What little things do you do to piss off normies?

what little things do you do to piss off normies?

>LMAO3pl8 squats
>never, EVER under ANY CIRCUMSTANCES rerack
>squat thots always have to take aside the time to place my shit down to bench pussy weight

gets me everytime.

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mb had me a lil brain fart tee hee

>deadlift an inch in front of the barbell rack

deadlifting is enough to piss of the normies at my gym. they think im slamming weight around dont understand you can't quietly set down 135 pounds.

You cant quietly set down 135? Pussy.

>dropping a 135lbs deadlift

cmon skellies should be able to drop 135 without being flamed

>he sets his weight down

Sometimes when I snatch I just let go when it gets above my head and run forward a bit.


Top bait made me giggl

pendlay barbell rows

makes them fume

You need to apply yourself. Holy shit

I honestly saw a pair of niggers deadlifting 135 in front of the squat rack, thinking it was heavy shit.
I asked them if they were using the rack and one said "you can use it for 5 bucks, man".
i stepped over their bar and ohp 135 and they reracked their weight immediately.

Felt good man

You just had to do it to em?

My gym has a sign that says "if you are dropping every - single - rep, you cannot lift that weight properly". I kind of agree with it.

Nothing wrong with skellies starting with lightweight though, much more respectable than trying to ego lift.

I don't count the progress if I can't quietly do every rep for 5x5. I can deadlift significantly more than 225lbs, but I say I deadlift 225 because I can't control more weight touching the ground silently under the other gym goers sounds for 25 total reps. I can curl much more than 135 pounds, but because I create exertion aurally on the last set, I say I curl 135.

I curl the bars while standing on the bench and the gym has done nothing about it because my broski works the desk. Normies flip their shit

The worst is when some egolifting tard tells me that he can bench 225, but when i look at his videos on instagram it turns out that he's counting the weight of the bar lol

>have best routine for hypertrophy
>literally walk around looking like a beast while they do curls for the 4th time this week
>back day walk around with massive trapand neck pump
>everyone is so intimidated they can't look me in the eye

Traps make you look like a beast. Chest makes you look like a superhero

doing BB rows in the only squat rack. however i workout at a commercial gym and im bigger than 95% of them so they wont say shit and would only use it for 1pl8 squat anyway

>tfw gym bully

>calmly setting down lmao 5 plate deadlift

yeah okay i'm not about to throw out my back over some dumb shit

Nothing more pathetic than bar counters literally subhuman scum

>throwing out your back setting it down

How bad is your form? It’s the exact same lift motion just in reverse. Are you retarded?

I don't know man, literally none of the serious powerlifters I've known drop their deadlifts. Like, look at this guy here: youtube.com/watch?v=bf6H8yZEozw - he is still making sure there isn't so much noise / slamming while pushing out those reps.

I work at a gym OP and I see you around.

You're a loser with no respect for the gym.

He bounced every rep and literally dropped the weight on the last rep. You noticed how the drop wasn't that loud? Because he was doing it on rubber.

Not a great example.

Are you retarded you can here the plates echoing in the gym, it's loud as fuck. He's not dropping them but at a certain point you can only slow down the descent.

t. Sub 3pl8 formlet. If youre actually lifting heavy the act of lowering puts a lot of strain on your back. Try and slowly lower the weight then next session just drop it or follow it down and you'll feel the difference.

>puts 5 plates on the bar
>refuses to throw out his back over some "dumb shit"
>"dumb shit" is second half of exercise

If you dont want to throw your back out maybe dont put 5 plates on the bar to begin with, faggot. Clearly you cant handle it.

Yeah, guess I didn't pick a good example. Let's go with this one here then, at the 1m30s mark: youtu.be/lIgowGGcCgM?t=1m30s

The important thing is that the descent is controlled, you obviously won't touch it to the ground like a feather but there really isn't an excuse for banging your deadlifts for everyone to hear. It should be a thud rather than a bang.

Holy shit stupid are you
>bumper plates
>properly constructed rubber platform
Of course it's not gonna much noise you brain let. If you're using metal or rubber coated on a subpar or no platform of you're gonna make noise.

At this point you are just making excuses dude, whether you drop or control the descent makes a lot more difference in sound than plates & platform. The actual difference is that in the lifts you basically have to drop (i.e. olympic ones), you don't end up destroying the floor.

> things that happened

kek, oh no DYELs having minor inconveniences is going to ruin their gym!!111!!

Nigga is this bait? Bumper plates and padded floor = less sound.

I wanna believe

You are undoubtedly a faggot, OP


you actual fucking retard, he is essentially letting the weight fall in the video, he isn't lowering it in a "controlled manner", the reason it doesn't make noise is because he is using bumpers and a platform.
fucking dyel


No it doesn't, user. Other user wins this one.

You clearly don't know what a deadlift is, user.
The negative portion is unimportant. As long as the bar isn't simply let go of it's competition legal.

/r9k/ gtfo