So im a girl whos going to have sex with a guy who actually has gf. I want him to see that im 100000x times better than her in sex so he difinitely leaves her. It sounds fucked up but i rly want this guy to prefer me. What things do an average guy want in bed and what should i do to immpress him, im open to whatever (swallow, yell)... Just tell me what would turn u ON and impress you if a girl did to you suddenly in bed.
Listen here little baby. You're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, but that ain't what I'm about. Let me just say, you are perfect the way you are. You hear me sugar? PERFECT. Don't ever change. You deserve anything and everything you want. Stay safe for me, baby girl.
Anthony Bailey
Eat the whole ass.
Ayden Cruz
Homewrecker are as scummy as cheaters. Kys.
Bentley Lee
If he's small it should be easy. If not, better watch that gag reflex. And those fucking teeth.
Logan Butler
The gf shit is that this guy has been flirting with me several times and me with him. Im going to his place on friday, and hes a horny dude so he wont say no when i lay on his bed.
Jacob Hernandez
Hi! few things to start off with =] 1. yes I replied to you because you're a female lifter, 'tis an awesome thing to see! 2. I'm Brian. 3. Don't be intimidated, but I'm not a stereotypical guy. If anything, I'll be the one in the kitchen.
I dont know if its big but hes almost 2 metres so proportion says its not small. I have issues with teeth tho, its rly hard when ur mouth is small.
Blake Taylor
Any man who will cheat on his current girlfriend for you will cheat on you for the next girl. Just move on from him OP.
Chase Sullivan
Use your mouth on balls and rim him. Do kegels with him inside you. Slap his balls lightly when he cums.
He'll love it. Might leave wifey for ya. Likely he'll just keep fucking you and eating wifey's meatloaf because everybody wants their cake and to eat it too
Jack Foster
If you do too much porn/slut shit he's gonna hit it and quit it. To keep a man you have to build up.
Do moan, tell him he's a god, you can't get enough. Slightly sexually aggressive is always good. I've made the most vanilla men into hungry, pussy hungry men.
Elijah Parker
This isn't fitness related at all.
Nathaniel Morgan
This, women have terrible logic
Camden Young
curl upper lip over upper teeth, cover lower teeth with tongue. problem solved
Jaxon Jones
>Swallow >Tickle his asshole >Make sure to use lots of tongue, but don't go crazy on the head >Lick the shaft slowly and just tease the head periodically >Grab his balls right before he cums (FFS not hard) >Make eye contact >Stroke his ego and talk about how much of an alpha sex God he is >If you're on top, don't just hump him, ease into it and torturously pick up the pace until he's thrusting back like crazy trying to go balls deep inside
Eli Smith
Joshua Lopez
>I want him to see that im 100000x times better than her in sex so he difinitely leaves her.
Good luck getting Jamal to respect you, Latyshawna.
Grayson Williams
If i do all this is he going to cum too fast? Hes into the no-fap trend shit so i guess he wont last +13 minutes.
Jackson Thompson
>be in bed with guy >allow him to have sex with you Done.
Nolan Perry
it would turn me on if you took this shit to /soc/
William Roberts
Literally just put out
Jackson Howard
Do the work for him and ride him.
Jeremiah Lewis
>wants a cheater as a boyfriend I bet you're one of those retards who thinks she can change a man and will eventually get flabbergasted when he eventually cheats on you.
Mason Green
IMO Deepthroat, no hand use at all, get on your knees, put your hands to the side of your legs and suck it like he's is doing you a favor.
Jayden King
>Just tell me what would turn u ON and impress you if a girl did to you suddenly in bed.
have sex with him
Cooper Wilson
Ride him but don't do that back and forth shit, that fucks up our dicks. Just go up and down and squeeze your PC muscle to squeeze your pussy down on his dick. Let him fuck you doggy. Finish him by sucking him off and swallowing.
Jayden Gutierrez
Naughty smile would make it better or i should do it being serious?
Nathaniel Torres
This Dumb cunt thinks if a guy cheats he will somehow be struck by lightning and change completely just for them lol.
BTW I hope you get AIDS you fucking whore
Ryder Reyes
>put your hands to the side of your legs you know they only do that in pornos so the camera has a better angle
Easton Watson
>girls don't fear rejection
Michael Smith
If women are into it they usually cum every minute or two so that shouldn't be an issue
Jordan Gutierrez
The worst part about this thread is it made me realize no girl ever wanted to steal me from my gf.
