What mode is this?

What mode is this?


Slender man mode


i want to kill this faggot

Look at those hands. Fucking Faggot prob has a huge dick

Marfan's mode

how can you tell? i have similar proportions but off not as skinny. i don't have nay other symptoms like the flat feet, pacts excavatum, arched palate, or the weird thumb bendy things.

Just a guess. You need tests to make sure, can't diagnose Marfan's based just on appearance.

This man seriously needs to play something like the piano or violin. He has the genetics to be the very absolute best.

Porn would also be acceptable assuming large cock.


Goodnight alt right mode


Wendi-go mode..

those hands are even more insane when you remember he's like 6'4


King of deadlifts mode

This guy would BTFO of Veeky Forums by eating more and doing a modicum of exercise.

That's the key word here. If he wouldn't be such a cuck, he wouldn't be such a cuck. Great analysis.

>fingers as thick as forearms

That leafcuck pic is funny but he's actually an Aussie

Pretty much instead the guy is most likely a malnourished vegan/vegetarian liberal lefty cuck.

Unable to work a zipper properly mode.

This was pretty much me for 25 years of life. Put on 35 lbs recently and actually look normal.


You fucking newfag fucks.

For me,this is ideal mode

Someone post the 'when your friend is racist sexist' pic

Pumpkin King mode, those claws are hilarious

Holy shit those deadlift leverages


His hands are closer to the camera. They're probably not freakishly big, just big

#swoleleft mode

he is leftist, he doesn't believe in hard work to archive something
probably would rather write on his blog how sexist and racist playing the piano is

ayy lmao mode

DYEL-ien mode?

Thanks hungry Skelton



several people itt calling him a leftist cuck but he was steamed about his pic being used this way

I came here to say this, nigga could probably dead 2.5pl8 looking like a skelly

look out racists, we're coming for you!




Are you insanely tall and most important are your hands twice as big as the rest of the race average? If the anwers are no, then good for you, youre just a skinny lanklet with bad genetics, but at least you wont die in your 30s because your heart cannot pump enough blood in your super tall body