>not having the ability to bun your hair up
Tell me what it feels like to be a balding virgin. Or, how it feels to have a receding hairline. Do you really think you're going to make it without elite hair genes?
>not having the ability to bun your hair up
Tell me what it feels like to be a balding virgin. Or, how it feels to have a receding hairline. Do you really think you're going to make it without elite hair genes?
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You look like a greasy insecure faggot. Please die
I had it, I look better without my hair giving away the fact that I'm mulatto
Sounds like your mad, friendo.
I don't grow my hair for looks but to measure my progress. I want to look in the mirror 2 years from now and see a stronger man.
would look better with short hair. i pictured it and i'm high
You wouldn't be able to outrun a predator, your quads would get in the way. No way am I jealous.
The only predators I face are sloots who literally cream when I take my shirt off. Keep living in your delusional state that your functional strength is important for "real life."
Lmfao bro stop LARPing
Is this 2012
those are pictures of IG models jeff seid and brock o'hurn fucking newfags
alternative girls (the kinky ones) like long hair on guys. the girls that are only into buzzcut fag tier guys are the shallow club whores
I have great hair I just like to keep it short, but since I'm in College now and I don't know of any good barbers in the town I currently live in I'm just gonna go fuck it and save my hair out again like I did when I was 15-16.
I have bad hair in general. Not balding but it still look bad because it is thin.
When I tried to grow it up I realised that it is not straigh but also curved.
I don't see a point to grow it longer than Hitlejugend haircut.
Currently just do buzzcut and don't really care at all.
I can but I don't have the face for it.
How can i grow my hair if its coarse and dry?
Baldfag here and yes i am very envious of your superior hair genetics,but i am not stuggling to get trim
Damn son, stats? Mirin' that leanness.
What a greasy faggot. Get some hair products, you gross fuck.
220 7 to 8% BF
liftin for 12 years. juicin for 5
Been studying gear for almost 20!
thanks BTW!
Ah, you're not natty. Guess I won't compare myself to you.
Cheers for being honest.
This pic i was not natty no. BUT this can easily be achievable Natty though . the one thing people fail to ever admit that staying this lean natty and maintain that 3d look to your muscles is always indicative to gear use unless your a genetic freak
That pic is obtainable natty? How much did you weigh there? Maaaaaybe at my height (5'11) but doubtful at yours.
Used to have a bun, got it cut and i get way more compliments and attention.
you look like you could be a knight
I'm unironically growing hair to try out pic related
had a buzzcut 4 weeks ago but it grew pretty hard already
probably have like a year and a half or two of wait though
Jesus Christ did I ever need that.
Thanks, user.
>not struggling to get slim
yeah no shit. if i was knocking back 40's i wouldn't struggle to get drunk either.
As long as you don't look dyel then it'll be fine. Make sure you make neck and trap gains so the amount of hair ontop doesn't imbalance your aesthetics.
O shit it's blonde Boromir
This is more of an argument against women than anything else.
Sure man i was 220 ish at that pic. here is a pic natty while i was prepping for above pic cycle 12 weeks prior.
i see juice as a crutch. it allows one to obtain their genetic potential faster,but if your desire,nutrition, training,and time you put in are all there you can obtain1
It just we live in a day and age where everyone wants instant results. unfortunately body building and fitness in general is not like that. it is a true life tortoise and the Hare.
i tend to never advocate anyone juice until they have at least lifted for 3 years or so. get their shit straight...leatrn how to diet,bulk,etc.
right here i was about 205 natty for 12 months.
i guess i am a balding fag and not all the way baldfag lol
>Make sure you make neck and trap
working on my traps, hit it several times a week(directly and indirectly) through bb rows, cable rows, face pulls, lateral raises(I squeeze them at top), OHP, rack pulls and I guess thats it.
need to work neck though
I only look dyel in clothes unless it's a tight-ish t shirt
Why don't baldfags just get hair transplants?
My barber is bald and he's going to Turkey to get it done next month.
I'm waiting for the real deal miracle LOL
I have long hair half my life and I know I look better with short. I just like it. Going to cut it next year when I turn 30.
How the fuck does OHP hit traps? Do deads and rack pulls.
was referring to trim/pussy! KEK
oh yeah I do deadlifts forgot those
it hits trap then you press above your head and squeeze that shit up at top
You don't press OHP above your head. You press it back and lean through so you get serratus activation. It doesn't hit traps.
>expecting Veeky Forumsizens to know niggerspeak
that is about the least niggerspeak slang term of pussy that i know have been using that for a long time! now if i would have said cock well that is old school nig speak.
nigga is that tesla on your arm?
i left my girl after she got fat and didnt want to workout/eat healthy,dont blame them
>Leaving someone because they have a genetic condition they can't help
>Leaving someone because they are lazy and don't take care of themselves
if you fully extend at top you do feel your traps
what this hair called?
