a guy has filled her with cum and then ditched her.
Don't settle for her used up cunt. Find a nice girl who's had far fewer sexual partners and put in some work.
Jason Allen
You gave a shit. Now you must pay for it.
But it's all ok user. You didn't do nuffin.
Jonathan Price
Learn from this and don't have sex with someone you wouldn't date.
Ryan Rogers
You’re a degenerate and should an hero as soon as possible.
Joshua Walker
Any girl who is using tinder and not on birth control is fucking trash.
And you are fucking stupid " the condom fell off" fuck off
Ethan Harris
the only level-headed post in this cess pool of a thread. Veeky Forums is like /r9k/ on roids
Thomas Perez
t. Matchlet
Jaxson Young
Top kek
Angel Morgan
Jaded old man
Eli Jones
You did everything right. Offered to pay, handled your business... Worry about yourself first. This girl is clearly not worth any more of your time. If she was more than a fuckhole you, you would have known within minutes of meeting her.
Hunter Lee
This guy gets it. It's about the Chase
Tyler Williams
>like that's who I am, I'm the guy that doesn't count. I'm like a gay friend that fucks them, and they don't count it toward their lay count, Im just a fun friend, like when she made out with another girl just for fun, but she's not actually bi! (lol)
This makes me literally nauseous by reading it. I only wish for a loyal loving wife to bond with and have lots of children with.
Then i read this sick stories about how seemingly innocent looking woman are such deceiving lying sluts that only use men for material gain and temporary emotional or physical satisfaction.
Jayden Rodriguez
> Then i read this sick stories about how seemingly innocent looking woman are such deceiving lying sluts that only use men for material gain and temporary emotional or physical satisfaction
Forewarned is forearmed, user
Zachary Sullivan
Sorry bro, women are just as horny as men, they just need to hide it. Look at it this way, fuck as many women as you can and when you are in your 40's at least have had more sexual encounters than the whore you are marrying. Don't marry until late 30's and 40's when you are at your prime value in comparison to women your age, you will score a hot slut 10 years younger. The last thing you want to be is the beta cuck that has fucked 3 girls and your wife has tasted 30 dicks.
Zachary Wood
lol fuck off fag
Liam Russell
How does the condom fall off? What the fuck?
Angel Rodriguez
They think that by putting that in their profile it saves face for being on an app for known sluts. It’s their way of not having to be accountable for their actions.
Grayson Thompson
>Find a nice girl who's had far fewer sexual partners and put in some work.
This. You put in low effort and get sluts. You do it to yourself. Now you hate them, good job. Just be less of a pussy.
Ryan Carter
What do you mean you don't want to date her OP? She's probably a strong, fierce, woman who likes to snuggle up on the couch and watch netflix marathons.
Someone you can "Vibe" with. Someone who is Bisexual and 420 Friendly. Not just looking for a Hookup Likes food, travel, dogs (probably swiped right for yours XD) A single dog mom. Music is probably very important to her, thats why she listens to the suicide squad soundtrack. Someone who would swipe left if you voted trump. Someone who is very sarcastic but also shy when you first meet her, but once you take the time to know her shes a friend you will keep for LYFE. Her kid is her world. Someone who wants you to feed her. Someone with a lot of tattoos and piercings, and more than one color in her hair (her body her choice). One who uses beyonce gifs to react to trump tweets. Somone who "superliked on accident." someone who loves thirsty thursday with the girls. Someone who is a little big, so if you cant handle, swipe left
Is there any that im missing?
Michael Jackson
that shit wont freeze forever tho.
Hudson Ortiz
OP here
Condom was pretty tight, that was the weird thing. We did a few positions where it went deep though, so that might have caught it or something
Huh, hadn't thought of it that way, that's probably the right way to analyse this.
Cheers for the advice dude
Genuinely no fucking clue, never happened to me before. Just pulled out after cumming and it wasn't there. Possibly I was in too deep, then when I pulled out after finishing it just didn't come with my dick?
Just here for your dog Travel is my life
Bentley Morgan
Fuck, you know what, I did actually wait a little longer than normal to pull out afterwards, must have gone a little soft and the condom stayed put inside her