
What do you think is my bodyfat?

nice, routine?

What do you mean by routine I'm serious.

around 90¥

I see, il try to convert your confusion into chi

around 18%

Idk probably around 15% or so.

Can I get an estimate? I'm not too worried about it since I'm on a clean bulk, but just curious.

You can see oblique and abs however not fully defined 15-17. Honestly your body better than majority of cbt twinks

You're a bit harder to judge since you have no muscle mass if someone here suggests you cut tell them to kill themselves

Oh definitely not, but I've actually put on a lot of weight since I started 5 months ago, I've just always been tall and skeleton status. Started at 160, as of today 181, at 6'3.

What's cbt twinks bro?

14% you have no abs it's a little harder to judge

Current body threads it's filled with guys with sub 14 inch arms and only abs.

13-14% I think. On another note, your body looks pretty much perfectly balanced. Like, the ideal male body in my opinion. Good work OP, post diet/routine.

I feel bad but thanks for the info dude

what a shitty body

if it werent for the shit tats hed be 10/10

Are you implying that I have the most optimal body fat on me?

Not on a diet and I don't have a routine.


know how i know youre gay?

Too high, time to cut.

Probably around 18-20%

Not him but yes, thats how a men should look like (No homo)

I understand when you guys are too autistic to buy and use calipers but I don't understand how you can not just buy a simple measurement tape that is literally cheaper than a dollar. The measurement can easily be made by yourself via various apps that feature the tape method. You only need that and your bodyweight.

Body fat calculator on Google play for example.

Everyone on fit always tells you 15% anyways, why listening to people who have no idea of your body?

>who have no idea of your body?

or bodyfat in general

Im 18.5% bf measured with calliper

You are would fuck thicc/10, measured by my dick.

Your body is great, but somehow I feel that youre a little bit retarded. Not sure tho...

Why don't you guys just measure your body fat instead of guessing. If your gym isn't shit the workers will do it for free

Well yeah, basically.

workout routine faggit