Literally everybody I know hates this thing, but why?

Literally everybody I know hates this thing, but why?

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Cause no one knows how to use it with correct form.


Pretty cut and dry, retard

Move on to Dragon flags pal

hate? feels good man

dragon flags are way easier that they look

>dragon flags are way easier that they look


>dragon flags are way easier that they look
not really

If you can do a dragonflag with proper hand placement and perfect form, then it is pretty hard


It's really not


ahah jokes on you, im a dyel manlet


T. Manlet

No one is impressed by your 2in rom

I see tons of people who use their hips when doing it.

When people post in CBT and have nice enough abs to get asked what their routine is, usually their routine includes the ab wheel. The eccentric part of the workout is really good for abs.

Cuz it works your abs, and noone needs abs for a big bench or 24" arms

i always feel wierd using them. maybe im just doing it wrong.

It's hard on the back if you don't do it with perfect form, and you have to have a very good core to be able to do it well.

This. You have to really brack yourself and contract your abs throughout the entire movement. Ppl just flail the wheel out and scoop it back. You have to be tight the entire time, and if you lose ab contraction you went to far for your ability.

Exactly. People tend to let their back arch and/or use their legs to pull the wheel, at which point it is no longer a core exercise. The torso and legs should be in a plank position, with the arms being the only moving part.

>rotator cuffs HATE him


I have a hard time using the ab wheel on the day of or after lifting chest. It’s still a god tier ab workout tho. Wish i wasnt such a pussy about it

It hurts my lower back and doesn't hit abs at all... what am I doing wrong?

If you’re feeling it in your back you’ve probably already exhausted your abs so your body resorts to using whatever it can. You’re probably rolling out further than you’re really capable.

Make sure to keep that core as tight as possible and if you feel like your abs are relaxing and the resistance tranfers to your back take a break/longer rest between reps or sets

there are a million ways to do it wrong and they all obliterate your lower back (in a bad way)

i've watched like 10 different form videos on youtube, including athlean who is usually on point but i still can't isolate my abs with it

Squeeze glutes while bringing ribs down towards the pelvis. Then brace as if doing a deadlift or squat.

>athlean x
Dont put that shitheads name in my head

You can have mine, OP.

? Abs are another muscle normies aim for and try and work out a ton. It's another show off muscle, though only once the shirt comes off.

fucked up my knees on one of those things gave me arthritis in the patella