Ubbe edn.

Whats been your most epic cheat day?

I'm planning mine after a few months of solid work. Yes a full day. But in any case... You can give me your cheat meals too.

Other urls found in this thread:


today ate cookies worth of 1092 kcal

Is it time for me to move on from Starting Strength, or dedicate to a bulk? Been lifting probably the equivalent of 4 months, lotta fuckarounditis in the last year and a half, but been consistent the last 2 months. I've been getting 100g at least protein per day, eating between maintenance and 500+ surplus, haven't been tracking beyond eating chicken breast with every meal, and 2 scoops erry night. I am stalling a bit with Squats and Bench, took like 2 weeks to bench 120-125 and my squat has been stagnant for two weeks as well.

5'5", 140lbs
Bench: 125
OHP: 80
Squat: 190
DL: 225
Bent Over Row: 105

I twisted my back weirdly today when taking a weight off the bar now my lower back is sore/stiff af. Any tips on a quick recovery?

Been lifting for a couple years and never deadlifted before exept in hs were I hurt myself
I tried to today and only got 300x1 my fucking front squat is 285x1 how do I get Deadlift gains fast
Griplet and lower backlet here

A whole pack? What cookies post pic. And we're they good?

bought a pair of adjustable dumbbells is this program okay for a beginner?


only problem is I can't do renegade rows, I can do pushups just fine but I just lose balance on one hand

I'm on SL 5x5 and I use free SL app to track progress.
I staled at 50kg OHP, after failing 3 times app told me to deload. When I got back to 50kg I pressed it for 5x5 now problem.
Today I did 52.5 kg and ended up with 5/4/4/3/3.
Is it time to start micro loading with 0.5kg plates or transfer over to 3x5 on OHP or should I still keep doing what app tells me?

When I was reading SL instructions they mentioned that you should start microloading and switch to 3x5 at some point but they weren't clear when.
The free app I have doesn't include those features it will forever tell me to do 5x5 and add 2.5kg each time on all lifts.

I failed to squat 225lb without a belt on SS and only got 2 reps on set 1. I put on a belt and did all 3 sets of 5. Can I count this as a pass?

>belt for 2pl8

In any case according to Alan Thrall belt is a constant boost. If you lift 225 with belt and 200 without you'll later lift 250 with belt and 225 without. So, again, according to Alan it doesn't have any impact on your strength.

I personally wouldn't switch back and forth with belt. I would decide to either lift with belt on from now on or without.
So I wouldn't say that you passed if you decide to squat without belt.

Pls no bully
I know 225 is super low but it's the strongest I have ever been. I'm at the end of my 3rd month on SS. I didn't want to walk away today with a failed set so I tried a belt on that the gym provides.

Is their much difference between a neutral/hammer grip DB shoulder press and a regular/palms forward DB shoulder press? I was reading online and the little I saw said hammer grip works the anterior head more, but when I tried it I seemingly felt it more in the medial head so just curious.

Microload first

Is there ever a point where I should stop doing kegels? I started a month ago and the results I'm seeing are so good that I don't think that I'll ever stop, I'm already doing them once a day and I think that I'm going to start doing even more.

Are most large barbells 20kgs? I remember asking the staff at my gym my first time and they said that the ones they have weight around 17kg so I've been logging the bar as 17kg each time but it just seems like a weird number for a barbell. BTW I am not talking about the shorter barbells nor the z bars either

when doing strict press and lifting from the ground, how to lower the weight when i can't drop it to avoid fucking up my forearm tendons?

i can easily down the weight from shoulder height to my legs, but sometimes i get pain on my forearm tendons if i do that with a lot of weight

don't you have a scale on your gym? just go there with the bar like and autist and weight yourself and then yourself with the bar and substract your weight

I heard that regular form works lateral shoulders more

The scale is in the changing room, I'm not that autistic

come on, make us proud and come back with a nice greentext

Alright Veeky Forums, my one class was cancelled this morning at Uni, and I've already had three drinks.
Should I still do cardio in the afternoon?
I'm not planning on drinking anymore since I'm a lightweight manlet with alcohol.
pls no bully

pls respond, will cardio be of any benefit later or did alcohol fuck me over already?

Does sodium really matter all that much if you hit your macros?

What happens if you get too much sodium in you?

yes do your cardio since I'm assuming those drinks of yours had a fair bit of calories. However, if you're still within your daily intake limit then cardio today is your choice, if you deem it necessary for your heart health

you should probably go to a counselor for your alcohol addiction

Too much sodium will cause you to retain water. While losing weight it means you can weigh more than you actually do because of the added water weight. This is a temporary affect however. Other than affecting your scale readings too much can obviously affect your health like your heart etc etc. Moderation and drink plenty of water.

