Last one died, no new one in catalog. You know how it goes.
FPH/FPS Motivation Edition
Try to be beautiful instead of just claiming beauty in the same of muh feels.
Don't be a reverse progress picture.
Posting my favourite FPH/FPS again since the last thread died right as i posted it.
>back hurts because of epidural
I had two one year apart and yea it sucks having it and yea it does bring back pain from time to time but that didnt stop me from being active. I know this one broad that said the exact thing and she ballooned big time because of it. Fucking fatties and their excuses I swear
holy shit he went from redditor to slightly ugly normie.
Ahhh. Haven’t read that in a while.
Thanks user, have a (You)
RIP Ralphie May
wait. Is a fat activist saying what i think she is saying?
Always a good read.
what are you talking about dude he went from virgin incel to chad
Obese people are flatulent globes of fat and decay;
They'll go the same way as Ralphie May.
If you think that dorky ugly face is chad, I don't know what to tell you.
pic related from previous thread
Holy shit. Hope this was in Texas and the jury of her peers found hambeast guilty of first degree and put her in the chair.
there's already a female people hate thread up, m8
that's not the same at all though
so glad this is back.
one of my favorites. the psychology of your average fatty is fucking pathetic.
If i were smarter i would work at ER.
i would love to see degenerate and fucked up shit like this.
>hospital is collecting empty trays from a woman who later dies of starvation
>doesn't realize someone stole the food
If this isn't fake this is the worst hospital ever
This was great.
Bitch looks like Fatty Sanderson let herself go.
I know this is a horrible thought but we should fucking false flag insult her for abandoning her cause. pretend to be a fat activist and tell her that size has nothing to do with health and so on.
an old person in a hospital isnt going to have an autopsy, they would see starvation-like symptoms but not necessarily put it down to that, if they thought she was eating
I refuse to believe this
Starvation like symptoms like
>Massive and rapid weightless
>constant complaints of hunger
>frequently saying the fat birch took your food
ayo hol up
is she fucking reversing on the fat positivity?
I don't know when this happened but a large chunk of Tumblr must have been in fucking meltdown
Thanks for the (You)s. These threads just have been moving slower and not as good in general, hence the best FPS in recent history.
Wow Dunkey really improved himself
He is actually a handsome chad I think ya a little jealous my dude
This is an old story though I've seen it posted a few times in these threads.
Give me some motivation to get on a 500 cal diet, I've been eating at 1600 and doing exercise, while the BMR calculators showed me my BMR is around 2000 and still gaining weight.
There is no way I'm going to be a fat fuck, but I think I have to go to the extreme now.
That's impossible, crack down on what you're eating
Mine is 1749 and I'm at 1500 and exercising every day, and I'm losing weight. You don't have to go to the extreme, it'll feel terrible. Just stick with it. It's not quick, but it's worth it.
If you want to go real extreme try /fast/
>gained weight again since school started
>haven't been the gym at all
>been trying to keep my diet up so I don't go full michelin man
>canadian thanksgiving is here and there is nothing but pumpkin pie everything
>the only single food I cannot resist
lord help my fat ass for I have sinned
I'm on seroquel and I think my really low, I suspect it's under 1000 cal. I can go for days without food or with some light snacks like one small sandwich a day, I only feel hungry if I starve for a day, and then it's mostly thirst, if I drink I don't feel hunger.
I never feel hungry on 1600 cal diet, even if I walk 5-10 miles that day.
It sucks, because I'm male and 5'11/200, and look like a fat blob.
Even now I'm making excuses just because I don't want to leave the comfort zone, I'm worried because I don't see people here that go on 500 cal, but I think this is what I'll have to do.
