How do you get over crushing insecurity and the feeling that everyone hates you the moment they look at you

How do you get over crushing insecurity and the feeling that everyone hates you the moment they look at you

By not caring about others and pursuing self-improvement.

I realized that by being genuinely nice and considerate to people that they liked me back.

Accepting that they do hate you, but not giving a shit

By ignoring it and understanding that logically they don't, and knowing you're not that hateable

What a crock of shit. You're either a doormat or a creepy asshole. No in between

I just realized I probably feel this way because of the fact that I was betrayed in one way or another by many of my friends when I was in middle/high school

The few people that I thought liked me apparently didn't really like me that much at all

Feels pretty fucking bad man now that I'm making that connection

I started ignoring people and trying to make less meaningless conversation
I stare less at girls now and try to keep to myself and am generally less outgoing
I have presence when I speak now and people are more attracted to me
Try it
Aka dont be needy

Have you considered the fact you probably might not be the saint/victim you present yourself as? If you've only made shitty friends or had shitty partners in life it says more about you than it does about them

Ha, believe me, I keep to myself as much as humanly possible. Typically my only social interaction in a day is saying hi and bye to the gym receptionist and that's only because I "have" to.

I don't stare at girls at all because I believe they likely believe I'm ugly and creepy.

I don't have presence when I speak because I don't speak.

>If you've only made shitty friends or had shitty partners in life it says more about you than it does about them

Oh I guess I'm a real piece of shit then. Thanks.

>look in the mirror
>Reminded of the fact that I'm a filthy mutt and that I look like Stephen Curry

Going bald today and getting rid of my curly hair and seeing what that looks like

Have a set of values that you more or less understand and think are workable, and then do at least a decent job of living up to them.

Basic foundation of self-respect. It all starts there.

this is like textbook example of narcissistic disorder. no one actually cares about you. even if youre super handsome, they will check you out but they dont actually care about you and will forget your face in an hour

Wrong, Let me give you an example, I've got methhead neighbours here are two situations Ive been in
>Hey mate how's it going? Catch the grand final? Oh you were going for the storms huh? ... Cont small talk for 5 minutes, Oh by the way buddy can you stop using my bins? Cheers
Result: They stopped using my bins
>They ask if they can borrow my car, "Nah mate sorry, I'm not really comfortable with that"
Result: They never ask to borrow my car again

Woah look at that im not a doormat and I'm not a creepy asshole, I'm mature adult.

I'm beginning to realize that about 95% of people i meet i really don't want to be friends with.

Had a conversation with some fat chick at my work yesterday who i thought was at least reasonably cool. She went on a diatribe about how she finds literally all men intimidating and scary. She claims to have been almost raped by a man last year and all this other shit. She's "pansexual" and also in a lesbian relationship.

It almost got me thinking "man she may have a point, men are terrible, I'm not like any of those guys she's experienced" but when i mentioned that to her, it didn't matter. she knows I'm not like them because she knows me now, but it doesn't stop her from judging every man she walks by as being a potential threat and goes out of her way to avoid them at all costs.

So in the end it doesn't matter what type of person i am to these people. They make their mind up about really fucking stupid shit all the time as excuses to not interact with you unless absolutely forced, and quite frankly i don't want to associate with people like that.

So after feeling insecure about not being accepted, i stop and go "by who exactly, these fucking people?" and realize I'd rather be alone than try to fit in with people i clearly loathe.

Just checking this is Veeky Forums and not /r9k/

>I just realized I probably feel this way because of the fact that I was betrayed in one way or another by many of my friends when I was in middle/high school
Hey me too

I have no illusions it was my fault though.

>How do you get over crushing insecurity

I eat decently and exercise hard. Seeing how my body has changed in the mirror after weeks of cutting or bulking, seeing how joocy I look with a pump, and continually adding weight to my lifts and/or having the strength to squeeze out one more rep than I could before, makes me feel great.

>and the feeling that everyone hates you the moment they look at you

They don't. You're being entirely too hard on yourself for no reason. Even if you were ugly, and I mean really ugly, people won't hate you when they looked at you, they would just be put-off. If you're black and around a bunch of people racist towards blacks, then you'd be hated, sure, but in general people are entirely indifferent to each other.

I would think a narcissist would assume everyone loves them because they think they're so awesome

It's a lot more likely that he was a beta that jerks took advantage of.

But then what will I use to fuel my lifts?

No, a narcissist knows he is great, he is anxious that others won't understand how great he is and will make the false assumption he is less than he is.
I'm lifting so I can beat my dad in an arm wrestle, almost had him last christmas, the motherfucker is 50 and built like an ox

Why the fuck would neighbor even ask to burrow someone elses car

Hahaha. The jokes on everyone else. I already hate myself more than they ever could.

you have a point, but this post reeks of reddit