How the Absolute this shit possible

How the Absolute this shit possible

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The old Bitcoin being left behind.

bitcoin cash does what bitcoin took 5years to do in 5 months

>le satoshis vision
>le actual centralization and complete market control by a group of devs who will ruin crypto and blockchain before it even had the chance to go mainstream

how much are you being paid to shill btw? are you one of those with a 1 week old reddit account too that has nothing but BCH shills on it?

>omplete market control by a group of devs who will ruin crypto and blockchain before it even had the chance to go mainstream
You mean blockstream?

Seriously why would you buy alts right now?

Lets say you have 250 bucks of bitcoin you bought at 7k, now that bitcoin is 5.5k it is worth 200 bucks and any alts u buy will be with 200 bucks not 250 so you not only get less as alts havent dropped in SATS only in dollar value because bitcoin has dropped.


because people are sick of paying $10 in transaction fees and waiting for days for transactions to go through

not even holding BCC, I'd rather LTC/VTC/GRS to succeed but at least this is better than BTC

Because I didn't expect this shit to happen.
Put 3000 usd into a couple alts last week and will have another 1000usd this week, but I think I'm going to wait for a little and see what happens.

Can someone explain why they didn't plan for lots of bitcoin transactions if they designed it to replace the dollar?

BTC developers did. They had scaling solutions discussed but the miners did not approve of it. Hence there was years of arguing over how to scale Bitcoin and subsequently the hard forks.

For comparison, a credit card will process 200,000 transactions within a second. Bitcoin with 1 MB blocks is limited to ~3 transactions per second. You increase block sizes by 8 MB, which was the on-chain scaling solution BCH decided upon, that transactions per second is increased to 24 or 25. With increased block sizes you also increase the bandwidth and hard drive space used by full nodes.

HOWEVER, the problem is that you need a lot of full nodes in order to enforce the rules of the network and not give miners free reign on creating transactions. Which the case was that people are not downloading the full blockchain anymore and instead shifting to keeping their funds on an exchange or connecting to an electrum wallet. With a block size increase, one can expect this will further more be the case.

Yeah really... and these (((transactions fees))) are literally 3-4x more than the Jew banks that this stupid shit what supposed to replace? What a fucking joke.... I'm getting Jewed 4x harder in Bitcoin than I would just day trading stocks like I normally do.

Not to mention everyone is here is 100x the faggot you find in traditional NYSE trading circles.

How the fuck is any of this "putting the power in the peoples hands". No it's not.

>How the fuck is any of this "putting the power in the peoples hands". No it's not.
It was putting power in the people's hands when you simply were able to manage your own funds and there is no centralized control over the network. You really need to realize now the miners are strongarming their influence over the network. They collect the BTC fees, they're promoting their hardfork of BTC, AND pumping the price of BCH.

>Bitcoin is decentralized
>Nobody has power over it
>Except the mining cartel, jew exchanges with 4x fee's as NYSE, coding team needed to keep the core it up to date if/when they feel like it.
The amount of cognitive dissonance in your post is baffling. Same phenomena occurs inside cults. All logic is tossed aside and replaced by some type of religious belief system that is never explained.... just "felt".

Whatever dude.... I thought day traders on the NYSE were stupid, but this crowd is 2x as dumb.

>They collect the BTC fees, they're promoting their hardfork of BTC, AND pumping the price of BCH.
>published in July
This is lining up perfectly.
It describes Segwit2x being canceled and the pump for BCH. The fact that the majority of the volume for BCH comes from Korean exchanges (because China banned bitcoin exchanges) loosely supports this.

If BCH was so good, why was it dumped when it first launched on August and only receiving enthusiasm now? Reminder that Jihan Wu, the primarily figure behind BCH does not want Segwit because it interferes with ASICBOOST exploit and his business of selling bitcoin ASICs and mining hardware. Meanwhile there were many other altcoins that incorporated Segwit into their networks without user backlash.

Is it really part of "Satoshi's vision" to have an oligarchy of miners and mining hardware manufactuerers that influence the market over gesturing? Just like how Bitcoin rose just because Segwit was signaled for back in August. Or how Segwit2x hardfork was gestured to happen, but later canceled.