>be 360lb mammoth
>go to liberal college where making fun of fatties is socially unacceptable
>everyone in my apartment is repulsed by my mountains of lard but they don't tell me because in a liberal state that is "rude" and they would not want to be "rude"
>bathe properly and regularly so that i only stink a little bit
>do not eat communal food or make heavy use of communal facilities other than the bathroom because i know as a slob i would be unable to restrain myself
>always clean up after myself almost as though i were a real human bean
>give everyone nice things often
>despite knowing i'm very hideous and kind of stink everyone winds up liking me as a person anyway because i respect them and do nice things for them and do not allow my natural freeloading tendencies as a bovinosaurus to surface under any circumstances
>see fph thread
>"hur a dur not ALL fatties though"
>write this
>*my metabolism is really slow
>Infantry OSUT at Fort Benning, GA
>Fat lazy fuck with the most ironic last name ever (Work) is in my platoon
>Just joined for the bennies
>Becomes sick call ranger and gets put on profile immediately
>Gets even fatter from 2 MREs a day+going full retard at the DFAC
>Always begs us for our coffee packets
>All the other fat fucks lose weight and make it
>Work sweeps floors and gets shat on by the cadre for 12 weeks
Also this fucker clogged our toilet with a shit the size of my forearm.
>>"hur a dur not ALL fatties though"
If this is your mindset you're part of the problem.
You're like relatively redpilled feminists who have pretty cool beliefs but are still a problem because they try to call those beliefs feminism just so they can be like "well not ALL feminists" as if that weren't completely beside the point that feminism in general is a cancer.
yeah this dude is good looking wtf r u talking about
Yeah but for me it's tongue in cheek though.
You must have missed the "hur a dur."
>>"hur a dur not ALL fatties though"
No, it's literally all fatties. Being fat comes with a mindset. If you're fat you have this mindset.
Yeah but having that mindset doesn't necessarily entail not making a regular effort to act against it and correct it, nor does it entail being unsuccessful in any such effort.
refuse to believe this is real
No matter what effort you make to act against it and correct it, f you still hold on to that mindset even the slightest, failure is guaranteed. It's low/no self-efficacy. Slight lack of conviction and the small percentage of the fatty mindset is more than enough to revert back into old habits and completely undo any progress made.
(cont from ) Also, the mindset you're talking about -- it's not just one. There are many, and they're all bad. I guess you could say they all usually boil down to giving up. But giving up comes with less denial in some instances than it does in others. For instance, I'm fat because I gave up on my body. I never deluded myself about this for one instant in any way whatsoever. I simply laid myself down, played dead, and accepted the years-long torrent of shame and junk food face first with no misgivings. Now the force of depression and defeatism is letting up. Now I can breathe again. This change bears no rationalization. There's no need for an excuse. I simply became pathetic for several years and then abruptly stopped being pathetic. I have never once tried to explain it as anything but that. So it's really more of a heart-set than a mindset.
>If you're fat you have this mindset.
>f you still hold on to that mindset even the slightest, failure is guaranteed.
Make up your mind. If you hold both these things to be true -- both that all fatties have the mindset, and that no one who has the mindset can lose weight --
then you are claiming that no fatties can lose weight. For my own sake, I refuse to believe that.
hes saying you need to change the mindset you dummy
That much is obvious. However, he's also saying -- or was saying, before this point -- that the conditions of having changed the mindset and still being fat are mutually exclusive. "If you're fat you have this mindset." This ignores the fact that losing weight takes time. As does changing a mindset, actually. I'm currently in this transition period myself -- the one he's claiming doesn't exist, possibly without realizing it.
no one cares about your opinions you fucking meteorite
Good, then I trust you don't mind me continuing to practice expressing them.
Thats not mutually exclusive, one could change their mindset and still be fat as it takes longer, or one could lose weight and not change their mindset, thus falling into the same old traps and becoming fat again. You may have banished the fatty mindset yourself but that was still the thing that got you where you were.
Just lose the weight.
If you aren't actively working on weight loss then you have the same mindset as every other worthless tub of lard.
What's a good mindset to have? T. Fatty
That's what I'm saying. It's not mutually exclusive. That was my point from the beginning.
Doing it.
I am. Why is everyone assuming I'm not already doing this? What else would I be on Veeky Forums for?
>"I'm gonna fucking lose weight. I will do everything I can to lose weight. I will not eat shit. I will not skip workouts. I'm gonna fucking lose weight"
T. Ex fatass
The drive to improve. If that's not enough, hating yourself for being fat works, but self-hatred isn't healthy.
