I'm prego would vegan diet hurt my baby?


Other urls found in this thread:


if you wanna be a god tier trap, you gotta get that soy in early

You need a lot of iron when pregnant. Not to mention all the other vitamins that are clearly lacking in a vegan diet. You'll be on vitamin pills galore.

Just don't be selfish and force your beliefs on an unborn child

How Long to Detox from Fish before Pregnancy?

How many months does it take to clear 99% of the mercury and other industrial toxins from one’s body, and what role might our fat stores play in holding on to fat-soluble pollutants?


eating FISH will shrink your baby's brain. whereas fruits and vegetables are beneficial.

>Just don't be selfish and force your beliefs on an unborn child

I was going to read him mein kampf and Karl Marx through out the pregnancy then let him decide

>Just don't be selfish and force your beliefs on an unborn child

>forcing your child to be compassionate
>forcing your child to eat animals

Wow vegans are so evil hahaha

>teaching your child to be kind to the family dog
>teaching your child to be unkind to farm animals
not normal

Dont worry, if the meme diet dont kill him now you can kill him later just as well!

Is this fake news?

It doesn't have to, but you'll need to take extra care getting the additional iron you need. Women in general tend to be iron deficient even with an omnivorous diet.

>subscribe to see



You should be very careful with this.

>somebody made a mistake

>asking Veeky Forums

shit wrong vegan tranny

Don't be a dumbkunt about it and child will be good



i dont get it, did they it lock you out from seeing it unless you subscribe?
if so search version bypass rescrictions

Lol, Really how fucked up does a person get in older age after a vegan diet. There must be some living examples.


Are you and the father both white?

watch this, then decide


Why do you care?
Veeky Forums is not a white supremacist board

I read a study some time ago that said that a vegan diet with iron supplements can fuck up your child's urethra.

>"Hey dad I don't want to eat meat"
>"Ok buddy"
>"Hey dad I don't want to be vegan"
>"Ok buddy"
Also Normal

Good luck having the emotional maturity to be like that as a vegan though.

Don't doom your child to being a weakling in the womb. Eat vast quantities of meat and eggs. Let him/her grow strong instead of shaming your ancestors with a pacifistic meme diet.


a-are we all just going to pretend to not notice that that is clearly a man who is pregnant in OP's pic? I think the baby has much worse things to worry about than being forcibly vegan...

>hey dad I want to eat processed meat and smoke cigarettes
>ok buddy. Everything causes cancer anyway LOL
Not normal

>hey dad I want to kill the family dog any eat it
>ok buddy
Not normal

>hey dad I don't want to eat vegetables
>they're healthy now eat them

You're fucking dumb bro. Don't have kids, they'll be assholes.

Clearly, being a dumb asshole isn't exclusive to meat eaters.

LOL you started it

> he actually thinks this is a good argument

>Not recognizing eating red and white meats are objectively healthy
>Assuming normal people will prevent their kids from eating vegetables the way vegans prevent their kids from eating meat

Nice job proving my point about your emotional maturity.


Children who are raised on strict vegan diets do not grow normally:


Children develop rickets after prolonged periods of strict vegetarian diets:


"There are some links between vegetarians and lower birthweight and earlier labour"


Effects of vitamin B12 and folate deficiency on brain development in children:


"Particular attention should be paid to adequate protein intake and sources of essential fatty acids, iron, zinc, calcium, and vitamins B12 and D. Supplementation may be required in cases of strict vegetarian diets with no intake of any animal products."


These next five are case studies:

Cerebral atrophy in a vitamin B12-deficient infant of a vegetarian mother:


Severe megaloblastic anemia in child breast fed by a vegetarian mother:


Consequences of exclusive breast-feeding in vegan mother newborn - case report:


Nutritional vitamin B12 deficiency in a breast-fed infant of a vegan-diet mother:


"We report the case of a 7 month-old girl that presented with acute anemia, generalized muscular hypotonia and failure to thrive. Laboratory evaluation revealed cobalamin deficiency, due to a vegan diet of the mother."



>meats are objectively healthy
probable carcinogens are probably not healthy

saturated fat and cholesterol (in all meat) is objectively not healthy.

denying reality won't help your arteries.

