wtf happened to moot?
Wtf happened to moot?
Other urls found in this thread:
he works at google now
>imagine how much the other employees tease him about this site
he's a hacker from /a/
>hey moot
>remember that time you made a hugely popular website
>you fucking loser
>he works at google now
He left to have a somewhat successful career in a top tier firm after wasting his youth dealing with our shit day in, day out. He deserves more, actually.
>tfw moot left before you
What the fuck does he even do at Google?
Does he just sit on some bullshit 'creative team' as a 'talent director' or whatever and cash in the shekels?
here read it and find out
moot is a faggot and a cuck
Everyone that works at Google deserves to be executed
You have to go back.
This and this.
Motherfucker the website you are currently wasting your adolescence on to be an edgy faggot exists because of him, maybe thats why you hate him I suppose.
What a childish thing to say
he never really gave up control. He just has more ppl in between him and any legal troubles arising from the site
2 fucking grams of test. 2!!!! does nobody see how fucking absurd this is?
Moot is aesthetic as fuck
What's more absurd is him running creatine
he crashed and burned after he stopped lifting though, this is a more recent picture
hey m00t
thats actually exactly what he does.
>Motherfucker the website you are currently wasting your adolescence on to be an edgy faggot exists because of him, maybe thats why you hate him I suppose.
...and this has nothing to do with him being a faggot and a cuck, does it?
He looks like shit for running so much gear. Lol he puts Boston lyod to shame on the "who can run the most steroids and still look natty" contest. Looks pretty good though
>moot left
Hahahahahaha don't be fucking stupid
moot still browses Veeky Forums, he just can't use the super cool red tripfagging
>tfw too intelligent to run a sensible cycle
He developed this website to find African men interested in Japanese crossdressing roleplay in order to fuel an amorous habit with his then girlfriend that unbeknownst to him was spiraling increasingly out of control
I guarantee you that's not moot. Don't see how you could think that's him, desu senpai.
>tfw moot a big guy
>not for us
Why even live
>tfw moot stepped down from being an admin and you're still here
you retards realize this cycle is fake as fuck?
if this were true, he would be running TWO different kinds of test (and not just at the start of his cycle) + tren and a fuck ton of other roids
>remember that time you made a hugely popular website
lets not kid ourselves here
>remember that time that you created a website that shaped western youth culture for years to come
>western youth culture
the 5 steps to making it
>Realize you need to make a change
>start lifting
>begin counting calories
>get a grill
>leave Veeky Forums forever
motherfucker took step 5 a fucking mile further and sold Veeky Forums
Well sure, it impacted western culture as a whole, but I feel the most clear cut case of 4chans influence on the kids is the proliferation of memes, which is especially visible in youth culture.
>remember that time you made a website that you sold for a bunch of money
>bunch of money
the company he works for now was sold for a bunch of money
i always imagine moot as the disgruntled retard that watched his peers get sold for literal billions of dollars, even twitter was like 250mil and that shit is cancer.
And what did moot get? sued?
>>leave Veeky Forums forever
I've been stuck at this step for 10 years. But the shit I've learnt accomplished because of this and other boards makes it worth it, at least its better than faceberg or twatter.
Yeah three different orals + two kinds of test, one of which being over 2 grams, + tren. That's surpassing rich piano territory
>Not being a cookie monster with a pin cushion fetish.
He got jacked, didn't you look at the picture before you posted it?
This. I used to wonder how badly you had to fuck up in a previous life to found a massively popular and influential website and just make no money from it and be in horrible debt. Like, you founded a cultural force that likely swayed the last presidential election, and nobody other than porn advertisers wants to touch you. Jesus.
Now he has a nice respectable job and makes six figures. Good for moot, I am happy for him.
Don't forget all the shit from the alphabet agencies he had to deal with because of the constant mass shootings/terrorist actions undertaken by people on this site. Also yeah, Veeky Forums isn't worth shit, you can't really monetize something like this b/c there just aren't that many advertisers who wan't to put their adds up on boards where nazism is considered funny and cp/bestiality/high score threads happen regularly.
>impacted western culture as a whole
he never completely left us. he's developing an algorithm so that when google decides to monopolize a corporate economy, he'll bring it down with one fell swoop.