Faggot I am just as outraged over it as you are if not more.

Turns out letting your chain become literally unusable makes it worse...


I am explicitly saying mining cartels have power over the network via influence. BCH is essentially their tighter leash.

Dont be so ignorant and regret later.


I never bought the mystical hype. I know it's all one pozi scheme after another. That is what market trading is. I come from Day Trading NYSE. It's the exact same fucking shit, only 500x more the risk and 4x the fee's. These exchanges are stone age compared to NYSE broker platforms and stock screeners like

These alt-coins are just "penny stocks" on the NYSE. Same scalping methods apply. Don't you guys know that??? I mean, you don't actually believe any of this shit is NEW. The only thing new is using P2P tech (blockchain) So what...

People are fucking stupid man. People need mystical beliefs. It's weird. They need the special magic man off in the distance. OMG he's almost here!

Magic man!

Just buy low and sell high like these fucking apes have done for 2,000+ years. There is nothing new about this.

I personally saw how useful Bitcoin was when European Identarians wanted to fundraise to get a boat. What happened was they were blocked from conventional crowdfunding platforms and eventually had to resort to Bitcoin (in which there they were successfully funded).

We need to release the WordPress version of Bitcoin Exchanges. So anyone can open their own exchange... otherwise these Kikes are going to monopolize the transaction infrastructure.

>miss out on btc at 300$ for a SECOND TIME
>i am professional day trader

Didn't even make sense. There are thousands of stocks on the NYSE... omg you missed one of them, you're not pro, hurrrrr.

Dumbfuck... and who said I missed BTC in 8 years ago? What are you a nigger? I know Veeky Forums is filled with actual niggers in '17

Did a test run small transaction of BTC to BCH wallet hours ago.... pending, pending, pending. LOL, what a fucking nigger show.

always do small test transactions before making large ones. These exchanges are pajeet spaceships walking on thin ice run by fat nigger lovers in san francisco.

$75 on transaction fees today playing around with only $1000 testing these exchanges. LOL! fucking kikes to the max. It cost $2.50 a trade at my broker.... and I guess that fag grasshopper app doesn't charge anything.

$75 in fees sent straight into the hands of some white jew faggot in san francisco. Eating a steak with my fee money. "We're killing the jew banks" hurrrrrr

Where the fuck are you guys paying these fees? I've not paid anything so big when moving transactions around.

Hey guys ive been off the web for a while.

So the second fork didnt work? Didnt have enough support and thats why we are see the bitcoin price drop?

I have BCC from the last fork, is bitcoin gold basically what the new fork was trying to achieve?

I sold all my BCH at $300. Just kill me now.

maybe you can buy back when it hits 200 lol

I can't get verified at GDax by their automated faggot identifier. Six god damn attempts photoing DL. Zero god live support. Non-existent email. No Phone number. "We service millions of members" hurrrrr. Nickle and dime you in/out every which way. You buy, you pay. You sell, you pay. You send to another wallet, you pay. You like hi-tech life? too bad... you wait 7 fucking days for 2 day ACH deposit. Whats that? you want to buy direct from a linked and verified bank account... 10 fucking day wait asshole.

I'm over at Kracken Tier One verification. Going on 5 hour pending status. No email... no nothing.... this is legit tranny faggot san francisco white cock sucker websites started in a garage making millions but can't hire an army of ex-NYSE programmers to bring their pajeet spaceships up to global standards.

If I had their bankroll, these exchanges wold be world class within 30-45 days.

These white homosexuals are charging fees like they expect the apocalypse tomorrow morning.

>you wait 7 fucking days for 2 day ACH deposit.
I get you there. I'm waiting a week and a half for my usd deposit to go through. I'm actually glad though because if I wasn't waiting on it I would have already put it into btc.

>this is legit tranny faggot san francisco white cock sucker websites started in a garage making millions but can't hire an army of ex-NYSE programmers to bring their pajeet spaceships up to global standards.
Fucking giggling about this lol you're funny.