Henry Gonzalez
She can leave them up in the air then, I just suggest not anywhere near the dick, I personally hate it, I can do a much better job if thats the case. But again that's just my preference.
Brandon Miller
>So im a girl I DON'T BELIEVE YOU. POST PICS NOW!!!!!!
Matthew Thompson
Because you got dubs, I'm going to give you the best answer you've ever been given... and without even having to post tits.
In a spiritual sense, men who are engaged in the act are staging a performance for the goddess who is merely symbolized by the woman. To the extent that they please the goddess is to the extent that they please their woman... selfishly... as a play thing... as an object of his own amusement. If you want to aid him has to be EMBOLDENED in such a way that his performance is effective... but this isn't something that can be faked. You'll have to legitimately and unconditionally give yourself to him, as a woman you exist to receive a man physically, spiritually, and emotionally. Don't bother verbally complimenting him on his cock size... worship his cock as he will worship your breasts. Don't bother yelling a bit more... stare into his eyes intently until you are both breathing in the same rhythme... your hearts beating at the same rate... as you're both contributing the same amount. Women serve as the inspiration... the sacred muse... for a man, do not underestimate feminine power as a means to motivate. If you want him you'll inspire him to conquer you.
Feel free to ask further questions... but I think I've been very clear. You'll make this easy for him, but not boring... you'll open the door and invite him in while motivating him to legitimately put in the work to achieve an adequate performance for the goddess (you climaxing).
Alexander Jenkins
Should i look into his eyes all the time or only eventually?
Benjamin Robinson
That's the dumbest shit I've ever read.
Benjamin Baker
Do guys actually like getting deepthroated ? Feels actually pretty sub-par and the worst part of a blowjob imo.
Why not have the girl suck your tip and pleasure you with her mouth slowtly ? Get it nice and sloppy and make love to that cock.
Asher Baker
that comment gave you away my man. no girl would write something so cringy. this is definitely a trannie doing some larping.
I hope you're proud of yourselves guys, you just gave a fag an erection
Asher Lewis
If u say so... Im just open to everything and this site is anonymous so idgaf if i look whore-ish
Hudson Turner
hide an 18 inch dildo up your ass, then shit it out on top of him when he's least expecting it
Jeremiah Cooper
He will only look into your eyes for reassurance, so you'll always be ready for when he seeks it. Men know your capacity to inspire and motivate, and each time he looks at you... you'll communicate this with your eyes and facial expressions which communicate, "yes, this is th best sex I've ever had... don't stop!"
t. virgin
Easton Mitchell
make him feel safe and secure. Attack and break down his insecurities, so he feels like they melt away with you. Embrace him lovingly, after he cums inside you. Stroke his hair, kiss his neck and chest, look him right in the eyes. He will love sex with you. >source: me and my ex gf >tfw no gf
Ethan Parker
Also good, but don't make that face. Women make sex into a beautiful thing, if your man is feeling pressure slow him down and relax him... make him feel comfortable... make him feel welcome... ease his tension... and then release control completely.
Cooper Morales
Nibble his ear, whisper some kinky shit you want to do to him. Kiss his neck. Guys erogenous zones are similar to women.
Play with his balls when you suck his dick.
Some guys like having their nips and or ass hole licked, that is a little weird for some women though.
Oliver James
He fucked a ton of girls before so i dont think hes insecure. Should i keep doing things after he cums? my ex turned to sleep almost instantly.
Caleb Martinez
>Nibble his ear This is a meme and you are a woman. Shut the fuck up and stop posting.
Levi Roberts
>u >idgaf you're trying too hard friend. but I'll leave you to your larping in fact, you're probably doing a service to guys like who need to get their cringy commentary out in threads like this so they feel like they've talked to a girl about sex
Ian Butler
>t. never had a girl do it to him
Gabriel Gray
You'll have to play it based in his actions... if he starts winding down like its over you'll want to make him feel fully appreciated. If he is questioning what to do or is hesitant you can signal what you want.
Parker Ross
im trying too hard what? Im not native english speaker so i dont do it 100% perfect. The conspirative nerd is actually you.
William Russell
Jeremiah Williams
this is some serious larping. just bend over and spread it and touch his balls while he goes caveman on your ass. bonus points for doing it in front of a mirror so you both can see
Elijah Brooks
>had plenty of girls do it to me >don't like wet ear lobes I could seriously do without... this is romance novel tier details that don't need to be acted on.
