Just tell it straight to me, how deep am I in fat territory and how to get out of it
175lbs , 5,4 asian here
Just tell it straight to me, how deep am I in fat territory and how to get out of it
175lbs , 5,4 asian here
You're a short af Asian male and fat is what you're worried about?
healthy range for 5'4 male is 114-143 so you're quite overweight.
You could easily lose a couple of stone through 4-5 months of a keto diet and working out/cardio
Alternatively try out water fasting if you want to lose the weight quick; it'll also minimise loose skin.
OP, a bit of extra fat is the least of your worries.
being fat isn't the thing that should be bothering you
kinda look like me when I was fat(ter), you're marginally fucked. at least you're not a calflet
Youre like 6 months of moderate cutting from being skinny.
Do not water fast for more than two weeks without seeing a doctor.
First ~36 hours are the hardest.
I'm 5'4" and Asian too. Life sucks my dude.
stop this fucking keto shilling shit, again like i've told other obese guys on this forum, just eat nothing but whole foods(fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, seeds, beans) and drink nothing but water, DO NOT use cooking oil in any of your food and you will lose weight just by eating high volume but low caloric density foods
do keto if you want to fuck up your health, these are my blood test results from doing exactly this if anyone thinks im bullshitting
Im gonna research and try all the methods so i hop i could get results
I honestly dont care about my height because you cant change it, my weight how ever can be remedied and besides if i lose some fat i can cosplay some pokemon trainer clothes
Don't listen to the anti-keto cuck.
Keto is life.
Cutting calories will not work, you'll only lose weight for a year then you'll gain it back + more.
Jason Fung Caloric Deficit (google it) and read real science.
Ketogenic diet is high fat, but your cholesterol is perfect, I've been on keto for years, my doctor is amazed at my health, the hole in my tooth is gone (tooth reminirelazation) from high fat and high mineral content in my food, like high fat broths etc.
Don't listen to the fucking caloric deficit moron, he doesn't know shit, that has been debunked for over 50 years. The human body is supposed to be in a ketogenic state.
those are MY cholesterol numbers you stupid cuck, stop shilling this keto garbage on this forum and ruining everyone's health
if you want to know how stupid you are, just look at the cholesterol levels of hunter gatherer populations that have virtually nonexistent heart disease, diabetes, and obesity
I used to weight 300lb
I followed caloric deficiet diets for years, nothing worked. I was told I was weak, didn't do it right etc, but I did.
1 year on keto I lost all the weight I wanted (with fasting). My blood is perfect, my HDL and LDL levels (cholesterol) is perfect. I gain muscle easily, my growth hormones are peaked all the time, especially on a fast, and I workout maybe 30 minutes per day (HIIT) and rest on saturdays.
Do the real research and real science, you're already insulin resistant with your weight, you will never and I mean never lose the weight you have now if you eat low calorie with carbs, like fruit and beans, rice, pasta etc. All those carbs will raise your insulin and your body will store fat. Period.
Man shut the fuck up, I don't know your fail ketogenic diet habits you cucked goat. There's literally FIFTY 50 years of research saying the same shit, low calories does not work, your body is not a fucking retarded machine that works on calories in and calories out, it's BASIC fucking human biology and you come and give your dumb fucking numbers and think "hurr durr my LDL, HDL"
get fucked
My levels are perfect I follow a strict keto diet with fasting, just stfu fucking low calorie bitch
Real data, look through it all, that whole site has a lot. Keto works, your body naturally burns fat once sugar stores are depleted. Your body holds 2000 calories of sugar and those are gone in 2-3 days of fasting while your body stores tens of thousands of calories in fat, which do you think your body is supposed to use for long term survival?
The only way you're going to burn fat from your body is if you get into ketosis, period. That's how it is, so this moron telling you to eat less calories to lose weight is basically telling you to waste a year of your life doing something that will not ever work.
i do not even eat low calories or even recommend doing that you moron, eating a whole foods diet just prevents overeating as you're eating extremely high volume foods
again wanna know that you're an idiot, just look at my triglycerides and blood sugar levels and see how your carb hating bullshit is retarded
You're fat. Stop being fat.
Shut the fuck up.
You're telling a guy with pre-diabetic symptoms (fat) to eat carbs and sugar (spikes insuling, stores fat) to lose weight.
You're a fucking moron and you don't know shit about science, you fucking cuck. I listened to cunts like you for over 5 years and i lost weight for the first year, then it went right back up and I did NOTHING different just increased calories a little bit (300) so stfu. Learn science you fucking failure.
do you have an female family members who want my sport dick in them
maybe if you saw my triglyceride levels you would see that is not fucking true lmao
carbs do not spike your insulin unless you are eating nothing but pure sugar, ever heard of the glycemic index moron?
also if you want to really talk about insulin, you should have told him to cut down on the protein if anything. protein is the most insulinogenic macronutrient and maybe if you weren't retarded and starved your brain of carbs you would have done the research to know that
you've been given information now, do keto and become healthy and fit or listen to the anti-keto cuck that ate too much protein, spiked his insulin and then says "durr keto dont work"
up to you, i'm out.
honestly I laugh at people like you on a daily basis, it's always amusing to see this, i gave him links and I mentioned KETO diet several times, which is high fat, moderate protein, low carb. you fucking cuck. what a pathetic failure at trying to get the upper hand, wow.
fucking hell how pathetic, I feel disgusted. I'm out, fuck your ignorance.
yeah what ketards think is moderate protein is actually about 25% which is way too high for pre/diabetics
anything higher than 15% protein is throwing money down the drain and bad for you
5' 6'' asian here. Used to be 157 pounds and thought that was fat so I worked out. After 1.5 months of working out I'm at 152-153 pounds. Now I eat almost exclusively meat/seafood to get enough protein while still on a slight caloric deficit (I don't use protein supplements) although I should probably throw in veggies once in a while. I eat almost no carbs. My lifts and physique are improving faster compared to my 2 other asian roommates who also started lifting. My physique looks very similar to yours when I was fatter, at least you have decent chest, shoulders and calves.
its not that bad
either lose weight or start lifting