Once you make it(fit, educated, meditate, gf), do you become content or do you keep chasing another goal to make it?

Yeah probably, although drinking in the morning isn't a regular thing I do. Maybe once every few months I'll do it.
Yeah I had beer but I'm still within my daily calorie limit, so I think I will do cardio once I'm 100% sober. Really was just curious whether it would affect my workout, but if not then that's cool.

Are squats and deadlifts all you need to get big legs? Also why is my squat so shit? I'm a skelly doing gslp right now, and my 5 rep max for bench is 135 lbs but I can barely do 5 reps of 145 lbs for my squat without my form breaking.

I try to imagine I'm sitting back into a chair, keeping my feet a bit wider than shoulder width apart with my toes pointed slightly out, brace my core, and keep my weight centered over mid-foot. But I barely feel any quad or glute activation and all the stress is mainly on my lower back. Do I just have to work on my core strength to get a better squat? Plz help, I'm starting to look like a guy who skips leg day.

>try to imagine I'm sitting back into a chair, keeping my feet a bit wider than shoulder width apart with my toes pointed slightly out, brace my core, and keep my weight centered over mid-foot
>But I barely feel any quad or glute activation and all the stress is mainly on my lower back.

you are bracing your core, but are taking care of the other "bracing" points?

1. upper body bracing to keep a proper back
- Shoulders back
- Scapula retracted
- Chest up

2. knee bracing
- either push your feet to the sides, as if you were trying to open the earth and separate it into 2 sides
- or unscrew your feet in an outwards manner

practice this with lower weights, then more, and so on

>- or unscrew your feet in an outwards manner
Would you do this during both the descent and ascent? Thanks for the tips

you feet don't actually move, you just do that to create stability on your legs, and yes you would keep the pressure during the whole movement just like the core bracing

Can non-resistance exercises like push-ups, crunches, and planks be done every day regardless of how when you trained those muscles in the gym?


Should I take caffeine in the morning? I never really drink coffee or feel the effects of caffeine unless I'm on a few hours of sleep and working a graveyard shift at my job where I'll drink one can of energy drink intermittently throughout the night and it'll help in medium bursts. Would a serving of preworkout in the morning help or would I eventually become dependent on caffeine?

Used to have a home gym in which I always used gloves. Signed myself up to an independent dungeon type gym and I'm going for the first time tomorrow. Should I lose the gloves? I feel as if they give me better grip

>would I eventually become dependent on caffeine?
yes, do detox often and only take it when you really need it, not every day

started doing frontsquads recently
upper back hurts
braced my muscles once
the form shouldn´t be the problem (learned it from youtubevids and trained it with lower weights)
´what´s my problem?
are my muscles not strong enough?

try it without gloves for some sessions. i started with gloves as well and later tried without. once i was used to train without them, i never did go back (i felt it like that i have better control over the dumbbells)
you should give it a try for some time and decide for yourself

Am I doing chinups wrong if I go back to the starting position for every rep, or am I supposed to be doing this constant tension half rep bullshit I see everyone doing?

so i just did it infront of the mirror
turns out that i am not flexible enough. if i bring my elbows in the right position, so my shoulders can support the barbell, my back automatically starts to hunge in forward.
i guess i have to look up some more stuff on youtube and the internet. if someone would like to share some advice or similar experiences, i would very much appreciate it.

did you link the wrong post?

was meant for

Sexual health thread is ded so posting here I guess

My last two girls (and a fuckbuddy) were on the pill, so I only had raw sex for like 2 years
The thing is my actual girlfriend has some problems while using the pill and we must use condoms, my dick can't really feel so much. Little Johnny misses being actually there in a wet and warm cave.
How the fuck do I trick myself to get back to feel anything with condoms?

Are these the right Converse for lifting?

Your body doesn't understand the movement pattern. This is why people tell you to start with an empty bar and slowly work up with front squats.

The first good while is not going to have anything to do with building str or muscle, its going to be learning to balance which is why you still need to rely on back squats for your actual leg training.

have babbys

p- please be gentle

Your lifts are pretty low, should be able to milk SS for a long time. You probably aren't getting gains because you need another 50g protein per day, and you should probably aim for a 1k surplus minimum. Get enough sleep, and don't drink too much will help with recovery as well. Everyone forgets about those two.

Do all that and deload for 2 weeks, then come back to your weights and you should bust right through them. I went from 150 to 190 in 6 months on SS, doubled most of my lifts after lifting "wrong" for three years, then cut down to a lean af 171 for my sport. That's what it will normally look like if you do it right.