>Why is everyone assuming I'm not already doing this?
Maybe because you're defending being fat you lying pig.
"I am perfection. I am godhood. Pain is an illusion. I am supremacy."
I have an extremely retarded question pls no bully
Do I have to redrink the amount of water I lost through pissing?
Nigga is that jim sterling
Unironically this
Rise above the degeneracy of the world.
And? Yeah. I'm defending being fat. Specifically, I'm defending trying your best to be a decent person while fat, and though I didn't mention it in my first post because I felt it went without saying, that does of course include losing weight. Do you have a problem with that? Do you want to tell me something about how all fatties, without exception, even those improving, should accept any and all hate toward them and have no right to self respect or self esteem, just because they haven't made it yet?
>Impling a change** in mindset isn't what was being implied from the beginning
I understand that change takes time. However, with EVERY fattie that I've encountered, they use this as an excuse to give themselves room to intentionally fuck around and constantly chase their tail in making any progress. Of course, it takes time to have a solid change in mindset, but you're using this as an excuse to ride the fence for as long as possible because you know that you have an addiction that you don't want to kick.
Dunkey is a black Puerto Rican remember.
Yes. Self-hatred is literally what initiates self-improvement. Then gradually, over time, you begin to realize that you're doing this because you love your body enough to become healthy.
>you're using this as an excuse to ride the fence for as long as possible because you know that you have an addiction that you don't want to kick.
Incorrect, I eat 1600 cals a day max.
>Incorrect, I eat 1600 cals a day max.
You're already fucking up
didn't she get famous overnight for something and started making a lot of money? I'm poor and even I know this is how poor people tard themselves back into being poor. Most of the time when poor people get windfalls they spend it on stupid shit like $400 of tacos. holy shit
I mean, over time, yeah. That's how hydration works. Don't go measuring your piss or anything man. Just try to drink a gallon or so of water a day.
Yeah, but we're talking about cases where self hatred has already done all it can. Since I hated myself disproportionately even for my weight -- so much that it hindered my progress, and I've only been able to lose a meaningful amount of weight by getting over the hate, not by reveling in it, which only caused me to stagnate not only in weight loss but in all the pursuits of my life -- why shouldn't I continue to accept myself as I am, not enough to comfortably stay there but enough to move forward at all? Are you saying you want to drag me back into stagnation?
I know what you're probably thinking -- that I don't get what you're saying, you're saying the self hate was WHY I emerged from the stagnation and therefore I shouldn't give it up now. Well, sorry, but in my case, you're wrong.
No I'm not, I'm succeeding at a reasonable pace and have been doing so consistently for a considerable time.
You have to drink more, the water doesn't all go straight through you.
Though I'd doubt it'll do you much good to calculate that shit. Just drink a gallon, maybe a gallon and a half a day
If this is the mindset behind this "movement", I'm honestly more disgusted than I have ever been before. It has nothing to do with 'body acceptance" and everything to do with wallowing in your delusions because destroying yourself in the name of hedonism is somehow better than the short term suffering that comes with not feeding every addiction you have.
Obesity is a disease
>self-hatred has already done all it can
There are other variables at play here that you need to figure out my guy.
>why shouldn't I continue to accept myself as I am, not enough to comfortably stay there but enough to move forward at all?
Because this will get you absolutely nowhere. Stop being a pussy, you're sounding like those leftist snowflakes that you were talking about at your college.
>Are you saying you want to drag me back into stagnation?
No, I'm saying that you need to stop making excuses as to why you're not making progress.
Believe me, I used to be 374 pounds, 6' tall. I've used every excuse in the book when I started. It was only when I got the fuck over myself and realized I'm a complete subhuman bitch if I can't control my habits.
You are literally telling us word by word why you become stagnant. >I should accept myself for who I am >yes I'm defending being fat
We can argue on here all day, it will literally do no good until you do exactly what you know you need to do.
No. You aren't.
It's going to come to a screeching fucking halt because you won't take advice from people (not talking about here) who know what they're talking about and know several times the information on fitness and health than you do.