Britbongistan edition
Brits only
Americans are dumb
Britbongistan edition
Brits only
Americans are dumb
>brit thread
2nd for my waifu
>No escape from this in real life
>No escape from this on /pol/
>No escape from this on Veeky Forums either...
No escape from what, people that are different from you? Welcome to the real world.
not too far off
>twitter violence is a thing now
No escape from Orwell's Britain.
>diversity is our strength
>freedom is slavery
Ohh, yeah. Some shady legislation is getting passed
wtf i love multiculturalism now
My inner side of thigh stars to rub with other thigh and it makes me itchy. When im standing my thighs are touching each other at the point. Its uncomfortable.
Is this the point when I got big?
How to stop this uncomfortable shit
The british whites blacks asians etc are going to end up going full kill all muslims in britain soon aren't they?
Welcome to my world.
we need some kind of bigger underwear or what?
I had this so I
>stopped squatting
>tfw fit into jeans comfortably again
Big legs just attract other men
There are more sides than just Pakis vs others.
Everyone is going to be killing everyone else.
And then all the American three letter agencies will step in and support the the (((corrupt international financiers))), or the Pakis, or whoever the fuck causes the most destruction of what is good and right.
>big legs attract other man
>every girl is wow wow your legs and ass
nice projection
nice pretend blog
Athletic stretchy underwear that wick away sweat work best.
Doesn't matter if they support it.
The cat will be out of the bag already.
They can only demonize their own people for so long before people start asking questions.
They'll be forced to do something about the worst of the "paki's" and these kinds of things or risk complete civil unrest and a social breakdown.
They wouldn't be able to ship in enough willing compliant scumbag slaves that their home countries didn't want(and would butcher them for even half of the offenses they're being charged with now) to tilt the odds in their favor when it comes time for elections.
It's going to get bad. Damned bad.
>not having a muslim gf
I hit the “1” from the signature 1/2/3/4 today, lads. Not to be too demanding, I’d appreciate another /plg/ form check on today’s lifts:
112.5kg x 5 x 5 Squat:
60kg x 5 x 5 OHP:
130kg x 5 x 1 DL:
2 min rest between sets, showing last sets.
Y*NK SUBHUMANS >>>Veeky ForumsUT
Nice blogs
put some weight on the bar in the squat and your spine is going to come through your stomach, BRACE YOUR SPINE, dont engage the lift by hyperextending your spine
Interesting set of posts.
Do you do any shoulder prehab?
Best shoulder prehab is plenty of rowing and pulling plus overhead pressing.