Nice job replying to everyone autism boy

Yes. This has been proven.

Dude, you have to tell the American Dietetic Association they made a mistake. Somehow they must have missed your shitposts.

Position of the American Dietetic Association: vegetarian diets.
>It is the position of the American Dietetic Association that appropriately planned vegetarian diets, including total vegetarian or vegan diets, are healthful, nutritionally adequate, and may provide health benefits in the prevention and treatment of certain diseases.
>Well-planned vegetarian diets are appropriate for individuals during all stages of the life cycle, including pregnancy, lactation, infancy, childhood, and adolescence, and for athletes.

How did they make such a mistake? lolz

The good thing about meat is, unlike vegan food you don't have to eat buckets of it to get your daily protien

>Ignores several arguments against his beliefs because he found one that supports them

Because they're hacks in a meme field because they couldn't hack it as real molecular biologists lol

Well clearly vegetarian and vegan diets are not appropriate for children, just read the studies I've just posted and all of the dead children from those same diets.

What you just linked is garbage, they state something with no evidence backing up what they say and you have posted zero evidence supporting that opinion(because there is none).

Don't bother responding to me as I do not wish to talk to a conspiracy theorist.

Ask your fucking doctor you fat cow. kys

your premature food baby will be delivered in less than 9 hours.
So chill out and eat plenty of cellulose to loosen up your booty hole bruv.

You don't have to eat buckets of meat to increase your disease risk either.

Any amount is unsafe.

yeah science is really complicated amirite it's impossible to understand any of this

there's so many studies! nobody knows anything!


>I do not wish to talk to a conspiracy theorist
lmao you're the one implying the American Dietetics Association has a nefarious agenda.

As long as it's not nitrate preserved, there is no risk to any amount of meat as long as you don't eat too many calories

>forcing compassion
really gets the noggin joggin

Vegans suck, man.
Buddy if I'm living in the time of human civilization where we can readily eat whatever meats, fruits and veggies, that's what I'm going to do.

Is rather have tfw no gf posts again than this. Vegans are awful

You can be compasssionate and eat animals, you know. You seem to have the emotional maturity of a child.

Processed meat is a class 1 carcinogen (known carcinogen)

Nitrates are a class 2 carcinogen (probable carcinogen)


If nitrates are the problem, shouldn't nitrates be a class 1? Why is processed meat more carcinogenic than nitrates?

teaching your kids compassion is an important part of raising children. please don't have kids if you're not planning to raise them.

Processed meat is a very mild carcinogen because it contains nitrate salts
Class 2 carcinogens are not carcinogens
Nitrates aren't class 1 because while we have tons of epidemeological data for processed meat, we don't have it for the salts alone, because basically all it's used for is preserving meat

How do you know nitrates cause cancer if we don't have enough data to support this?

you're making shit up

Because we know how they act as a mutagen. They form nitrosamines in vivo which adduct to DNA. However, nitrate salts themselves are not used independently of meat preservation so there's no epidemelogical data outside of that context. But, importantly, there is proof that nitrate preserved meats cause a slightly icreased risk of colon cancer, while other meats do not, and the only significant difference between the products is the nitrates.

Looks like you would teach your kids to be degerate faggots, good thing you'll never have any

>the only significant difference between the products is the nitrates

the processing and cooking meat creates carcinogens whether nitrates are present or not.

>good thing you'll never have any
>implying it's hard to get laid

maybe for you. don't project your insecurities on me.

Burning meat creates benzopyrene, sure, same as burning any other food. Learn to cook, retard.
I never said you wouldn't get laid, I said you wouldn't have kids. Weak, hedonistic numale cuckolds like you go out of your way to not reproduce, and have have almost nothing to do with the raising of their accidental spawn




Masochism is hedonism. More importantly, he or you is a ponyfaggot.

It will literally kill it you fucking retard. There have been many times where some vegan idiot couples baby died because of veganism.

if you do this there is a much higher chance that you'll give birth to an underdeveloped baby
its your choice though, legally

Try asking your fucking doctor? Lol. Why in the world would you ask a forum of 90% sub 25 year old men about this

Report him for posting mlp outside of their board. I did

Thank you. This is taking forever.

Report me faggot.