Landon Anderson
Found the porn watching virgin. Dude women do NOT cum every minute. Retard
William Anderson
NOt true. People who fuck people in relationships are good people because they are exposing sluts for the true sluts they are
David Taylor
Non-whites please go
Kayden Jones
>white women Cringe
Kayden Gomez
anal biting oral yelling gazing play fighting dress up
Caleb Robinson
>jewish movie >reality Cringe
Eli Brown
Im from a scandinavian country but ok
Daniel Bennett
not in bed, but you should seriously consider cooking for him, or doing other domestic shit like laundry it'll set you apart from the legions of other millennial girls who refuse to do these things on the basis that they find it degrading
Robert Thomas
W-what movie is this. I need to research it
Lincoln Murphy
Snow-niggers please go back to getting raped by muslims #SwedenYes
Jackson Garcia
skinny dipping streaking sucking on fingers bite lower lip
Connor Hall
You're right, reality is worse
Jose Miller
>t. abdul kareem jamal barbosa
Brayden White
This is the most boring-ass shit I've ever heard. I don't want some random bitch I'm not even dating to do my laundry.
Elijah Gomez
Unironically if she drools on herself, acts like a cat (all fours, wiggles her ass, creates paws with her hands etc) and is vocal in her submission, cute moans and the like.
>t. virgin The back of a girls throat is tight as hell.
Asher Phillips
>england >police without guns >women police, without guns >flooded with muhdick nigger muslims It's coming to a head, can't wait to see where this goes.
James Rodriguez
why are you being a homewrecking whore is what i want to know
Mason Sanders
Beg him to fuck your ass.
Justin Sanders
back in undergrad i had a girl who would come over and bake me shit the morning after hooking up at first i had no intentions of ever being more than a FWB with her, until she started doing things like that, and it eventually became a relationship that only ended because i graduated and moved back to the west coast
Michael Edwards
Nice try, satan. Im going to continue sleeping with whores regardless of their relationship status.
Joshua Martinez
Good question for OP, why do you want him to like fucking you so much?
Aiden Gutierrez
>asking a roastie why she's a roastie
Hunter Reyes
Baking shit's alright I guess but doing my laundry would be a major WTF.
Charles Sanders
mfw, new gf uses white vinegar in my laundry >w-will you marry me?
Jacob Thompson
you're right womemes will be womemes
Liam Bennett
>Just tell me what would turn u ON and impress you if a girl did to you suddenly in bed.
Convince me she wants to be with me and me alone and loved me for who I was rather than trying to change me after 6 month.
This is probably the most important thing to me. She also has to be smart and have some direction. Not some tramp who sleeps with men in relationships.
Parker Gonzalez
forgot dishes laundry walk the god sweep mop shave my asshole brush my teeth wipe my ass wipe my dads ass wipe my gods ass wipe your ass wipe my window wipe my mirror wipe everything again use drugs dress like a slut stretch go shopping cook food
Jason Fisher
Army's sauce on your asshole in between him and everyone else in his home fucking you, so you have plausibly deniable lubrication.
Parker Young
Okay, I got a good one for you
>start in doggy >then kind of sit back so you're both sitting on your heels >then you bounce up and down while he fucks you
It's pretty good
But tbqh OP, fucking someone who already has a gf is a dead end, and frankly a sign of low self-esteem. Get your own man, it'll be better for your head
Brayden Sullivan
what do you think Trump's move will be?
Zachary Torres
>Convince me she wants to be with me and me alone and loved me for who I was rather than trying to change me after 6 month.
Delete this!!
Brandon Reyes
Crashing this planet
Bentley Jenkins
Sucking Putin's dick before shooting an orange golf ball out of his ass for the Kremlin rape squad.
Tyler Collins
be a virgin until marriage and produce a white child every time he has sex with you
Kayden Garcia
Adam Carter
Id also add Keep sucking after he nuts. If the feeling it's too much and he needs you to stop, kinda like cuddling after but stay much lower than him and just keep it in your mouth just because it belongs there, giving it light stimulation, or just kiss it or something like tanking it for letting you fuck it. Again this is just my preference
Ethan Ortiz
Yeah girls who really worship dick are the best.
Elijah Roberts
I dunno, far as I can see there is no "move" aside from shame and refraining from fucking up the middle east further. Jusy needs to stop bombing shit so niggers go back. His committment to "bomb the hell put of ISIS" doesn't leave me encouraged tho.
Noah Hill
swallow and then yell EWWWW
Dylan Evans
Are womemes able to read and determine the difference between random fetishes and normal human sexual behavior?