Alcohol discussion thread

I quit drinking a month ago and have lost half a stone. Now I have a void, how do you fill it Veeky Forumsicizens?

Marijuana, Friends and Socializing sans EtOH. Dancing/Karaoke sober helped too.

Video games
Focusing on my diet/nutrition

I can't deal with the high life and get anything done I haven't touched any in years and even then it wasn't great
I've been looking at the new space hulk game lately. tempted to get it. I mostly focus on diet but I feel like I'm on an easy mode comparitely since I cut out the booze. I even have room to cheat a little now which is great, on the other hand I feel like I need too sometimes.

more exercising, masturbation, acceptance and/or becoming one with the void.

>more exercising
Def doing this. I missed gym last two days as I didn't have any spare socks. behind on laundry but will probably go and walk for an hour or something even though it's dark and cold now.
I haven't jacked it in nearly 3 days, my balls are beginning to hurt but I feel oddly apathetic. I don't know why. I still get turned on and could probably get wood if I forced myself too but don't care. This is rare for me. I'm gonna need to jerk off soon though wether I want too or not.

Health gains
Wealth gains
Love gains
Happiness gains

get to it user and level up from Veeky Forums

Read a book nikkuh

I get bored after 2 chapters.
I haven't finished a book in years. I read a lot for study/research so It's not like I'm incapable just always been like that. I also read chinese cartoons of course. It's 11pm I'm thinking of going for a nightwalk whilst listening to reviewbrah and picking up a McDicks.

>I get bored after 2 chapters.
find a book you like

>Now I have a void
no, you already had a void and you filled it with alcohol. now that youve stopped drinking youve noticed the void again

start from there

But I like american Psycho I just don't have the patience right now.
I knew this when I started drinking. Alright I'm going for my walk now before it hits midnight. My housemates are either asleep or out drinking by now probably.

Stop reading novels, you rube

>stop reading novels
I haven't finished one in years. What else is there short stories? I read a bunch of Lovecraft's stuff already got burnt out on em.

fucking cave men

fill it with dark matter

>they cancelled S4
At least I decided not to go out and get a McDicks. It's too fucking cold anyway. I'll just make some squash I guess.

>review bruv
You are unironically living a golden quality of life. We should all hope to achieve your level of comfiness.

Octsober is going great. Drinking water and coffee to chase away the desire to sip on something after work.

Ham On Rye by charles bukowski.

see I'm too tired and it's too cold to do this. But I was aiming too.
>ham on rye
kek. No try Post Office and Factotum they are his best books anyway. Ham on rye is the second worst, Women is his worst. Hollywood is pretty good but not as good as the first two, only books I re-read multiple times.


Read nonfiction

for me its just waking up sat-sun morning feeling great: no hangover, no regrets, no money lost, etc.

as a recovering addict, the control of my life, by it self, its the reason why I keep doin it

Haven't had a drink since Sunday. This is the longest I've gone in a couple years. It's easy during the day but after work between 4 and 7pm I'm just so bored. Video games are alright for a while but then I get bored.

Feels great waking up refreshed in the morning tho

I know this feel but I still feel apathetic sometimes.
evenings feel pointless now, I get distracted by vidya, youtube etc but when that wears off and it's too cold to go out at night It gets shit.

Mate I'm a britfag and I can't stand that retarded unit of measurement. Kilos or GTFO.

I drink fairly often, but I work in craft beer, so it's sort of a given. I avoid liquor because it fucks my shit up.

I usually hate women with tumblr hair but damn, I gotta admit she pretty.

I drink maybe like 5-7 times a year. Whenever I drink with my bros, I feel fine but if I drink by myself, I just feel like a fucking depressed loser.

I don't know why? People drink alone all the time, so why can't I just enjoy a drink by myself?

That reminds me, I need to pirate season 3

6 beers in tonight and I think I'm getting mantits


On beer 3 right now and bowl 2. Got a pretty sweet bubbler. Still busted out leg day. Started drinking during squats, home gym mustard face.

who clear of all vices here?

Feels great mang

meth works great, not joking