Should i be getting my protein in on rest days?
Should i be getting my protein in on rest days?
Yes. Your body recovers on rest days and needs protein.
>Rest days
>Making it
Choose one
your body is building/maintaining muscle on rest days and it wants protein to do that
I'm not bodybuilding, I'm just trying to get stronger.
failing to perform in the gym so you don't need
give me a mealplan for a diet without protein
Same deal.
Strength routines also develop muscle.
Nice job at not reading the wiki or making any research at all.
Don't get on the thread if you don't want to help and are that triggered by a simple question. That simple.
Protein every 4 to six hours. For the rest of your life.
Eat as such:
Weight in lbs = grams of protein.
Every day.
Giv milkies mommie
>Weight in lbs = grams of protein.
Shit tier meme.
prove it wrong then, nigger.
no one is debating whether or not filling a 8oz glass with 16oz of water will leave you with a full glass
you're an idiot.
That’s nu/fit/ for you. Serious questions are usually ignored or scoffed while “why can’t I get a qt?” hit their post limits in a matter of hours.
actually you're right idek why i came here.
what the fuck
I’d wager only 30 to 40% of posters here are legitimately into fitness, power lifting, body building, and /fat/. The remaining 60-70% are just larping faggots from other boards who give a fuck about fitness and just here to troll and shitpost.
Add to that the fact /pol/ has become more and more “famous” thanks the MSM and social media - brings in a fuckton more users who end up sticking around spreading their Facebook tier “humor” all over the place.
>not maxing out deadlifts every day for maximum cns gains