Would you date a girl with cerebral palsy or any other noticeable genetic condition?
People have different standards and plenty of women don't want to date bald guys or short guys or whatever
Generic white guy 2010-present
yes sir it is!
All glory hole servicers are required to have that cut.
>Bald=cerebral palsy
That's like saying a hill is a mountain, quit going to extremes to make your bitch argument
>cerebral palsy
That's a tall order. She'd have to have one rocking body and one hell of a personality.
> bun your hair up
Pure autism.
Are you retarded?
I had long ass hair for a while and it was nice to have up and lookes pretty good but now that its short I realise how much stockholm syndrome I had for it. Short hair is so much more convenient and easier to deal with.
Why you grow your hair out and then cram it into a shitty bun
Funny thing is that you probably are bald and are so insecure about it that you seek confirmation for your insecurities and post shit like this. Other guys that are starting to bald will feel insecure by the shit you post and maybe lash out against you. Thankfully I started balding at 17 years old, now 22. I have had my insecurities, I have also read and heard women say these things and they made me hate myself for going bald.
Two years ago I started going to the gym, plenty of woman have shown interest and now I know that the more confident I act the more attention I get. It's a cycle, you decide if it goes up or down. Your choice will make a huge difference in the place you end up.
Moral of the story: make the best of what you got and you will have a lot more than you do now.
I can, and I do (sometimes), mate. I'm also 225lbs and I bench 4plate so absolutely no one wil call me a fag or hipster to my face.
Jacked + long hair + beard is the ultimate combo for any man. HOWEVER, most guys can't pull it off since the average gym rat has a 50% of going bald and 90% don't have the patience to grow it out for a couple of years.
Did he kill himself because he was going bald?
>be me
>beautiful blonde redpilled racist lifting qt3.14 gf of 5 years leaves me to go full hippy 3 months ago.
>feel ugly, unlovable, weak
>subtle mires from strangers on the internet bring me to tears
I know I'm a fag but jesus christ am I ever hungry for a little positive reinforcement. Thank you you beautiful bastards.
You sound like a larping faggot hipster.
Man buns actually cause your hairline to recede due to you basically pulling the fucking hairs out at a constant force for hours on end.
Not only does it look dumb and make you look like you follow fads rather than coming up with your own style, it also fucks up your hairline permanently.
What am I larping as?
brutal black pill
I could theoretically bun it if I didn't get my hair cut like a well-adjusted person
You look like a buff dude
Would bun it up like Bale if I had crown thinning, but instead I've got a NW3 hairline so I have no options basically. It all looks shit.
I thought it was Oswald Mosley first.
Okay well would you date a woman with female pattern baldness?
Didn't think so.
>b-but society told me that women don't care about looks...
You were lied to. You've been lied to since birth. Women are just as fixated on looks as men. Arguably more so.
when will it be jeffs turn for baldness? his dad is baldcel
Although I'm not a massive fan of thew man bun seid looks a lot better without that scene haircut.
Probably in his 50s or 60s like most men.
People who go bald in their 20s are rare.
because buns are cute. dont you want to be cute user?
His father is older and still has hair, others are totally bald in their 30s.
But look at his chin. Guess Jeff's dad wasnt getting cucked back in the days. Great frame for a guy his age. Wide shoulders and thick wrists as well.
Say about him what you will, but he has top tier genetics. Would Veeky Forums be able to beat up a 15 year old Jeff Seid? Wrestled at the National's
is a redpilled racist rockclimbing qt gf okay too
n-no homo
Pics or you aren't real
Newsflash Jamal, shaving your hair extremely short where it still curls and looks like a lint brush doesn't make you look like any less of a mulatto than having a manbun. That being said it's still better than manbun faggotry.
pls no bully
Squat with me and massage my doms and I will have nasty sweaty chalky sex with you for hours.
Same boat as you. Got a haircut and I'm getting more compliments. I also feel less vulnerable for some reason...My hair used to always get in my face in Jiu-Jitsu class and I would always have to retie.
Garret mode?
an argument against women is called getting to know women
why do you think gay men understand women so well? becasue that's why they turned gay
With quads like those I could rip the fuck outta anything that got in my way
P-pls respond
er do you want a throwaway email or something? I feel like I'm shitting up the thread
Lmfao why are almost all bald fags so fucking bitter. It's hilariously pathetic honestly.
You guys wouldn't think twice about dating a woman that was balding but you bitch and moan about how all women are shallow whores
Enjoy those sour grapes you fucking pathetic baldcels
The thread is already shit. Sure.
what could possibly go wrong