Take it easy in the gym and if it is PAIN while lifting still, take a week off. If it is an injury and not a booboo you have to rest.

I did RDLs and leg curls and added 40lbs to my deadlift in about 2 months after stalling for weeks. Weak/inflexible hams might be your problem.

Stop working your biceps, stretch your wrists every day, and you can also try widening your grip if it doesn't hurt your shoulders to rotate

Get hightops for ankle support.

You will build a tolerance to it like any other drug. PWO will make you itchy/jittery af anyway. Its for before working out not for work. I take mr hyde and that shit is like meth.

You will never be content, otherwise you would be bored. Keep finding more shit to do or do your shit better.


>Stop working your biceps
will do the other stuff though


Should I feel sore after every workout? I would feel sore for a day or two for my first few workouts, but now I feel fine just a few hours later. Does this mean I should I increase intensity?

If your lifts are going up, you shouldn't worry about it. Worry about it if you stall. DOMS is just tears to your muscle fiber, which then rebuild bigger. If your CNS is limiting you instead of your muscles you prolly won't get sore.

you guys have any one pot recipes to share? I like to cook this way since it's healthier than the other alternatives, preserves more nutrients, is more efficient and plus pretty delicious. Like the ancient romans did
made a simple dish of lentils & beans with poached eggs and liked it

Redpill me on lentils

Started doing rack pulls this week and got the worst trap doms ever. My question is should I be doing them twice a week, or is once enough? Also should I be doing low reps or high reps? Currently doing 5x5


Do you do pullups and facepulls? If yes, once a week is fine.

Power shrugs like you're doing are risky but rewarding.

What sorts of things can I do along side SS? I run to the gym the only spend about half an hour in there lifting and it feels like I should be doing more.
Also, I still can't do a OHP after 3 weeks. There's not even any weights on the barbell. Is this normal for a girl?

>it feels like I should be doing more.
if you still have energy, you are recovering well and you are a grill do more accessory ass exercises like hip trusts or romanian deadlifts

>Also, I still can't do a OHP after 3 weeks. There's not even any weights on the barbell. Is this normal for a girl?
yes, girls have very low upper body strength, use dumbbells or a smaller bar if available

Rows vs weighted chins for back gains?

I do facepulls and chinups. Why are they risky? Should I be doing iigh reps of rack pulls then?

Okay, gotcha. Thank you!
I'll work my way up with the smaller weights

How important is consistency of workout times/days? Would it be better to have a strict routine and rather skip the gym when it doesn't fit the schedule, or to simply go whenever you can?

P L E A S E someone tell me what I gotta do to gain flexibility for squats I cant squat for shit 0 glute activation all goes on my hip flexors they get pumped and hurt after trying to squat,feels like i'm only using quads and I have literally 0 glutes and dont feel them and dont even get doms after squatting i'm gonna snap my shit if I keep this up halp

Is it better to have a strict schedule and rather skip gym when you can't or to simply go whenever you can?

Is it better to go to the gym whenever you can, or to have a strict schedule and rather skip when you can't?

Will purposely (and progressively over time) reducing my rest periods improve my conditioning?

what does Veeky Forums think of Through the Twisting Nether

he also claims natty but I have my doubts

I still can't get past 16 pushups in a set and I've been at it for a while. (just started adding knee pushups to failure after) Is there something wrong with me I can do like 20 dips no problem but something about pushups is fucks my world.

What are some Instagram or Twitter accounts for amateur black athletes? I need some motivation.

Why wouldn't I get huge if I focused on getting strong as fuck?
been doing a more bodybuilding oriented routine that I took from Eric Helms and tailored to my needs(like he said in the book/videos) for my personal goals but it's kinda boring doing high rep(12-15 rep range)

Tuesday I did pull, Wednesday I did legs, and Thursday I did push. Should I rest tonight or would it be ok to do an upper body pull workout?

Yes, It's absolutely okay to do an upper body pull workout. That's 2 days of rest.

>currently 25%
>Seems I might have cut a bit too much.
lol no. With those lifts your FFMI is likely somewhere around 18, 19 tops - with a heavy frame and a bit of extra water. So your lean mass is at about 60kgs. which means your bf% is about 38%. Let's give you 35% (at least), because of all the extra water you have at those high bf%.

>You can comfortably cut at 1500kcal until you hit 90kg.

>Eating my lb weight in protein.
>No need for that, especially if you're obese or even overweight. No further benefits were ever measured in natties past 1.8g per kilo of lean mass. So that means about 110g per day for you, bump it up to maybe 120g to be sure.

Make sure to also eat around 70g of fats per day.

