Are there any mental methods to not getting bored running/walking?

are there any mental methods to not getting bored running/walking?

So close

Why not instead bring a dog with you?

Podcasts are pretty good

I used to play bittunes and pretend I was in a platformer


You have to lose yourself in the running. Let your body automate it while you listen to a audio book or a podcast.


Without my dog I'm helpless. He thinks I'm running for him, but really it's for us.

Music? I used to listen to stuff from time to time, but it fucked with my rythm and I have some decent nature to enjoy around here. I never get bored while running anyway. Do you live/run in a city? Maybe you can change your surrounding. Also changing your route everytime might help.

What are you a casual or something?

run harder
get into that headspace of
>do my best
>must finish
this is what drives us to get to the end while trying to best our previous efforts

if you're just going for a run in the evening
1. do the same thing even if its not a fancy timed/competitive event
2. find a regular (and cheap) competitive/organized event
3. interval training, run hills, run sand, something more interesting

No. Stop running, start lifting.

I run without headphones or music. I'm in Boston though so I can just run along the river and take in the views. Or I'm dodging and weaving through people on sidewalks. It keeps my mind occupied. I also do it because it's a good time to just get away from all technology. Except for my running watch which I track heart rate with.

Don't do this OP. If you want to make any running gains you can't be pushing your hardest every time. This makes one hate running.

I pinch myself whenever i feel like stopping, it takes your mind of the fatigue, usually by digging my finger nail into the side of my thumb.

I punch my side or legs and it definitely helps. I think it's mostly mental but it feels like it gets the blood flowing too.

For not getting bored, I just constantly think about pace, how I'm feeling, what I need to do to make my run successful. Just stay mentally active

Are you running on a treadmill or something? Running isn’t boring op

I want to lose weight, not gain muscles. Everything has its time

Actually push yourself when you run……

I like just thinking while walking. I seem to have better thoughts when walking.

You think running can get boring? Try swimming alone. It's just you and the burn.

Just do HIIT instead of just running. 1 min sprinting, 2min walking. Rinse and repeat. Set x amount of cycles as goal for the session and keep increasing the amount of cycles.

I find just plain running tedious as fuck, I get shin splints and it's not that easy to get interesting goals (hurr durr now I ran the distance 5s faster than last time). Then I found nice spot close to me place where you can just do 1 min hill sprint and walk down hill for ~2 mins.

Lift weights then. You will lose far more fat AND replace it with strong, dense muscle fiber while lifting as opposed to running.

1st day here?