Rate my 3rd world meal afte gym


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Not going to make it.

enjoy the arterial cholesterol congestion

Eggs are nearly the perfect food. Add more eggs.

Ditch the rice, add beans for your major carb source

bait on three different levels

Dude, i'm gonna type as sober as possible, that honestly looks fucking pathetic and digusting compared to my meal. and I'm being one hundred percent serious. Sorry we dont cook shit that was perviously in cans. you're a fuking joke dude, and im dead fuking serious. gert areal family that cooks good food, drinks beer and wine and winecoolers and has a good fuking time, and has a milliondollar house on the beach, im seriously.. dont eever potst your fuking families poverty dinner on these forums ever the fuk again bro, and by bro i mean never my bro, fuking phaggot.

How are eggs nearly perfect?

>buying mixed frozen vegetables
>actually eating mixed frozen vegetables

All you need is broccoli

What rice cooker do you use?

Stop this meme, now.

i mixed miself we dont use almost nothing frozen around here

And where is "here" exactly that causes you to type like a troglodyte?

I think ur meal looks good op.

well at least i can somehow comunicate in other lenguage. you can? in spanish? mmm dont think so

Pretty much this. Also add sardines



My second language is French, and at least I know enough to use proper punctuation and capitalization you witless horse fucker.

The eggs, rice and mixed veg are solid, but what is that stuff in the middle? Pot stickers? Also curious what the sauce is.

>with yolks
Not going to make it bro.

8/10 macros
4/10 taste

Is chicken. One is mustard and the other is a spice sauce 0 cal

Not bad, personally I don't like egg yolks, partly because of flavour, but also because I was diagnosed with dislipidemia a few years back (congenital, not fatass) and have to severely restrict my cholesterol and saturated fat intake, otherwise it looks solid to me.

Thanks bro.

Well English is not my second lenguage, not even my third and i only use it here.
but the other people seem to understand me. you seem to be a sad cuckold who has nothing to contribute but annoy.


That better be basmati rice user

You're gonna have your first heart attack before 40 no matter what you do.

>Also add sardines
Motherfucker I can smell you from here.

Those aren't even Russian Mashed Potato Sushi

Excellent meal.


big lel

that looks good to me but nobody said you couldn't season the eggs and rice

seasonings dont really have a lot of calories
that rice looks so dry i might choke on it

i love boiled eggs

0/8 b8

Sour herring with potaties, onion and cream is the best shit.

what country OP?
looks pretty good desu

cut down on the rice.-2

ok faggot

Looks pretty good bro. Keep it up

>preps his meals

Topkek dyel.

Maybe he works?

sick prostate cancer gains with those eggs

Not enough memes, add berberi due to rice, cooked chicken and vegetables for cancer and tupperware for estrogen.

Risk of getting cancer by eggs is no meme

Topkek keep it up

so, did you actually read the study? or look at the full set of info from it?

or did you see some bullshit website post "ZOMG EGGS CAUSE CANSER!!1!!!!1!!!11!!" and stick with it?

having a life other than Veeky Forums apparently makes you a dyel

>M.L.F. has received funding from the American Egg Board to conduct research on the effects of eggs on lipoprotein metabolism in different populations.

latest research indicates water is the main cause of cancer

As opposed to spending an entire day meal prepping for the week?


> Being this edgy

Post your meal tho

This pasta was dead for 3 years.

nice meal third world bro, my third world meal was chicken breast, potatoes, spinach, kale, arugula, carrots, cabbage and brocoli, saute on garlic and onion with soy sauce

More recent paper by someone not funded by the egg industry

brahhhhh you mad lol

Full range of aminos

Then every food is perfect

i read 5 of the studies actually.
Did you?

>students sit down to history class
>”in the year 2017, even the most DYEL 3rd country Veeky Forums amateur was a better cook than 99% of women at the time”

thx Argentina

op here meals for 3 days took me 1 hour

Go fuck yourself you cuckboy Conchon.,

>chicken, rice, veggies

I have zero respect for people who eat like this, because it's an actual meme. It's copycating.

Eugene Sandow had no specific diet, not even high protein - min/maxing your ratios and shit into a cookie cutter little meal is so pathetic and says that you aren't working hard at all.

I eat fucking mcdonalds while bulking and stay 15% BF or less and that is NOT genetics, just work HARDER REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

They're ovoids instead of spherical

Give him some time, hell get better at it. I used to cook the same thing about a year ago. Now I can cook salmon risotto and grilled lamb chops n stuff. We shouldn't be so negative towards each other.

Shut it, dyel. I’m sure you eat McDicks everyday but you’re not 15%. You’re probably either a landwhale or a fedora tipping dyel.

You need to learn proper english.

De dónde sos wachin?