>If I were you I'd focus on getting lean as fast as possible, at past 20%bf your hormonal balance is shit and gains will be shit.

God damn them's some hard truths to swallow if true. Gaining strength on a cut sucks big time.

5x5 app automatically switches you to 3x5 if you deload 3 times.

Even on the free version

I totally fucked up the quoting in this

If I do 45m-1h of cardio at least every other day and 6 days of mainly hypertrophy workouts with barbell free weights and bodyweight, how much should I eat a day and how long would it take to lose most of this fat. Also any routines I should check out? I have one now but just been looking around for any that may be better for what I want. Thanks

What routine will make me look like a rugby player

Forgot to mention, I'm 5'9" 185lbs now

I've started working out 3 weeks ago 5x a week mostly for the 'feel good' hormones because my psychiatrist told me it's good for my depression.

It's not working, but even so I guess I can continue so at least I lose some weight. Currently I'm doing a 15 min high intensity training on the treadmill, then I go workout and on the end of my routine I do another 15 mins high intensity training. Can I do a 25 mins HIT before or after the routine with the same results? They don't have a 30 min HIT on the gym, just 10/15/25.

Also, how much time do I need to rest between the series? I'm doing 3x15 rep for almost every equipment but I'm not resting more than 30~40s because I feel like I'm wasting my time. Usually I lose my energy on about 70% of the last rep, but normally I can still end it. Should I rest more between series? I've been lifting more and more weight but I don't know if I should do it, I can do 15 reps once but then I can't do it on the second and third times, so I'm opting to do the series with less weight so I can complete them, even though I don't feel my muscles working that much.

chest pull exercises that don't require machine?

buy non-latex condoms Skyn by lifestyles is what I use (it's not lambskin it does protect from stds) they feel way more natrual. Trojan and durex now have their own spinoff too. Another option is "female condoms" they feel amazing compared to condoms but good luck finding them and getting her to put it in there. They're also kinda expensive and make a noise.

I can't think of any besides those stupid looking spring things. Most "chest pulling" exercises are going to involve external rotation of your shoulder. Which I think is generally not advisable except as warm up stuff.

Are canned veggies much worse than fresh? I'm not hobo poor but I can't afford to buy all of my produce fresh.

how about tricep pulls?

again, preferably without machines

yeah tinned veg is pretty much just cellulose. Frozen is generally better and can even be better than fresh (in a few instances like spinach and squash)
what do pullups count as? They're almost your entire upper body.

Huh, frozen veg is affordable too, that's good to know thanks user.

what position in rugby bro wingers and props look pretty different

>be me some weeks ago
>finally manage 37.5kg 3x5 ohp
>attempt 40 kg
>achieve 4, 4, 3 reps
>next workout
>4,4,4 reps
>next workout
>5,4,4 reps
>next workout
>5,5,4 reps
>5,5,5 reps

why is OHP such a bitch to improve?

eggplant, zucchini, cabbage and brussle sprouts, green beans are pretty cheap.
Pumpkins, squash and sweet potatoes area also fairly cheap if you put in the context of their calories to dollar
Greens are best gotten either dense as can be (kale and mustard greens) or frozen spinach. Broccoli is okay average around 1.50/lb same as squash but not as dense. Bananas lots of bananas . I would say apples but it depends on variety and you need to peel them or you're going to be shitting you guts out same deal with carrots but peeling them don't do shit. Potatoes are generally under a dollar an lb if you're getting them in bulk but they're worse than most rice varieties in terms of nutrition.
Always take advantage of the store card bullshit they overprice everything now to force people to get them.

Thanks user, I think I can put together some better meals with that info.

Thanks bro just busted out a good pull workout. Feeling good. Then I assume it's probably also ok to do legs tomorrow and push again on Sunday. I'll take Mondays off Bc they suck anyways.

Should I take zma on a full stomach

I forgot:
also you need a stable grain, oats, barley, rice, quinoa (not technically a grain), bulgar wheat (tabbouleh)
this is probably the biggest point being cost effective. There's just no way around it.

Last night we had a thread about people with man boobs who didn't get loose skin after getting fit.

What lifts should I do to build my chest to give me the best defense against lose skin from that?

your chest is always going to lag behind everything unless you want to destroy your rather delicate shoulders.

Want to start lifting, which training routine should I follow?

I've been looking into SS and StrongLifts, but I don't know what my starting weight should be with Starting Strength.

How retarded are these macros for a 5'9 145lb 18 year old whose been lifting for a year. I know too much protein, but protein is easy calories

OK, I'm fine with doing things safely.

But what should I actually be doing, specifically?