Does anyone have good recipes to make meals ahead of time? Like a week at a time?
Premade meals for the week
>meal prep
Topkek, dyel.
Never gonna make it
> premade
but he literally already made it, retard.
I'm just trying to be efficient. Anyone?
I hope OP's butthole was prepped for those quads of banter.
The food sure, the everything else? No
Slow cooker and a rice cooker. Get some good seasonings that you like and put chicken breasts in the crockpot all day at work or school whatever you do. Cook the rice in the cooker. Get frozen veggies. Portion it out for 7 days worth. Put in fridge. Profit. EZ. Just set aside time and make yourself do it. Just like lifting
Are you cutting or bulking?
>the quads speaketh
w-was meal prep just a meme all along?
Like another user said, rice cooker and a slow cooker. Cook four cups of rice, and a shit ton of chicken breast in the slow cooker on low for 8h.
Mustard is your best friend. It keeps well, doesn't add calories (non sweet mustard) and retains moisture.
225g chicken breast
250g white rice
Very filling and holds well.
Comes out to 680 calories and around 70g protons, saturate in mustards and salts for taste.
I eat two of those a day plus a breakfast of, 6 whole eggs, 1 cup oats, cinnamon, baking powder, vanilla extract. Blend together, pour pan. Cook like pancake, while cooking, make batter for next pancake. They keep super well, I make 7 in a sitting for my weeks breakfast.
With 1 serving of honey they're around
770 cals and 55p.
What's your calorie goal per day?
Also the key to meal prep is food that can last 10 days easily.
Great ideas. My goal is 1200 calories. I'm currently losing weight at a good pace, but I have a toddler and don't have much time.
Also, what mustard do you use? Anything special?
1200 calories? Whats your Height and weight?
5'8" 170 lbs.